Package javafx.scene.transform

package javafx.scene.transform

Provides the set of convenient classes to perform rotating, scaling, shearing, and translation transformations for Affine objects.

  • Class
    The Affine class represents a general affine transform.
    Specifies type of transformation matrix.
    The NonInvertibleTransformException class represents an exception that is thrown if an operation is performed requiring the inverse of a Transform object which is in a non-invertible state.
    This class represents an Affine object that rotates coordinates around an anchor point.
    This class represents an Affine object that scales coordinates by the specified factors.
    This class represents an Affine object that shears coordinates by the specified multipliers.
    This class is a base class for different affine transformations.
    This event is fired on a transform when any of its properties changes.
    This class represents an Affine object that translates coordinates by the specified factors.