Package java.lang.classfile
Provides classfile parsing, generation, and transformation library.
package contains API models for reading,
writing, and modifying Java class files, as specified in Chapter 4 of
the Java Virtual Machine Specification. This package, java.lang.classfile.attribute
, java.lang.classfile.constantpool
and java.lang.classfile.instruction
form the Class-File API.
Reading classfiles
The main class for reading classfiles isClassModel
; we
convert bytes into a ClassModel
with ClassFile.parse(byte[])
ClassModel cm = ClassFile.of().parse(bytes);
that let you specify
various processing options.
A ClassModel
is an immutable description of a class
file. It provides accessor methods to get at class metadata (e.g., ClassModel.thisClass()
, ClassModel.flags()
as well as subordinate classfile entities (ClassModel.fields()
). A ClassModel
is inflated lazily; most parts of the classfile are
not parsed until they are actually needed. Due to the laziness, these models
may not be thread safe. Additionally, invocations to accessor methods on
models may lead to IllegalArgumentException
due to malformed
file format, as parsing happens lazily.
We can enumerate the names of the fields and methods in a class by:
ClassModel cm = ClassFile.of().parse(bytes);
for (FieldModel fm : cm.fields())
System.out.printf("Field %s%n", fm.fieldName().stringValue());
for (MethodModel mm : cm.methods())
System.out.printf("Method %s%n", mm.methodName().stringValue());
When we enumerate the methods, we get a MethodModel
for each method; like a
, it gives us access to method metadata and
the ability to descend into subordinate entities such as the bytecodes of the
method body. In this way, a ClassModel
is the root of a
tree, with children for fields, methods, and attributes, and MethodModel
turn has its own children (attributes, CodeModel
, etc.)
Methods like ClassModel.methods()
allows us to traverse the class structure
explicitly, going straight to the parts we are interested in. This is useful
for certain kinds of analysis, but if we wanted to process the whole
classfile, we may want something more organized. A ClassModel
also provides us with a view of the classfile as a
series of class elements, which may include methods, fields, attributes,
and more, and which can be distinguished with pattern matching. We could
rewrite the above example as:
ClassModel cm = ClassFile.of().parse(bytes);
for (ClassElement ce : cm) {
switch (ce) {
case MethodModel mm -> System.out.printf("Method %s%n", mm.methodName().stringValue());
case FieldModel fm -> System.out.printf("Field %s%n", fm.fieldName().stringValue());
default -> { }
The models returned as elements from traversing ClassModel
can in
turn be sources of elements. If we wanted to
traverse a classfile and enumerate all the classes for which we access fields
and methods, we can pick out the class elements that describe methods, then
in turn pick out the method elements that describe the code attribute, and
finally pick out the code elements that describe field access and invocation
ClassModel cm = ClassFile.of().parse(bytes);
Set<ClassDesc> dependencies = new HashSet<>();
for (ClassElement ce : cm) {
if (ce instanceof MethodModel mm) {
for (MethodElement me : mm) {
if (me instanceof CodeModel xm) {
for (CodeElement e : xm) {
switch (e) {
case InvokeInstruction i -> dependencies.add(i.owner().asSymbol());
case FieldInstruction i -> dependencies.add(i.owner().asSymbol());
default -> { }
This same query could alternately be processed as a stream pipeline over class elements:
ClassModel cm = ClassFile.of().parse(bytes);
Set<ClassDesc> dependencies =
.flatMap(ce -> ce instanceof MethodModel mm ? mm.elementStream() : Stream.empty())
.flatMap(me -> me instanceof CodeModel com ? com.elementStream() : Stream.empty())
.<ClassDesc>mapMulti((xe, c) -> {
switch (xe) {
case InvokeInstruction i -> c.accept(i.owner().asSymbol());
case FieldInstruction i -> c.accept(i.owner().asSymbol());
default -> { }
Models and elements
The view of classfiles presented by this API is framed in terms of models and elements. Models represent complex structures, such as classes, methods, fields, record elements, or the code body of a method. Models can be explored either via random-access navigation (such as theClassModel.methods()
accessor) or as a linear
sequence of elements. (Elements can in turn also be models; a FieldModel
is also an element of a class.) For each model type
(e.g., MethodModel
), there is a corresponding element
type (MethodElement
). Models and elements are immutable
and are inflated lazily so creating a model does not necessarily require
processing its entire content.
