Class Float16

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Float16>

public final class Float16 extends Number implements Comparable<Float16>
The Float16 is a class holding 16-bit data in IEEE 754 binary16 format.

Binary16 Format:
Sign - 1 bit
Exponent - 5 bits
Significand - 10 bits (does not include the implicit bit inferred from the exponent, see PRECISION)

Unless otherwise specified, the methods in this class use a rounding policy (JLS 15.4) of round to nearest.

This is a value-based class; programmers should treat instances that are equal as interchangeable and should not use instances for synchronization, or unpredictable behavior may occur. For example, in a future release, synchronization may fail.

Floating-point Equality, Equivalence, and Comparison

The class java.lang.Double has a discussion of equality, equivalence, and comparison of floating-point values that is equally applicable to Float16 values.

Decimal ↔ Binary Conversion Issues

The discussion of binary to decimal conversion issues in java.lang.Double is also applicable to Float16 values.
API Note:
The methods in this class generally have analogous methods in either Float/Double or Math/StrictMath. Unless otherwise specified, the handling of special floating-point values such as NaN values, infinities, and signed zeros of methods in this class is wholly analogous to the handling of equivalent cases by methods in Float, Double, Math, etc.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The number of bytes used to represent a Float16 value, 2.
    static final int
    Maximum exponent a finite Float16 variable may have, 15.
    static final Float16
    A constant holding the largest positive finite value of type Float16, (2-2-10)·215, numerically equal to 65504.0.
    static final int
    Minimum exponent a normalized Float16 variable may have, -14.
    static final Float16
    A constant holding the smallest positive normal value of type Float16, 2-14.
    static final Float16
    A constant holding the smallest positive nonzero value of type Float16, 2-24.
    static final Float16
    A constant holding a Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type Float16.
    static final Float16
    A constant holding the negative infinity of type Float16.
    static final Float16
    A constant holding the positive infinity of type Float16.
    static final int
    The number of bits in the significand of a Float16 value, 11.
    static final int
    The number of bits used to represent a Float16 value, 16.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Float16
    abs(Float16 f16)
    Returns the absolute value of the argument.
    static Float16
    add(Float16 addend, Float16 augend)
    Adds two Float16 values together as per the + operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy.
    Returns the value of this Float16 as a byte after a narrowing primitive conversion.
    static int
    Compares the two specified Float16 values.
    compareTo(Float16 anotherFloat16)
    Compares two Float16 objects numerically.
    static Float16
    copySign(Float16 magnitude, Float16 sign)
    Returns the first floating-point argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument.
    static Float16
    divide(Float16 dividend, Float16 divisor)
    Divides two Float16 values as per the / operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy.
    Returns the value of this Float16 as a double after a widening primitive conversion.
    Compares this object against the specified object.
    static short
    Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point binary16 bit layout.
    static short
    Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point binary16 bit layout.
    Returns the value of this Float16 as a float after a widening primitive conversion.
    static Float16
    Returns the fused multiply add of the three arguments; that is, returns the exact product of the first two arguments summed with the third argument and then rounded once to the nearest Float16.
    static int
    Returns the unbiased exponent used in the representation of a Float16.
    Returns a hash code for this Float16 object.
    static int
    Returns a hash code for a Float16 value; compatible with Float16.hashCode().
    Returns the value of this Float16 as an int after a narrowing primitive conversion.
    static boolean
    Returns true if the argument is a finite floating-point value; returns false otherwise (for NaN and infinity arguments).
    static boolean
    Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude, false otherwise.
    static boolean
    Returns true if the specified number is a Not-a-Number (NaN) value, false otherwise.
    Returns value of this Float16 as a long after a narrowing primitive conversion.
    static Float16
    Returns the larger of two Float16 values.
    static Float16
    Returns the smaller of two Float16 values.
    static Float16
    multiply(Float16 multiplier, Float16 multiplicand)
    Multiplies two Float16 values as per the * operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy.
    static Float16
    Returns the negation of the argument.
    static Float16
    Returns the floating-point value adjacent to v in the direction of negative infinity.
    static Float16
    Returns the floating-point value adjacent to v in the direction of positive infinity.
    static Float16
    scalb(Float16 v, int scaleFactor)
    Returns v × 2scaleFactor rounded as if performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply.
    static Float16
    shortBitsToFloat16(short bits)
    Returns the Float16 value corresponding to a given bit representation.
    Returns the value of this Float16 as a short after a narrowing primitive conversion.
    static Float16
    Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.
    static Float16
    sqrt(Float16 radicand)
    Returns the square root of the operand.
    static Float16
    subtract(Float16 minuend, Float16 subtrahend)
    Subtracts two Float16 values as per the - operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy.
    static String
    Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the Float16 argument.
    Returns a string representation of this Float16.
    static String
    Returns a string representation of the Float16 argument.
    static Float16
    ulp(Float16 f16)
    Returns the size of an ulp of the argument.
    static Float16
    valueOf(double d)
    Returns a Float16 value rounded from the double argument using the round to nearest rounding policy.
    static Float16
    valueOf(float f)
    Returns a Float16 value rounded from the float argument using the round to nearest rounding policy.
    static Float16
    valueOf(int value)
    Returns the value of an int converted to Float16.
    static Float16
    valueOf(long value)
    Returns the value of a long converted to Float16.
    static Float16
    Returns a Float16 holding the floating-point value represented by the argument string.
    static Float16
    Returns a Float16 value rounded from the BigDecimal argument using the round to nearest rounding policy.

    Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • toString

      public static String toString(Float16 f16)
      Returns a string representation of the Float16 argument. The behavior of this method is analogous to Float.toString(float) in the handling of special values (signed zeros, infinities, and NaN) and the generation of a decimal string that will convert back to the argument value.
      f16 - the Float16 to be converted.
      a string representation of the argument.
      See Also:
    • toHexString

      public static String toHexString(Float16 f16)
      Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the Float16 argument. The behavior of this class is analogous to Float.toHexString(float) except that an exponent value of "p-14" is used for subnormal Float16 values.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertToHexCharacter operation defined in IEEE 754.
      f16 - the Float16 to be converted.
      a hex string representation of the argument.
      See Also:
    • valueOf

      public static Float16 valueOf(int value)
      Returns the value of an int converted to Float16.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertFromInt operation defined in IEEE 754.
      value - an int value.
      the value of an int converted to Float16
    • valueOf

      public static Float16 valueOf(long value)
      Returns the value of a long converted to Float16.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertFromInt operation defined in IEEE 754.
      value - a long value.
      the value of a long converted to Float16
    • valueOf

      public static Float16 valueOf(float f)
      Returns a Float16 value rounded from the float argument using the round to nearest rounding policy.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertFormat operation defined in IEEE 754.
      f - a float
      a Float16 value rounded from the float argument using the round to nearest rounding policy
    • valueOf

      public static Float16 valueOf(double d)
      Returns a Float16 value rounded from the double argument using the round to nearest rounding policy.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertFormat operation defined in IEEE 754.
      d - a double
      a Float16 value rounded from the double argument using the round to nearest rounding policy
    • valueOf

      public static Float16 valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException
      Returns a Float16 holding the floating-point value represented by the argument string. The grammar of strings accepted by this method is the same as that accepted by Double.valueOf(String). The rounding policy is also analogous to the one used by that method, a valid input is regarded as an exact numerical value that is rounded once to the nearest representable Float16 value.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertFromDecimalCharacter and convertFromHexCharacter operations defined in IEEE 754.
      s - the string to be parsed.
      the Float16 value represented by the string argument.
      NullPointerException - if the string is null
      NumberFormatException - if the string does not contain a parsable Float16.
      See Also:
    • valueOf

      public static Float16 valueOf(BigDecimal v)
      Returns a Float16 value rounded from the BigDecimal argument using the round to nearest rounding policy.
      v - a BigDecimal
      a Float16 value rounded from the BigDecimal argument using the round to nearest rounding policy
    • isNaN

      public static boolean isNaN(Float16 f16)
      Returns true if the specified number is a Not-a-Number (NaN) value, false otherwise.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the isNaN operation defined in IEEE 754.
      f16 - the value to be tested.
      true if the argument is NaN; false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • isInfinite

      public static boolean isInfinite(Float16 f16)
      Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude, false otherwise.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the isInfinite operation defined in IEEE 754.
      f16 - the value to be tested.
      true if the argument is positive infinity or negative infinity; false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • isFinite

      public static boolean isFinite(Float16 f16)
      Returns true if the argument is a finite floating-point value; returns false otherwise (for NaN and infinity arguments).
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the isFinite operation defined in IEEE 754.
      f16 - the Float16 value to be tested
      true if the argument is a finite floating-point value, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • byteValue

