Class Locale
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
represents a specific geographical, political,
or cultural region. An API that requires a Locale
to perform
its task is locale-sensitive and uses the Locale
to tailor information for the user. These locale-sensitive APIs
are principally in the java.text and java.util packages.
For example, displaying a number is a locale-sensitive operation—
the number should be formatted according to the customs and conventions of the
user's native country, region, or culture.
The Locale
class implements IETF BCP 47 which is composed of
RFC 4647 "Matching of Language
Tags" and RFC 5646 "Tags
for Identifying Languages" with support for the LDML (UTS#35, "Unicode
Locale Data Markup Language") BCP 47-compatible extensions for locale data
exchange. Each Locale
is associated with locale data which is provided
by the Java runtime environment or any deployed LocaleServiceProvider
The locale data provided by the Java runtime environment may vary by release.
Locale Composition
A Locale
is composed of the bolded fields described below; note that a
need not have all such fields. For example, Locale.ENGLISH
is only comprised of the language field.
In contrast, a Locale
such as the one returned by
would be comprised of all
the fields below. This particular Locale
would represent English in
the United States using the Latin script and numerics for use in POSIX
implements IETF BCP 47 and any deviations should be observed
by the comments prefixed by "BCP 47 deviation:".
RFC 5646
combines subtags from various ISO (639, 3166, 15924) standards which are also
included in the composition of Locale
Additionally, the full list of valid codes for each field can be found in the
IANA Language Subtag Registry (e.g. search for "Type: region").
- language
- ISO 639 alpha-2/alpha-3 language code or a registered language subtag up to 8 alpha letters (for future enhancements). When a language has both an alpha-2 code and an alpha-3 code, the alpha-2 code must be used.
- Case convention:
is case insensitive, butLocale
always canonicalizes to lower case. - Syntax: Well-formed
values have the form[a-zA-Z]{2,8}
. - BCP 47 deviation: this is not the full BCP 47 language production, since it excludes extlang (as modern three-letter language codes are preferred).
- Example: "en" (English), "ja" (Japanese), "kok" (Konkani)
- script
- ISO 15924 alpha-4 script code.
- Case convention:
is case insensitive, butLocale
always canonicalizes to title case (the first letter is upper case and the rest of the letters are lower case). - Syntax: Well-formed
values have the form[a-zA-Z]{4}
- Example: "Latn" (Latin), "Cyrl" (Cyrillic)
- country (region)
- ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code or UN M.49 numeric-3 area code.
- Case convention:
country (region)
is case insensitive, butLocale
always canonicalizes to upper case. - Syntax: Well-formed
country (region)
values have the form[a-zA-Z]{2} | [0-9]{3}
- Example: "US" (United States), "FR" (France), "029" (Caribbean)
- variant
- Any arbitrary value used to indicate a variation of a
. When multiple variants exist, they should be separated by('_'|'-')
. Variants of higher importance should precede the others. - BCP 47 deviation: BCP 47 subtags are strictly used to indicate
additional variations that define a language or its dialects that
are not covered by any combinations of language, script and
region subtags. However, the variant field in
has historically been used for any kind of variation, not just language variations. For example, some supported variants available in Java SE Runtime Environments indicate alternative cultural behaviors such as calendar type or number script. In BCP 47, this kind of information which does not identify the language, is supported by extension subtags or private use subtags. - Case convention:
is case sensitive. BCP 47 deviation: BCP 47 treats the variant field as case insensitive. - Syntax: Well-formed
values have the formSUBTAG (('_'|'-') SUBTAG)*
whereSUBTAG = [0-9][0-9a-zA-Z]{3} | [0-9a-zA-Z]{5,8}
. - BCP 47 deviation: BCP 47 only
uses hyphen ('-') as a delimiter,
is more lenient. - Example: "polyton" (Polytonic Greek), "POSIX"
- extensions
- A map from single character keys to string values, indicating extensions apart from language identification.
