JT Harness Binary Distribution
Version 4.1.4

June 2008


Table of Contents

Run JT Harness
About This Release
Changes Since JT Harness, Version 3.2
Usage Notes


The JT harness is based on Sun Microsystem's JavaTest harness. The JT harness is a general purpose, fully-featured, flexible, and configurable test harness very well suited for most types of unit testing. Originally developed as a test harness to run TCK test suites, it has since evolved into a general purpose test platform.

The JT harness:

JT harness 4.1.4 is a milestone release.
Users are encouraged to try JT harness, participate in the community, and contribute to further development.

This binary release contains a built version of the JT harness (lib/javatest.jar) and a tutorial that introduces you to the JT harness graphical user interface.


The JT harness binary distribution is laid out as follows:

Contains the licenses and Sun Microsystems copyrights that apply to this open source product.
Contains the JT harness binary javatest.jar, the JUnit binary jt-junit.jar, and support libraries.
Contains documentation that accompanies the JT harness product.
Contains the JT harness tutorial (tutorial.html)


The JT harness tutorial includes an HTML tutorial that uses an example API and testsuite to introduce you to the JT harness graphical user interface. Follow these steps to run the tutorial:
  1. Make examples/tutorial your current directory
  2. Open tutorial.html in your web browser and follow the step-by-step directions


The JT harness requires the technologies listed in the following table.
Technology Where to Get It Notes
JDK™ version 1.5 or later

Run JT Harness

Run the JT harness using the following command:

% java -jar javatest.jar

Note: Typically, a user executes JT harness in the context of a test suite. Read the tutorial documentation for instructions about how to execute JT harness with the tutorial example test suite.

About This Release

The JT harness Version 4.1.4 is a bug fix release.

Bugs Fixed in Release 4.1.4

This maintenance release of the harness contains fixes for the following bugs:

Bug ID Description
6682048 Results from WorkDirectory are not restored when the directory is re-opened.
6426603 Report backup mechanism is not effective.
6562026 i18n warning messages in wdc.existsNotWorkDir_convert.txt.
Issue 25 CustomTestResultViewer viewer tabs disappear improperly.
Issue 40 Create workdir: button isn't enabled after pasting name.

Known Bugs in Release 4.1.4

This release of the harness contains the following known bugs:

Bug ID Description
6408803 Audit checksum check may fail unexpectedly.
6356516 Test list tabs may not be enabled or disabled correctly. Reselect folder to refresh.
6420603 "Refresh" after testpack installation causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException sometimes

Changes Since JT Harness, Version 3.2

The JT harness Version 4.1.1 release provided basic changes in the following areas:

Version 4.1.2 was a bug fix release.

Version 4.1.3 added support for test suites based on JUnit 3.8.x and 4.x and also addressed bug fixes.

Usage Notes

Run JT Harness with Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 5.0 or later. Note that the search capability in the online help does not work correctly after Java SE 5.0_03.

Printing Pages from the Online Help and Test Reports

Because of the method the Java SE platform uses to render fonts, when you print a document from the harness user interface, the fonts in the printed documents are larger than they are when rendered on the screen.

The JT Harness User's Guide has been provided in PDF form for you use in printing pages from the documents. While the online help viewer supports printing operations, in some cases you may be unable to use it to print a specific page. If this occurs, use the PDF version of the appropriate User's Guide to print the page. Printing of non-HTML report types is not supported. Users are informed of this when they attempt to print a non-HTML report type. Support will be added for this in a future release.

Changing Status Colors in the GUI

JT Harness allows the user to specify the status colors used in the GUI. See the online help for detailed information about changing the default status colors.

Agent Monitor Tool

The Agent Monitor tool may not apply to all test suites, even if the test suite uses an agent. See your test suite documentation for detailed information about the agent that it uses and its use of the Agent Monitor tool.

Copyright © 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. The JT Harness project is released under the GNU General Public License Version 2 (GPLv2)