      public byte byteValue()
      Returns the value of this Float16 as a byte after a narrowing primitive conversion.
      byteValue in class Number
      the value of this Float16 as a byte after a narrowing primitive conversion
      See Java Language Specification:
      5.1.3 Narrowing Primitive Conversion
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this Float16.
      toString in class Object
      Implementation Requirements:
      This method returns the result of Float16.toString(this).
      a string representation of this Float16
    • shortValue

      public short shortValue()
      Returns the value of this Float16 as a short after a narrowing primitive conversion.
      shortValue in class Number
      the value of this Float16 as a short after a narrowing primitive conversion
      See Java Language Specification:
      5.1.3 Narrowing Primitive Conversion
    • intValue

      public int intValue()
      Returns the value of this Float16 as an int after a narrowing primitive conversion.
      Specified by:
      intValue in class Number
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertToIntegerTowardZero operation defined in IEEE 754.
      the value of this Float16 as an int after a narrowing primitive conversion
      See Java Language Specification:
      5.1.3 Narrowing Primitive Conversion
    • longValue

      public long longValue()
      Returns value of this Float16 as a long after a narrowing primitive conversion.
      Specified by:
      longValue in class Number
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertToIntegerTowardZero operation defined in IEEE 754.
      value of this Float16 as a long after a narrowing primitive conversion
      See Java Language Specification:
      5.1.3 Narrowing Primitive Conversion
    • floatValue

      public float floatValue()
      Returns the value of this Float16 as a float after a widening primitive conversion.
      Specified by:
      floatValue in class Number
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertFormat operation defined in IEEE 754.
      the value of this Float16 as a float after a widening primitive conversion
      See Java Language Specification:
      5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
    • doubleValue

      public double doubleValue()
      Returns the value of this Float16 as a double after a widening primitive conversion.
      Specified by:
      doubleValue in class Number
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the convertFormat operation defined in IEEE 754.
      the value of this Float16 as a double after a widening primitive conversion
      See Java Language Specification:
      5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code for this Float16 object. The general contract of Object#hashCode() is satisfied. All NaN values have the same hash code. Additionally, all distinct numerical values have unique hash codes; in particular, negative zero and positive zero have different hash codes from each other.
      hashCode in class Object
      a hash code for this Float16 object
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public static int hashCode(Float16 value)
      Returns a hash code for a Float16 value; compatible with Float16.hashCode().
      value - the value to hash
      a hash code value for a Float16 value.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Compares this object against the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a Float16 object that represents a Float16 that has the same value as the double represented by this object.
      equals in class Object
      obj - the reference object with which to compare.
      true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.
      See Java Language Specification:
      15.21.1 Numerical Equality Operators == and !=
      See Also:
    • float16ToRawShortBits

      public static short float16ToRawShortBits(Float16 f16)
      Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point binary16 bit layout.
      f16 - a Float16 floating-point number.
      the bits that represent the floating-point number.
      See Also:
    • float16ToShortBits

      public static short float16ToShortBits(Float16 f16)
      Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point binary16 bit layout. All NaN values return the same bit pattern as NaN.
      f16 - a Float16 floating-point number.
      the bits that represent the floating-point number.
      See Also:
    • shortBitsToFloat16

      public static Float16 shortBitsToFloat16(short bits)
      Returns the Float16 value corresponding to a given bit representation.
      bits - any short integer.
      the Float16 floating-point value with the same bit pattern.
      See Also:
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Float16 anotherFloat16)
      Compares two Float16 objects numerically. This method imposes a total order on Float16 objects with two differences compared to the incomplete order defined by the Java language numerical comparison operators (<, <=, ==, >=, >) on float and double values.
      • A NaN is unordered with respect to other values and unequal to itself under the comparison operators. This method chooses to define Float16.NaN to be equal to itself and greater than all other Float16 values (including Float16.POSITIVE_INFINITY).
      • Positive zero and negative zero compare equal numerically, but are distinct and distinguishable values. This method chooses to define positive zero to be greater than negative zero.
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Float16>
      anotherFloat16 - the Float16 to be compared.
      the value 0 if anotherFloat16 is numerically equal to this Float16; a value less than 0 if this Float16 is numerically less than anotherFloat16; and a value greater than 0 if this Float16 is numerically greater than anotherFloat16.
      See Java Language Specification:
      15.20.1 Numerical Comparison Operators <, <=, >, and >=
      See Also:
    • compare