- BCP 47 deviation: The
implement the semantics and syntax of BCP 47 extension subtags and private use subtags. Theextensions
field cannot have empty values. - Case convention:
are case insensitive, butLocale
canonicalizes all extension keys and values to lower case. - Syntax: Well-formed keys are single characters from the set
. Well-formed values have the formSUBTAG ('-' SUBTAG)*
where for the key 'x'SUBTAG = [0-9a-zA-Z]{1,8}
and for other keysSUBTAG = [0-9a-zA-Z]{2,8}
(that is, 'x' allows single-character subtags). - Example: key="u"/value="ca-japanese" (Japanese Calendar), key="x"/value="java-1-7"
does not validate this requirement. For example, the variant code "foobar"
is well-formed since it is composed of 5 to 8 alphanumerics, but is not defined
the IANA Language Subtag Registry. The Locale.Builder
only checks if an individual field satisfies the syntactic
requirement (is well-formed), but does not validate the value
itself. Conversely, Locale::of
and its
overloads do not make any syntactic checks on the input.
Unicode BCP 47 U Extension
UTS#35, "Unicode Locale Data Markup Language" defines optional attributes and keywords to override or refine the default behavior associated with a locale. A keyword is represented by a pair of key and type. For example, "nu-thai" indicates that Thai local digits (value:"thai") should be used for formatting numbers (key:"nu").
The keywords are mapped to a BCP 47 extension value using the
). The above
example, "nu-thai", becomes the extension "u-nu-thai".
Thus, when a Locale
object contains Unicode locale
attributes and keywords,
will return a
String representing this information, for example, "nu-thai". The
class also provides getUnicodeLocaleAttributes()
, getUnicodeLocaleKeys()
, and
which provides access to the Unicode
locale attributes and key/type pairs directly. When represented as
a string, the Unicode Locale Extension lists attributes
alphabetically, followed by key/type sequences with keys listed
alphabetically (the order of subtags comprising a key's type is
fixed when the type is defined)
A well-formed locale key has the form
. A well-formed locale type has the
form "" | [0-9a-zA-Z]{3,8} ('-' [0-9a-zA-Z]{3,8})*
can be empty, or a series of subtags 3-8 alphanums in length). A
well-formed locale attribute has the form
(it is a single subtag with the same
form as a locale type subtag).
The Unicode locale extension specifies optional behavior in locale-sensitive services. Although the LDML specification defines various keys and values, actual locale-sensitive service implementations in a Java Runtime Environment might not support any particular Unicode locale attributes or key/type pairs.
Default Locale
The default Locale is provided for any locale-sensitive methods if no
is explicitly specified as an argument, such as
. The default Locale is determined at startup
of the Java runtime and established in the following three phases:
- The locale-related system properties listed below are established from the
host environment. Some system properties (except for
) may not have values from the host environment.Locale-related System Properties Key Description user.language
for the default Locale, such as "en" (English)user.script
for the default Locale, such as "Latn" (Latin)
for the default Locale, such as "US" (United States)user.variant
for the default Locale, such as "POSIX"user.extensions
for the default Locale, such as "u-ca-japanese" (Japanese Calendar) - The values of these system properties can be overridden by values designated
at startup time. If the overriding value of the
property is unparsable, it is ignored. The overriding values of other properties are not checked for syntax or validity and are used directly in the default Locale. (Typically, system property values can be provided using the-D
command-line option of a launcher. For example, specifying-Duser.extensions=foobarbaz
results in a default Locale with no extensions, while specifying-Duser.language=foobarbaz
results in a default Locale whose language is "foobarbaz".) - The default
instance is constructed from the values of these system properties.
Altering the system property values with System.setProperties(Properties)
System.setProperty(String, String)
has no effect on the default Locale.
Once the default Locale is established, applications can query the default
Locale with getDefault()
and change it with setDefault(Locale)
If the default Locale is changed with setDefault(Locale)
, the corresponding
system properties are not altered. It is not recommended that applications read
these system properties and parse or interpret them as their values may be out of date.