The constant pool
Much of the interesting content in a classfile lives in the constant pool.ClassModel
provides a lazily-inflated,
read-only view of the constant pool via ClassModel.constantPool()
Descriptions of classfile content is often exposed in the form of various
subtypes of PoolEntry
, such as ClassEntry
or Utf8Entry
Constant pool entries are also exposed through models and elements; in the
above traversal example, the InvokeInstruction
element exposed a method for owner
that corresponds to a
entry in the constant pool.
Much of the contents of a classfile is stored in attributes; attributes are found on classes, methods, fields, record components, and on theCode
attribute. Most attributes are surfaced as elements; for example, SignatureAttribute
is a ClassElement
, MethodElement
, and FieldElement
since it can appear in all of those places, and is
included when iterating the elements of the corresponding model.
Some attributes are not surfaced as elements; these are attributes that are
tightly coupled to -- and logically part of -- other parts of the class file.
These include the BootstrapMethods
, LineNumberTable
, LocalVariableTable
, and
attributes. These are processed by the library and
treated as part of the structure they are coupled to (the entries of the
attribute are treated as part of the constant pool;
line numbers and local variable metadata are modeled as elements of CodeModel
The Code
attribute, in addition to being modeled as a MethodElement
, is also a model in its own right (CodeModel
) due to its complex structure.
Each standard attribute has an interface (in java.lang.classfile.attribute
which exposes the contents of the attribute and provides factories to
construct the attribute. For example, the Signature
attribute is
defined by the SignatureAttribute
class, and
provides accessors for SignatureAttribute.signature()
as well as factories taking Utf8Entry
Custom attributes
Attributes are converted between their classfile form and their corresponding object form via anAttributeMapper
. An
provides the
AttributeMapper.readAttribute(AttributedElement, ClassReader, int)
method for mapping from the classfile format
to an attribute instance, and the
AttributeMapper.writeAttribute(BufWriter, Attribute)
method for mapping back to the classfile format. It also
contains metadata including the attribute name, the set of classfile entities
where the attribute is applicable, and whether multiple attributes of the
same kind are allowed on a single entity.
There are built-in attribute mappers (in Attributes
) for
each of the attribute types defined in section 4.7 of The Java Virtual
Machine Specification, as well as several common nonstandard attributes used by the
JDK such as CharacterRangeTable
Unrecognized attributes are delivered as elements of type UnknownAttribute
, which provide access only to the
contents of the attribute.
For nonstandard attributes, user-provided attribute mappers can be specified
through the use of the ClassFile.AttributeMapperOption.of(Function)
classfile option. Implementations of custom attributes should extend CustomAttribute
accepts a list of options. ClassFile.Option
is a base interface
for some statically enumerated options, as well as factories for more complex options,
-- specify format of custom attributesClassFile.AttributesProcessingOption
-- unrecognized or problematic original attributes (default isPASS_ALL_ATTRIBUTES
-- specify a custom class hierarchy resolver used by stack map generationClassFile.ConstantPoolSharingOption
} -- share constant pool when transforming (default isSHARED_POOL
} -- patch out unreachable code (default isPATCH_DEAD_CODE
} -- filter unresolved labels (default isFAIL_ON_DEAD_LABELS
-- processing of debug information, such as local variable metadata (default isPASS_DEBUG
-- processing of line numbers (default isPASS_LINE_NUMBERS
-- automatically rewrite short jumps to long when necessary (default isFIX_SHORT_JUMPS
-- generate stackmaps (default isSTACK_MAPS_WHEN_REQUIRED
and ClassFile.ClassHierarchyResolverOption
are critical to the correctness of class
file parsing and generation.
The attribute mapper is required to parse custom attributes. A correct
resolver is required to generate class
files that refer to classes
not available to the system class loader in its bytecode, or in corner cases,
when generation wishes to avoid loading system classes, such as in agents.
Most options allow you to request that certain parts of the classfile be skipped during traversal, such as debug information or unrecognized attributes. Some options allow you to suppress generation of portions of the classfile, such as stack maps. Many of these options are to access performance tradeoffs; processing debug information and line numbers has a cost (both in writing and reading.) If you don't need this information, you can suppress it with options to gain some performance.
Writing classfiles
ClassFile generation is accomplished through builders. For each entity type that has a model, there is also a corresponding builder type; classes are built throughClassBuilder
, methods through
, etc.
Rather than creating builders directly, builders are provided as an argument
to a user-provided lambda. To generate the familiar "hello world" program,
we ask for a class builder, and use that class builder to create method
builders for the constructor and main
method, and in turn use the
method builders to create a Code
attribute and use the code builders
to generate the instructions:
byte[] bytes = ClassFile.of().build(CD_Hello,
clb -> clb.withFlags(ClassFile.ACC_PUBLIC)
.withMethod(ConstantDescs.INIT_NAME, ConstantDescs.MTD_void,
mb -> mb.withCode(
cob -> cob.aload(0)
ConstantDescs.INIT_NAME, ConstantDescs.MTD_void)
.withMethod("main", MTD_void_StringArray, ClassFile.ACC_PUBLIC + ClassFile.ACC_STATIC,
mb -> mb.withCode(
cob -> cob.getstatic(CD_System, "out", CD_PrintStream)
.ldc("Hello World")
.invokevirtual(CD_PrintStream, "println", MTD_void_String)
The convenience methods ClassBuilder.buildMethodBody
allows us to ask
to create code builders to build method bodies directly,
skipping the method builder custom lambda:
byte[] bytes = ClassFile.of().build(CD_Hello,
clb -> clb.withFlags(ClassFile.ACC_PUBLIC)
.withMethodBody(ConstantDescs.INIT_NAME, ConstantDescs.MTD_void,
cob -> cob.aload(0)
ConstantDescs.INIT_NAME, ConstantDescs.MTD_void)
.withMethodBody("main", MTD_void_StringArray, ClassFile.ACC_PUBLIC + ClassFile.ACC_STATIC,
cob -> cob.getstatic(CD_System, "out", CD_PrintStream)
.ldc("Hello World")
.invokevirtual(CD_PrintStream, "println", MTD_void_String)
Builders often support multiple ways of expressing the same entity at
different levels of abstraction. For example, the invokevirtual
instruction invoking println
could have been generated with CodeBuilder.invokevirtual
, CodeBuilder.invoke
, or CodeBuilder.with
The convenience method CodeBuilder.invokevirtual
behaves as if it calls
the convenience method CodeBuilder.invoke
, which in turn behaves
as if it calls method CodeBuilder.with
. This composing of method calls on the
builder enables the composing of transforms (as described later).
Unless otherwise noted, passing a null
argument to a constructor
or method of any Class-File API class or interface will cause a NullPointerException
to be thrown. Additionally,
invoking a method with an array or collection containing a null
will cause a NullPointerException
, unless otherwise specified.
Symbolic information
To describe symbolic information for classes and types, the API uses the nominal descriptor abstractions fromjava.lang.constant
such as ClassDesc
and MethodTypeDesc
which is less error-prone than using raw strings.
If a constant pool entry has a nominal representation then it provides a
method returning the corresponding nominal descriptor type e.g.
method ClassEntry.asSymbol()
Where appropriate builders provide two methods for building an element with symbolic information, one accepting nominal descriptors, and the other accepting constant pool entries.
Consistency checks, syntax checks and verification
No consistency checks are performed while building or transforming classfiles (except for null arguments checks). All builders and classfile elements factory methods accepts the provided information without implicit validation. However, fatal inconsistencies (like for example invalid code sequence or unresolved labels) affects internal tools and may cause exceptions later in the classfile building process. These fatal exceptions are thrown asIllegalArgumentException
Using nominal descriptors assures the right serial form is applied by the
ClassFile API library based on the actual context. Also these nominal
descriptors are validated during their construction, so it is not possible to
create them with invalid content by mistake. Following example pass class
name to the ClassDesc.of(String)
method for validation
and the library performs automatic conversion to the right internal form of
the class name when serialized in the constant pool as a class entry.
var validClassEntry = constantPoolBuilder.classEntry(ClassDesc.of("mypackage.MyClass"));
On the other hand it is possible to use builders methods and factories accepting constant pool entries directly. Constant pool entries can be constructed also directly from raw values, with no additional conversions or validations. Following example uses intentionally wrong class name form and it is applied without any validation or conversion.
var invalidClassEntry = constantPoolBuilder.classEntry(
More complex verification of a classfile can be achieved by invocation of
Transforming classfiles
ClassFile Processing APIs are most frequently used to combine reading and writing into transformation, where a classfile is read, localized changes are made, but much of the classfile is passed through unchanged. For each kind of builder,XxxBuilder
has a method with(XxxElement)
so that
elements that we wish to pass through unchanged can be handed directly back
to the builder.
If we wanted to strip out methods whose names starts with "debug", we could
get an existing ClassModel
, build a new classfile that
provides a ClassBuilder
, iterate the elements of the
original ClassModel
, and pass through all of them to
the builder except the methods we want to drop:
ClassModel classModel = ClassFile.of().parse(bytes);
byte[] newBytes = ClassFile.of().build(classModel.thisClass().asSymbol(),
classBuilder -> {
for (ClassElement ce : classModel) {
if (!(ce instanceof MethodModel mm
&& mm.methodName().stringValue().startsWith("debug"))) {
This hands every class element, except for those corresponding to methods
whose names start with debug
, back to the builder. Transformations
can of course be more complicated, diving into method bodies and instructions
and transforming those as well, but the same structure is repeated at every
level, since every entity has corresponding model, builder, and element
Transformation can be viewed as a "flatMap" operation on the sequence of
elements; for every element, we could pass it through unchanged, drop it, or
replace it with one or more elements. Because transformation is such a
common operation on classfiles, each model type has a corresponding
type (which describes a transform on a sequence of
) and each builder type has transformYyy
methods for transforming
its child models. A transform is simply a functional interface that takes a
builder and an element, and an implementation "flatMap"s elements
into the builder. We could express the above as:
ClassTransform ct = (builder, element) -> {
if (!(element instanceof MethodModel mm && mm.methodName().stringValue().startsWith("debug")))
var cc = ClassFile.of();
byte[] newBytes = cc.transformClass(cc.parse(bytes), ct);
convenience method allow us to simplify the same
transformation construction and express the above as:
ClassTransform ct = ClassTransform.dropping(
