Uses of Class

Packages that use PickResult
Provides the set of classes for mouse and keyboard input event handling.
  • Uses of PickResult in javafx.scene.input Link icon

    Methods in javafx.scene.input that return PickResult
    Modifier and Type
    Returns information about the pick.
    Returns information about the pick.
    Returns information about the pick.
    Returns information about the pick.
    Returns information about the pick.
    Methods in javafx.scene.input with parameters of type PickResult
    Modifier and Type
    MouseEvent.copyForMouseDragEvent(MouseEvent e, Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<MouseDragEvent> type, Object gestureSource, PickResult pickResult)
    Creates a copy of this mouse event of MouseDragEvent type
    Constructors in javafx.scene.input with parameters of type PickResult
    ContextMenuEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<ContextMenuEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean keyboardTrigger, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new ContextMenu event.
    ContextMenuEvent(EventType<ContextMenuEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean keyboardTrigger, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new ContextMenu event with empty source and target.
    DragEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<DragEvent> eventType, Dragboard dragboard, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, TransferMode transferMode, Object gestureSource, Object gestureTarget, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new DragEvent event.
    DragEvent(EventType<DragEvent> eventType, Dragboard dragboard, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, TransferMode transferMode, Object gestureSource, Object gestureTarget, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new DragEvent event with empty source and target.
    GestureEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<? extends GestureEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new GestureEvent event.
    GestureEvent(EventType<? extends GestureEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new GestureEvent event with empty source and target
    MouseDragEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<MouseDragEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean backButtonDown, boolean forwardButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, PickResult pickResult, Object gestureSource)
    Constructs new MouseDragEvent event.
    MouseDragEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<MouseDragEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, PickResult pickResult, Object gestureSource)
    Constructs new MouseDragEvent event.
    MouseDragEvent(EventType<MouseDragEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, PickResult pickResult, Object gestureSource)
    Constructs new MouseDragEvent event with null source and target.
    MouseEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean backButtonDown, boolean forwardButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event.
    MouseEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event.
    MouseEvent(EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean backButtonDown, boolean forwardButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event with null source and target.
    MouseEvent(EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event with null source and target.
    RotateEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<RotateEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, double angle, double totalAngle, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new RotateEvent event.
    RotateEvent(EventType<RotateEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, double angle, double totalAngle, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new RotateEvent event with null source and target
    ScrollEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<ScrollEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, double deltaX, double deltaY, double totalDeltaX, double totalDeltaY, ScrollEvent.HorizontalTextScrollUnits textDeltaXUnits, double textDeltaX, ScrollEvent.VerticalTextScrollUnits textDeltaYUnits, double textDeltaY, int touchCount, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new ScrollEvent event.
    ScrollEvent(EventType<ScrollEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, double deltaX, double deltaY, double totalDeltaX, double totalDeltaY, double multiplierX, double multiplierY, ScrollEvent.HorizontalTextScrollUnits textDeltaXUnits, double textDeltaX, ScrollEvent.VerticalTextScrollUnits textDeltaYUnits, double textDeltaY, int touchCount, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new ScrollEvent event with null source and target
    ScrollEvent(EventType<ScrollEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, double deltaX, double deltaY, double totalDeltaX, double totalDeltaY, ScrollEvent.HorizontalTextScrollUnits textDeltaXUnits, double textDeltaX, ScrollEvent.VerticalTextScrollUnits textDeltaYUnits, double textDeltaY, int touchCount, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new ScrollEvent event with null source and target
    SwipeEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<SwipeEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, int touchCount, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new SwipeEvent event.
    SwipeEvent(EventType<SwipeEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, int touchCount, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new SwipeEvent event with null source and target.
    TouchPoint(int id, TouchPoint.State state, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, EventTarget target, PickResult pickResult)
    Creates new instance of TouchPoint.
    ZoomEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<ZoomEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, double zoomFactor, double totalZoomFactor, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new ZoomEvent event.
    ZoomEvent(EventType<ZoomEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean direct, boolean inertia, double zoomFactor, double totalZoomFactor, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new ZoomEvent event with null source and target.