      public static int compare(Float16 f1, Float16 f2)
      Compares the two specified Float16 values.
      f1 - the first Float16 to compare
      f2 - the second Float16 to compare
      the value 0 if f1 is numerically equal to f2; a value less than 0 if f1 is numerically less than f2; and a value greater than 0 if f1 is numerically greater than f2.
      See Also:
    • max

      public static Float16 max(Float16 a, Float16 b)
      Returns the larger of two Float16 values. The handling of signed zeros, NaNs, infinities, and other special cases by this method is analogous to the handling of those cases by the Math#max(double, double) method.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the maximum operation defined in IEEE 754.
      a - the first operand
      b - the second operand
      the greater of a and b
      See Also:
    • min

      public static Float16 min(Float16 a, Float16 b)
      Returns the smaller of two Float16 values. The handling of signed zeros, NaNs, infinities, and other special cases by this method is analogous to the handling of those cases by the Math#min(double, double) method.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the minimum operation defined in IEEE 754.
      a - the first operand
      b - the second operand
      the smaller of a and b
      See Also:
    • add

      public static Float16 add(Float16 addend, Float16 augend)
      Adds two Float16 values together as per the + operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy. The handling of signed zeros, NaNs, infinities, and other special cases by this method is the same as for the handling of those cases by the built-in + operator for floating-point addition (JLS 15.18.2).
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the addition operation defined in IEEE 754.
      addend - the first operand
      augend - the second operand
      the sum of the operands
      See Java Language Specification:
      15.4 Floating-point Expressions
      15.18.2 Additive Operators (+ and -) for Numeric Types
    • subtract

      public static Float16 subtract(Float16 minuend, Float16 subtrahend)
      Subtracts two Float16 values as per the - operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy. The handling of signed zeros, NaNs, infinities, and other special cases by this method is the same as for the handling of those cases by the built-in - operator for floating-point subtraction (JLS 15.18.2).
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the subtraction operation defined in IEEE 754.
      minuend - the first operand
      subtrahend - the second operand
      the difference of the operands
      See Java Language Specification:
      15.4 Floating-point Expressions
      15.18.2 Additive Operators (+ and -) for Numeric Types
    • multiply

      public static Float16 multiply(Float16 multiplier, Float16 multiplicand)
      Multiplies two Float16 values as per the * operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy. The handling of signed zeros, NaNs, and infinities, other special cases by this method is the same as for the handling of those cases by the built-in * operator for floating-point multiplication (JLS 15.17.1).
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the multiplication operation defined in IEEE 754.
      multiplier - the first operand
      multiplicand - the second operand
      the product of the operands
      See Java Language Specification:
      15.4 Floating-point Expressions
      15.17.1 Multiplication Operator *
    • divide

      public static Float16 divide(Float16 dividend, Float16 divisor)
      Divides two Float16 values as per the / operator semantics using the round to nearest rounding policy. The handling of signed zeros, NaNs, and infinities, other special cases by this method is the same as for the handling of those cases by the built-in / operator for floating-point division (JLS 15.17.2).
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the division operation defined in IEEE 754.
      dividend - the first operand
      divisor - the second operand
      the quotient of the operands
      See Java Language Specification:
      15.4 Floating-point Expressions
      15.17.2 Division Operator /
    • sqrt

      public static Float16 sqrt(Float16 radicand)
      Returns the square root of the operand. The square root is computed using the round to nearest rounding policy. The handling of zeros, NaN, infinities, and negative arguments by this method is analogous to the handling of those cases by Math.sqrt(double).
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the squareRoot operation defined in IEEE 754.
      radicand - the argument to have its square root taken
      the square root of the operand
      See Also:
    • fma

      public static Float16 fma(Float16 a, Float16 b, Float16 c)
      Returns the fused multiply add of the three arguments; that is, returns the exact product of the first two arguments summed with the third argument and then rounded once to the nearest Float16. The handling of zeros, NaN, infinities, and other special cases by this method is analogous to the handling of those cases by Math.fma(float, float, float).
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the fusedMultiplyAdd operation defined in IEEE 754.
      a - a value
      b - a value
      c - a value
      (a × b + c) computed, as if with unlimited range and precision, and rounded once to the nearest Float16 value
      See Also:
    • negate