element -> element instanceof MethodModel mm
&& mm.methodName().stringValue().startsWith("debug"));
Lifting transforms
While the example using transformations are only slightly shorter, the advantage of expressing transformation in this way is that the transform operations can be more easily combined. Suppose we want to redirect invocations of static methods onFoo
to the corresponding method on
instead. We could express this as a transformation on CodeElement
CodeTransform fooToBar = (b, e) -> {
if (e instanceof InvokeInstruction i
&& i.owner().name().equalsString("Foo")
&& i.opcode() == Opcode.INVOKESTATIC) {
// remove the old element i by doing nothing to the builder
// add a new invokestatic instruction to the builder
b.invokestatic(CD_Bar,, i.typeSymbol(), i.isInterface());
} else {
b.with(e); // leaves the element in place
We can then lift this transformation on code elements into a
transformation on method elements. This intercepts method elements that
correspond to a Code
attribute, dives into its code elements, and
applies the code transform to them, and passes other method elements through
MethodTransform mt = MethodTransform.transformingCode(fooToBar);
and further lift the transform on method elements into one on class elements:
ClassTransform ct = ClassTransform.transformingMethods(mt);
or lift the code transform into the class transform directly:
ClassTransform ct = ClassTransform.transformingMethodBodiess(fooToBar);
and then transform the classfile:
var cc = ClassFile.of();
byte[] newBytes = cc.transform(cc.parse(bytes), ct);
This is much more concise (and less error-prone) than the equivalent expressed by traversing the classfile structure directly:
byte[] newBytes = ClassFile.of().build(classModel.thisClass().asSymbol(),
classBuilder -> {
for (ClassElement ce : classModel) {
if (ce instanceof MethodModel mm) {
classBuilder.withMethod(mm.methodName().stringValue(), mm.methodTypeSymbol(),
methodBuilder -> {
for (MethodElement me : mm) {
if (me instanceof CodeModel xm) {
methodBuilder.withCode(codeBuilder -> {
for (CodeElement e : xm) {
if (e instanceof InvokeInstruction i && i.owner().asInternalName().equals("Foo")
&& i.opcode() == Opcode.INVOKESTATIC)
codeBuilder.invoke(i.opcode(), CD_Bar,, i.typeSymbol(), i.isInterface());
else codeBuilder.with(e);
Composing transforms
Transforms on the same type of element can be composed in sequence, where the output of the first is fed to the input of the second. Suppose we want to instrument all method calls, where we print the name of a method before calling it:CodeTransform instrumentCalls = (b, e) -> {
if (e instanceof InvokeInstruction i) {
b.getstatic(CD_System, "out", CD_PrintStream)
.invokevirtual(CD_PrintStream, "println", MTD_void_String);
Then we can compose fooToBar
and instrumentCalls
with CodeTransform.andThen(CodeTransform)
var cc = ClassFile.of();
byte[] newBytes = cc.transform(cc.parse(bytes),
will receive all code elements produced by
transform forToBar
, either those code elements from the original classfile
or replacements (replacing static invocations to Foo
with those to Bar
Constant pool sharing
Transformation doesn't merely handle the logistics of reading, transforming elements, and writing. Most of the time when we are transforming a classfile, we are making relatively minor changes. To optimize such cases, transformation seeds the new classfile with a copy of the constant pool from the original classfile; this enables significant optimizations (methods and attributes that are not transformed can be processed by bulk-copying their bytes, rather than parsing them and regenerating their contents.) If constant pool sharing is not desired it can be suppressed with theClassFile.ConstantPoolSharingOption
Such suppression may be beneficial when transformation removes many elements,
resulting in many unreferenced constant pool entries.
Transformation handling of unknown classfile elements
Custom classfile transformations might be unaware of classfile elements introduced by future JDK releases. To achieve deterministic stability, classfile transforms interested in consuming all classfile elements should be implemented strictly to throw exceptions if running on a newer JDK, if the transformed class file is a newer version, or if a new and unknown classfile element appears. As for example in the following strict compatibility-checking transformation snippets:CodeTransform fooToBar = (b, e) -> {
if (ClassFile.latestMajorVersion() > ClassFile.JAVA_22_VERSION) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot run on JDK > 22");
switch (e) {
case ArrayLoadInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case ArrayStoreInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
default -> b.with(e);
ClassTransform fooToBar = (b, e) -> {
switch (e) {
case ClassFileVersion v when v.majorVersion() > ClassFile.JAVA_22_VERSION ->
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot transform class file version " + v.majorVersion());
default -> doSomething(b, e);
CodeTransform fooToBar = (b, e) -> {
switch (e) {
case ArrayLoadInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case ArrayStoreInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case BranchInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case ConstantInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case ConvertInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case DiscontinuedInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case FieldInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case InvokeDynamicInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case InvokeInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case LoadInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case StoreInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case IncrementInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case LookupSwitchInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case MonitorInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case NewMultiArrayInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case NewObjectInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case NewPrimitiveArrayInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case NewReferenceArrayInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case NopInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case OperatorInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case ReturnInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case StackInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case TableSwitchInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case ThrowInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case TypeCheckInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case PseudoInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
default ->
throw new IllegalArgumentException("An unknown instruction could not be handled by this transformation");
Conversely, classfile transforms that are only interested in consuming a portion of classfile elements do not need to concern with new and unknown classfile elements and may pass them through. Following example shows such future-proof code transformation:
CodeTransform fooToBar = (b, e) -> {
switch (e) {
case ArrayLoadInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
case ArrayStoreInstruction i -> doSomething(b, i);
default -> b.with(e);
API conventions
The API is largely derived from a data model
for the classfile format, which defines each element kind (which includes models and
attributes) and its properties. For each element kind, there is a
corresponding interface to describe that element, and factory methods to
create that element. Some element kinds also have convenience methods on the
corresponding builder (e.g., CodeBuilder.invokevirtual(ClassDesc, String, MethodTypeDesc)
Most symbolic information in elements is represented by constant pool entries
(for example, the owner of a field is represented by a ClassEntry
.) Factories and builders also
accept nominal descriptors from java.lang.constant
(e.g., ClassDesc
Data model
We define each kind of element by its name, an optional arity indicator (zero or more, zero or one, exactly one), and a list of components. The elements of a class are fields, methods, and the attributes that can appear on classes:ClassElement =
FieldModel*(UtfEntry name, Utf8Entry descriptor)
| MethodModel*(UtfEntry name, Utf8Entry descriptor)
| ModuleAttribute?(int flags, ModuleEntry moduleName, UtfEntry moduleVersion,
List<ModuleRequireInfo> requires, List<ModuleOpenInfo> opens,
List<ModuleExportInfo> exports, List<ModuleProvidesInfo> provides,
List<ClassEntry> uses)
| ModulePackagesAttribute?(List<PackageEntry> packages)
| ModuleTargetAttribute?(Utf8Entry targetPlatform)
| ModuleHashesAttribute?(Utf8Entry algorithm, List<HashInfo> hashes)
| ModuleResolutionAttribute?(int resolutionFlags)
| SourceFileAttribute?(Utf8Entry sourceFile)
| SourceDebugExtensionsAttribute?(byte[] contents)
| CompilationIDAttribute?(Utf8Entry compilationId)
| SourceIDAttribute?(Utf8Entry sourceId)
| NestHostAttribute?(ClassEntry nestHost)
| NestMembersAttribute?(List<ClassEntry> nestMembers)
| RecordAttribute?(List<RecordComponent> components)
| EnclosingMethodAttribute?(ClassEntry className, NameAndTypeEntry method)
| InnerClassesAttribute?(List<InnerClassInfo> classes)
| PermittedSubclassesAttribute?(List<ClassEntry> permittedSubclasses)
| DeclarationElement*
are the elements that are common to all declarations
(classes, methods, fields) and so are factored out:
DeclarationElement =
SignatureAttribute?(Utf8Entry signature)
| SyntheticAttribute?()
| DeprecatedAttribute?()
| RuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttribute?(List<Annotation> annotations)
| RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute?(List<Annotation> annotations)
| CustomAttribute*
| UnknownAttribute*
(which models the Code
along with the code-related attributes: stack map table, local variable table,
line number table, etc.)
FieldElement =
| ConstantValueAttribute?(ConstantValueEntry constant)
MethodElement =
| CodeModel?()
| AnnotationDefaultAttribute?(ElementValue defaultValue)
| MethodParametersAttribute?(List<MethodParameterInfo> parameters)
| ExceptionsAttribute?(List<ClassEntry> exceptions)
is unique in that its elements are ordered.
Elements of Code
include ordinary bytecodes, as well as a number of pseudo-instructions
representing branch targets, line number metadata, local variable metadata, and
catch blocks.
CodeElement = Instruction | PseudoInstruction
Instruction =
LoadInstruction(TypeKind type, int slot)
| StoreInstruction(TypeKind type, int slot)
| IncrementInstruction(int slot, int constant)
| BranchInstruction(Opcode opcode, Label target)
| LookupSwitchInstruction(Label defaultTarget, List<SwitchCase> cases)
| TableSwitchInstruction(Label defaultTarget, int low, int high,
List<SwitchCase> cases)
| ReturnInstruction(TypeKind kind)
| ThrowInstruction()
| FieldInstruction(Opcode opcode, FieldRefEntry field)
| InvokeInstruction(Opcode opcode, MemberRefEntry method, boolean isInterface)
| InvokeDynamicInstruction(InvokeDynamicEntry invokedynamic)
| NewObjectInstruction(ClassEntry className)
| NewReferenceArrayInstruction(ClassEntry componentType)
| NewPrimitiveArrayInstruction(TypeKind typeKind)
| NewMultiArrayInstruction(ClassEntry componentType, int dims)
| ArrayLoadInstruction(Opcode opcode)
| ArrayStoreInstruction(Opcode opcode)
| TypeCheckInstruction(Opcode opcode, ClassEntry className)
| ConvertInstruction(TypeKind from, TypeKind to)
| OperatorInstruction(Opcode opcode)
| ConstantInstruction(ConstantDesc constant)
| StackInstruction(Opcode opcode)
| MonitorInstruction(Opcode opcode)
| NopInstruction()
PseudoInstruction =
| LabelTarget(Label label)
| LineNumber(int line)
| ExceptionCatch(Label tryStart, Label tryEnd, Label handler, ClassEntry exception)
| LocalVariable(int slot, UtfEntry name, Utf8Entry type, Label startScope, Label endScope)
| LocalVariableType(int slot, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry type, Label startScope, Label endScope)
| CharacterRange(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, int flags, Label startScope, Label endScope)
- Since:
- 24
ClassDescriptionModels the access flags for a class, method, or field.Models an
structure, or a value of an element-value pair of an annotation, as defined in JVMS an annotation value of an element-value pair.Models an array value of an element-value pair.Models a boolean value of an element-value pair.Models a byte value of an element-value pair.Models a char value of an element-value pair.Models a class value of an element-value pair.Models a constant value of an element-value pair.Models a double value of an element-value pair.Models an enum value of an element-value pair.Models a float value of an element-value pair.Models an int value of an element-value pair.Models a long value of an element-value pair.Models a short value of an element-value pair.Models a string value of an element-value pair.Models an attribute (JVMS 4.7) in theclass
file format.AClassFileElement
describing aclass
file structure that has attributes, such as aclass
file, a field, a method, aCode
attribute, or a record component.AttributeMapper<A extends Attribute<A>>Bidirectional mapper between theclass
file representation of an attribute and its API model.Indicates the data dependency of theclass
file representation of an attribute.Attribute mappers for predefined (JVMS 4.7) and JDK-specific nonstandard attributes.Models an entry in the bootstrap method table.Advancedclass
file writing support forAttributeMapper
s.A builder for aclass
file.Marker interface for a member element of aClassModel
.Provides ability to parse, transform, and generateclass
files.The option describing user-defined attributes for parsingclass
files.The option describing whether to retain or discard attributes that cannot verify their correctness after a transformation.The option describing the class hierarchy resolver to use when generating stack maps or verifying classes.Option describing whether to extend from the original constant pool when transforming aclass
file.The option describing whether to patch out unreachable code for stack map generation.The option describing whether to filter unbound labels and drop their enclosing structures if possible.The option describing whether to process or discard debugPseudoInstruction
s in the traversal of aCodeModel
or aCodeBuilder
.The option describing whether to process or discardLineNumber
s in the traversal of aCodeModel
or aCodeBuilder
.An option that affects the parsing or writing ofclass
files.The option describing whether to automatically rewrite short jumps to equivalent instructions when necessary.The option describing whether to generate stack maps.A builder for aCompoundElement
, which accepts the member elements to be integrated into the built structure.Marker interface for structures with special capabilities in theclass
