
Class Media


public final class Media extends Object
The Media class represents a media resource. It is instantiated from the string form of a source URI. Information about the media such as duration, metadata, tracks, and video resolution may be obtained from a Media instance. The media information is obtained asynchronously and so not necessarily available immediately after instantiation of the class. All information should however be available if the instance has been associated with a MediaPlayer and that player has transitioned to MediaPlayer.Status.READY status. To be notified when metadata or Tracks are added, observers may be registered with the collections returned by getMetadata()and getTracks(), respectively.

The same Media object may be shared among multiple MediaPlayer objects. Such a shared instance might manage a single copy of the source media data to be used by all players, or it might require a separate copy of the data for each player. The choice of implementation will not however have any effect on player behavior at the interface level.

JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Property Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • Media Link icon

      public Media(String source)
      Constructs a Media instance. This is the only way to specify the media source. The source must represent a valid URI and is immutable. Only HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, and JAR URLs are supported. If the provided URL is invalid then an exception will be thrown. If an asynchronous error occurs, the error property will be set. Listen to this property to be notified of any such errors.

      If the source uses a non-blocking protocol such as FILE, then any problems which can be detected immediately will cause a MediaException to be thrown. Such problems include the media being inaccessible or in an unsupported format. If however a potentially blocking protocol such as HTTP is used, then the connection will be initialized asynchronously so that these sorts of errors will be signaled by setting the error property.


      • The supplied URI must conform to RFC-2396 as required by
      • Only HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, and JAR URIs are supported.

      See for more information about URI formatting in general. JAR URL syntax is specified in

      source - The URI of the source media.
      NullPointerException - if the URI string is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the URI string does not conform to RFC-2396 or, if appropriate, the Jar URL specification, or is in a non-compliant form which cannot be modified to a compliant form.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the URI string has a null scheme.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the protocol specified for the source is not supported.
      MediaException - if the media source cannot be connected (type MediaException.Type.MEDIA_INACCESSIBLE) or is not supported (type MediaException.Type.MEDIA_UNSUPPORTED).
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getError Link icon

      public final MediaException getError()
      Return any error encountered in the media.
      a MediaException or null if there is no error.
    • errorProperty Link icon

      public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<MediaException> errorProperty()
      A property set to a MediaException value when an error occurs. If error is non-null, then the media could not be loaded and is not usable. If onError is non-null, it will be invoked when the error property is set.
      the error property
      See Also:
    • setOnError Link icon

      public final void setOnError(Runnable value)
      Set the event handler to be called when an error occurs.
      value - the error event handler.
    • getOnError Link icon

      public final Runnable getOnError()
      Retrieve the error handler to be called if an error occurs.
      the error handler or null if none is defined.
    • onErrorProperty Link icon

      public ObjectProperty<Runnable> onErrorProperty()
      Event handler called when an error occurs. This will happen if a malformed or invalid URL is passed to the constructor or there is a problem accessing the URL.
      the onError property
      See Also:
    • getMetadata Link icon

      public final ObservableMap<String,Object> getMetadata()
      Retrieve the metadata contained in this media source. If there are no metadata, the returned ObservableMap will be empty.
      the metadata contained in this media source.
    • getWidth Link icon

      public final int getWidth()
      Retrieve the width in pixels of the media.
      the media width or zero if the width is undefined or unknown.
    • widthProperty Link icon

      public ReadOnlyIntegerProperty widthProperty()
      The width in pixels of the source media. This may be zero if the media has no width, e.g., when playing audio, or if the width is currently unknown which may occur with streaming media.
      the width property
      See Also:
    • getHeight Link icon

      public final int getHeight()
      Retrieve the height in pixels of the media.
      the media height or zero if the height is undefined or unknown.
    • heightProperty Link icon

      public ReadOnlyIntegerProperty heightProperty()
      The height in pixels of the source media. This may be zero if the media has no height, e.g., when playing audio, or if the height is currently unknown which may occur with streaming media.
      the height property
      See Also:
    • getDuration Link icon

      public final Duration getDuration()
      Retrieve the duration in seconds of the media.
      the duration of the media, Duration.UNKNOWN if unknown or Duration.INDEFINITE for live streams
    • durationProperty Link icon

      public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Duration> durationProperty()
      The duration in seconds of the source media. If the media duration is unknown then this property value will be Duration.UNKNOWN.
      the duration property
      See Also:
    • getTracks Link icon

      public final ObservableList<Track> getTracks()
      Retrieve the tracks contained in this media source. If there are no tracks, the returned ObservableList will be empty.
      the tracks contained in this media source.
    • getMarkers Link icon

      public final ObservableMap<String,Duration> getMarkers()
      Retrieve the markers defined on this Media instance. If there are no markers the returned ObservableMap will be empty. Programmatic markers may be added by inserting entries in the returned Map.
      the markers defined on this media source.
    • getSource Link icon

      public String getSource()
      Retrieve the source URI of the media.
      the media source URI as a String.