      public static Float16 negate(Float16 f16)
      Returns the negation of the argument. Special cases:
      • If the argument is zero, the result is a zero with the opposite sign as the argument.
      • If the argument is infinite, the result is an infinity with the opposite sign as the argument.
      • If the argument is a NaN, the result is a NaN.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the negate operation defined in IEEE 754.
      f16 - the value to be negated
      the negation of the argument
      See Java Language Specification:
      15.15.4 Unary Minus Operator -
    • abs

      public static Float16 abs(Float16 f16)
      Returns the absolute value of the argument. The handling of zeros, NaN, and infinities by this method is analogous to the handling of those cases by Math.abs(float).
      f16 - the argument whose absolute value is to be determined
      the absolute value of the argument
      See Also:
    • getExponent

      public static int getExponent(Float16 f16)
      Returns the unbiased exponent used in the representation of a Float16.
      • If the argument is NaN or infinite, then the result is MAX_EXPONENT + 1.
      • If the argument is zero or subnormal, then the result is MIN_EXPONENT - 1.
      API Note:
      This method is analogous to the logB operation defined in IEEE 754, but returns a different value on subnormal arguments.
      f16 - a Float16 value
      the unbiased exponent of the argument
      See Also:
    • ulp

      public static Float16 ulp(Float16 f16)
      Returns the size of an ulp of the argument. An ulp, unit in the last place, of a Float16 value is the positive distance between this floating-point value and the Float16 value next larger in magnitude. Note that for non-NaN x, ulp(-x) == ulp(x).

      Special Cases:

      • If the argument is NaN, then the result is NaN.
      • If the argument is positive or negative infinity, then the result is positive infinity.
      • If the argument is positive or negative zero, then the result is Float16.MIN_VALUE.
      • If the argument is ±Float16.MAX_VALUE, then the result is equal to 25, 32.0.
      f16 - the floating-point value whose ulp is to be returned
      the size of an ulp of the argument
      See Also:
    • nextUp

      public static Float16 nextUp(Float16 v)
      Returns the floating-point value adjacent to v in the direction of positive infinity.

      Special Cases:

      • If the argument is NaN, the result is NaN.
      • If the argument is positive infinity, the result is positive infinity.
      • If the argument is zero, the result is MIN_VALUE
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the nextUp operation defined in IEEE 754.
      v - starting floating-point value
      The adjacent floating-point value closer to positive infinity.
      See Also:
    • nextDown

      public static Float16 nextDown(Float16 v)
      Returns the floating-point value adjacent to v in the direction of negative infinity.

      Special Cases:

      • If the argument is NaN, the result is NaN.
      • If the argument is negative infinity, the result is negative infinity.
      • If the argument is zero, the result is -MIN_VALUE
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the nextDown operation defined in IEEE 754.
      v - starting floating-point value
      The adjacent floating-point value closer to negative infinity.
      See Also:
    • scalb

      public static Float16 scalb(Float16 v, int scaleFactor)
      Returns v × 2scaleFactor rounded as if performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply. If the exponent of the result is between MIN_EXPONENT and MAX_EXPONENT, the answer is calculated exactly. If the exponent of the result would be larger than Float16.MAX_EXPONENT, an infinity is returned. Note that if the result is subnormal, precision may be lost; that is, when scalb(x, n) is subnormal, scalb(scalb(x, n), -n) may not equal x. When the result is non-NaN, the result has the same sign as v.

      Special cases:

      • If the first argument is NaN, NaN is returned.
      • If the first argument is infinite, then an infinity of the same sign is returned.
      • If the first argument is zero, then a zero of the same sign is returned.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the scaleB operation defined in IEEE 754.
      v - number to be scaled by a power of two.
      scaleFactor - power of 2 used to scale v
      v × 2scaleFactor
      See Also:
    • copySign

      public static Float16 copySign(Float16 magnitude, Float16 sign)
      Returns the first floating-point argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument. This method does not require NaN sign arguments to be treated as positive values; implementations are permitted to treat some NaN arguments as positive and other NaN arguments as negative to allow greater performance.
      API Note:
      This method corresponds to the copySign operation defined in IEEE 754.
      magnitude - the parameter providing the magnitude of the result
      sign - the parameter providing the sign of the result
      a value with the magnitude of magnitude and the sign of sign.
      See Also:
    • signum

      public static Float16 signum(Float16 f)
      Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.

      Special Cases:

      • If the argument is NaN, then the result is NaN.
      • If the argument is positive zero or negative zero, then the result is the same as the argument.
      f - the floating-point value whose signum is to be returned
      the signum function of the argument
      See Also: