Interface HttpClient.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static interface HttpClient.Builder
A builder of HTTP Clients.

Builders are created by invoking newBuilder. Each of the setter methods modifies the state of the builder and returns the same instance. Builders are not thread-safe and should not be used concurrently from multiple threads without external synchronization.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • cookieHandler

      HttpClient.Builder cookieHandler(CookieHandler cookieHandler)
      Sets a cookie handler.
      cookieHandler - the cookie handler
      this builder
    • connectTimeout

      HttpClient.Builder connectTimeout(Duration duration)
      Sets the connect timeout duration for this client.

      In the case where a new connection needs to be established, if the connection cannot be established within the given duration, then HttpClient::send throws an HttpConnectTimeoutException, or HttpClient::sendAsync completes exceptionally with an HttpConnectTimeoutException. If a new connection does not need to be established, for example if a connection can be reused from a previous request, then this timeout duration has no effect.

      duration - the duration to allow the underlying connection to be established
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the duration is non-positive
    • sslContext

      HttpClient.Builder sslContext(SSLContext sslContext)
      Sets an SSLContext.

      If this method is not invoked prior to building, then newly built clients will use the default context, which is normally adequate for client applications that do not need to specify protocols, or require client authentication.

      sslContext - the SSLContext
      this builder
    • sslParameters

      HttpClient.Builder sslParameters(SSLParameters sslParameters)
      Sets an SSLParameters.

      If this method is not invoked prior to building, then newly built clients will use a default, implementation specific, set of parameters.

      Some parameters which are used internally by the HTTP Client implementation (such as the application protocol list) should not be set by callers, as they may be ignored. The contents of the given object are copied.

      sslParameters - the SSLParameters
      this builder
    • executor

      HttpClient.Builder executor(Executor executor)
      Sets the executor to be used for asynchronous and dependent tasks.

      If this method is not invoked prior to building, a default executor is created for each newly built HttpClient.

      Implementation Note:
      The default executor uses a thread pool, with a custom thread factory.
      executor - the Executor
      this builder
    • followRedirects

      HttpClient.Builder followRedirects(HttpClient.Redirect policy)
      Specifies whether requests will automatically follow redirects issued by the server.

      If this method is not invoked prior to building, then newly built clients will use a default redirection policy of NEVER.

      policy - the redirection policy
      this builder
    • version

      Requests a specific HTTP protocol version where possible.

      If this method is not invoked prior to building, then newly built clients will prefer HTTP/2.

      If set to HTTP/2, then each request will attempt to upgrade to HTTP/2. If the upgrade succeeds, then the response to this request will use HTTP/2 and all subsequent requests and responses to the same origin server will use HTTP/2. If the upgrade fails, then the response will be handled using HTTP/1.1

      Implementation Note:
      Constraints may also affect the selection of protocol version. For example, if HTTP/2 is requested through a proxy, and if the implementation does not support this mode, then HTTP/1.1 may be used
      version - the requested HTTP protocol version
      this builder
    • priority

      HttpClient.Builder priority(int priority)
      Sets the default priority for any HTTP/2 requests sent from this client. The value provided must be between 1 and 256 (inclusive).
      priority - the priority weighting
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given priority is out of range
    • proxy

      HttpClient.Builder proxy(ProxySelector proxySelector)
      API Note:
      ProxySelector::of provides a ProxySelector which uses a single proxy for all requests. The system-wide proxy selector can be retrieved by ProxySelector.getDefault().
      Implementation Note:
      If this method is not invoked prior to building, then newly built clients will use the default proxy selector, which is usually adequate for client applications. The default proxy selector supports a set of system properties related to proxy settings. This default behavior can be disabled by supplying an explicit proxy selector, such as NO_PROXY or one returned by ProxySelector::of, before building.
      proxySelector - the ProxySelector
      this builder
    • authenticator

      HttpClient.Builder authenticator(Authenticator authenticator)
      Sets an authenticator to use for HTTP authentication.
      Implementation Note:
      In the JDK built-in implementation of the HttpClient, if a HttpRequest has an Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header set then its value is used and the Authenticator is not invoked for the corresponding authentication. In this case, any authentication errors are returned to the user and requests are not automatically retried.
      authenticator - the Authenticator
      this builder
    • localAddress

      default HttpClient.Builder localAddress(InetAddress localAddr)
      Binds the socket to this local address when creating connections for sending requests.

      If no local address is set or null is passed to this method then sockets created by the HTTP client will be bound to an automatically assigned socket address.

      Common usages of the HttpClient do not require this method to be called. Setting a local address, through this method, is only for advanced usages where users of the HttpClient require specific control on which network interface gets used for the HTTP communication. Callers of this method are expected to be aware of the networking configurations of the system where the HttpClient will be used and care should be taken to ensure the correct localAddr is passed. Failure to do so can result in requests sent through the HttpClient to fail.

      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation of this method throws UnsupportedOperationException. Builders obtained through HttpClient.newBuilder() provide an implementation of this method that allows setting the local address.
      localAddr - The local address of the socket. Can be null.
      this builder
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this builder doesn't support configuring a local address or if the passed localAddr is not supported by this HttpClient implementation.
    • build

      HttpClient build()
      Returns a new HttpClient built from the current state of this builder.
      a new HttpClient
      UncheckedIOException - may be thrown if underlying IO resources required by the implementation cannot be allocated. For instance, if the implementation requires a Selector, and opening one fails due to lack of necessary resources.