file format.ClassFileTransform<C extends ClassFileTransform<C,E, B>, E extends ClassFileElement, B extends ClassFileBuilder<E, B>> A transformation on aCompoundElement
by processing its individual member elements and sending the results to aClassFileBuilder
, throughClassFileBuilder.transform(CompoundElement, ClassFileTransform)
.Models the minor and major version numbers of aclass
file (JVMS 4.1).Provides class hierarchy information for stack maps generation and verification.Information about a resolved class.Models aclass
file reading support forAttributeMapper
s.Models the generic signature of a class or interface, as defined by JVMS transformation on streams ofClassElement
.A builder forCode
attributes (method bodies).A builder for blocks of code.A builder to add catch blocks.Marker interface for a member element of aCodeModel
.Models the body of a method (theCode
attribute).A transformation on streams ofCodeElement
.CompoundElement<E extends ClassFileElement>Aclass
file structure that can be viewed as a composition of its member structures.CustomAttribute<T extends CustomAttribute<T>>Models a user-defined attribute in aclass
file.A builder for fields.Marker interface for a member element of aFieldModel
.Models a field.A transformation on streams ofFieldElement
.Models an executable instruction in thecode
array of theCode
attribute of a method.Models the interfaces (JVMS 4.1) of a class.A marker for a position within the instructions of a method body.A builder for methods.Marker interface for a member element of aMethodModel
.Models a method.Models the generic signature of a method or constructor, as defined by JVMS transformation on streams ofMethodElement
.Describes the opcodes of the JVM instruction set, as described in JVMS 6.5.Kinds of opcodes.Models generic Java type signatures, as defined in JVMS the signature of an array type.Models the signature of a primitive type (JLS 4.2) or void.Models the signature of a possibly-parameterized class or interface type.Models the signature of a reference type, which may be a class, interface, type variable, or array type.Marker interface for a signature for a throwable type.Models a type argument, an argument to a type parameter.Models a type argument with an explicit bound type.Models a type argument's wildcard indicator.Models an unbounded wildcard type argument*
, or?
in Java programs.Models a signature for a type parameter of a generic class, interface, method, or constructor, which introduces a type variable.Models the signature of a type variable.Models the superclass (JVMS 4.1) of a class.Models atype_annotation
structure (JVMS 4.7.20).Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th type in an exception parameter declaration.Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in a field declaration, the return type of a method, the type of a newly constructed object, or the receiver type of a method or constructor.Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a formal parameter declaration of a method, constructor, or lambda expression.Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a local variable declaration, including a variable declared as a resource in a try-with-resources statement.Indicates a range of code array offsets within which a local variable has a value, and the index into the local variable array of the current frame at which that local variable can be found.Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in an instanceof expression or a new expression, or the type before the :: in a method reference expression.Indicates that an annotation appears on a type in the extends or implements clause of a class or interface declaration.Specifies which type in a declaration or expression is being annotated.The kind of target on which the annotation appears, as defined in JVMS that an annotation appears on the i'th type in the throws clause of a method or constructor declaration.Indicates that an annotation appears either on the i'th type in a cast expression, or on the i'th type argument in the explicit type argument list for any of the following: a new expression, an explicit constructor invocation statement, a method invocation expression, or a method reference expression.Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th bound of the j'th type parameter declaration of a generic class, interface, method, or constructor.Indicates that an annotation appears on the declaration of the i'th type parameter of a generic class, generic interface, generic method, or generic constructor.JVMS: Type_path structure identifies which part of the type is annotated, as defined in JVMS path kind, as defined in JVMS the data types Java Virtual Machine operates on.