Class KeyCodeCombination


public final class KeyCodeCombination extends KeyCombination
This class represents a key combination in which the main key is specified by its KeyCode. Such key combination is independent on the keyboard functional layout configured by the user at the time of key combination matching.
JavaFX 2.0
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • KeyCodeCombination Link icon

      Constructs a KeyCodeCombination for the specified main key and with an explicit specification of all modifier keys. Each modifier key can be set to PRESSED, RELEASED or IGNORED.
      code - the key code of the main key
      shift - the value of the shift modifier key
      control - the value of the control modifier key
      alt - the value of the alt modifier key
      meta - the value of the meta modifier key
      shortcut - the value of the shortcut modifier key
    • KeyCodeCombination Link icon

      public KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode code, KeyCombination.Modifier... modifiers)
      Constructs a KeyCodeCombination for the specified main key and with the specified list of modifiers. All modifier keys which are not explicitly listed are set to the default RELEASED value.

      All possible modifiers which change the default modifier value are defined as constants in the KeyCombination class.

      code - the key code of the main key
      modifiers - the list of modifier keys and their corresponding values
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getCode Link icon

      public final KeyCode getCode()
      Gets the key code associated with this key combination.
      The key code associated with this key combination
    • match Link icon

      public boolean match(KeyEvent event)
      Tests whether this key combination matches the key combination in the given KeyEvent. It uses only the key code and the state of the modifier keys from the KeyEvent in the test. This means that the method can return true only for KEY_PRESSED and KEY_RELEASED events, but not for KEY_TYPED events, which don't have valid key codes.
      match in class KeyCombination
      event - the key event
      true if the key combinations match, false otherwise
    • getName Link icon

      public String getName()
      Returns a string representation of this KeyCodeCombination.

      The string representation consists of sections separated by plus characters. Each section specifies either a modifier key or the main key.

      A modifier key section contains the KeyCode name of a modifier key. It can be prefixed with the Ignored keyword. A non-prefixed modifier key implies its PRESSED value while the prefixed version implies the IGNORED value. If some modifier key is not specified in the string at all, it means it has the default RELEASED value.

      The main key section contains the key code name of the main key and is the last section in the returned string.

      getName in class KeyCombination
      the string representation of this KeyCodeCombination
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests whether this KeyCodeCombination equals to the specified object.
      equals in class KeyCombination
      obj - the object to compare to
      true if the objects are equal, false otherwise
    • hashCode Link icon

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for this KeyCodeCombination.
      hashCode in class KeyCombination
      the hash code value