Interface ParameterizedType

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ParameterizedType extends Type
ParameterizedType represents a parameterized type such as Collection<String>.

A parameterized type is created the first time it is needed by a reflective method, as specified in this package. When a parameterized type p is created, the generic class or interface declaration that p instantiates is resolved, and all type arguments of p are created recursively. See TypeVariable for details on the creation process for type variables. Repeated creation of a parameterized type has no effect.

Instances of classes that implement this interface must implement an equals() method that equates any two instances that share the same generic class or interface declaration and have equal type parameters.

See Java Language Specification:
4.5 Parameterized Types
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an array of Type objects representing the actual type arguments to this type.
    Returns a Type object representing the type that this type is a member of.
    Returns the Type object representing the class or interface that declared this type.

    Methods declared in interface java.lang.reflect.Type

  • Method Details

    • getActualTypeArguments

      Type[] getActualTypeArguments()
      Returns an array of Type objects representing the actual type arguments to this type.

      Note that in some cases, the returned array be empty. This can occur if this type represents a non-parameterized type nested within a parameterized type.

      an array of Type objects representing the actual type arguments to this type
      TypeNotPresentException - if any of the actual type arguments refers to a non-existent class or interface declaration
      MalformedParameterizedTypeException - if any of the actual type parameters refer to a parameterized type that cannot be instantiated for any reason
    • getRawType

      Type getRawType()
      Returns the Type object representing the class or interface that declared this type.
      API Note:
      All ParameterizedType objects from core reflection return a Class. The static Type return type allows other implementations to represent classes and interfaces not in the current runtime.
      the Type object representing the class or interface that declared this type
    • getOwnerType

      Type getOwnerType()
      Returns a Type object representing the type that this type is a member of. For example, if this type is O<T>.I<S>, return a representation of O<T>.

      If this type is a top-level type, null is returned.

      a Type object representing the type that this type is a member of. If this type is a top-level type, null is returned
      TypeNotPresentException - if the owner type refers to a non-existent class or interface declaration
      MalformedParameterizedTypeException - if the owner type refers to a parameterized type that cannot be instantiated for any reason