Locale Category
There are finer-grained default Locales specific for each Locale.Category
These category specific default Locales can be queried by getDefault(Category)
and set by setDefault(Category, Locale)
. Construction of these category
specific default Locales are determined by the corresponding system properties,
which consist of the base system properties as listed above, suffixed by either
or ".format"
depending on the category. For example,
the value of the user.language.display
system property will be used in the
part of the default Locale for the Locale.Category.DISPLAY
category. In the absence of category specific system properties, the "category-less"
system properties are used, such as user.language
in the previous example.
Obtaining a Locale
There are several ways to obtain a Locale
It is advised against using the deprecated Locale
- Locale Constants
- A number of convenient constants are provided that return
objects for commonly used locales. For example,Locale.US
is theLocale
object for the United States. - Factory Methods
and its overloads obtain aLocale
object from the givenlanguage
, and/orvariant
obtains aLocale
object for a well-formed BCP 47 language tag.- Builder
is used to construct aLocale
object that conforms to BCP 47 syntax. Use a builder to enforce syntactic restrictions on the input.
The following invocations produce Locale objects that are all equivalent:
Locale.of("en", "US");
new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("en").setRegion("US").build();
Usage Examples
Once a Locale
is obtained,
it can be queried for information about itself. For example, use getCountry()
to get the country (or region) code and getLanguage()
get the language. getDisplayCountry()
can be used to get the
name of the country suitable for displaying to the user. Similarly,
use getDisplayLanguage()
to get the name of
the language suitable for displaying to the user. The getDisplayXXX
methods are themselves locale-sensitive and have two variants; one with an explicit
locale parameter, and one without. The latter uses the default DISPLAY
locale, so the following are equivalent :
The Java Platform provides a number of classes that perform locale-sensitive
operations. For example, the NumberFormat
class formats
numbers, currency, and percentages in a locale-sensitive manner. Classes such
as NumberFormat
have several factory methods for creating a default object
of that type. These methods generally have two variants; one with an explicit
locale parameter, and one without. The latter uses the default FORMAT
locale, so the following are equivalent :
The following example demonstrates locale-sensitive currency and date related operations under different locales :
var number = 1000;
NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US).format(number); // returns "$1,000.00"
NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.JAPAN).format(number); // returns "¥1,000""
var date = LocalDate.of(2024, 1, 1);
DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.LONG).localizedBy(Locale.US).format(date); // returns "January 1, 2024"
DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.LONG).localizedBy(Locale.JAPAN).format(date); // returns "2024年1月1日"
Locale Matching
If an application is internationalized and provides localized resources for multiple locales, it sometimes needs to find one or more locales (or language tags) which meet each user's specific preferences. Note that the term "language tag" is used interchangeably with "locale" in the following locale matching documentation.
In order to match a user's preferred locales to a set of language tags, RFC 4647 Matching of Language Tags defines two mechanisms: filtering and lookup. Filtering is used to get all matching locales, whereas lookup is to select the best matching locale. Matching is done case-insensitively. These matching mechanisms are described in the following sections.
A user's preference is called a Language Priority List and is
expressed as a list of language ranges. There are syntactically two types of
language ranges: basic and extended. See
for details.
The filtering operation returns all matching language tags. It is defined in RFC 4647 as follows: "In filtering, each language range represents the least specific language tag (that is, the language tag with fewest number of subtags) that is an acceptable match. All of the language tags in the matching set of tags will have an equal or greater number of subtags than the language range. Every non-wildcard subtag in the language range will appear in every one of the matching language tags."
There are two types of filtering: filtering for basic language ranges
(called "basic filtering") and filtering for extended language ranges
(called "extended filtering"). They may return different results by what
kind of language ranges are included in the given Language Priority List.
is a parameter to specify how filtering should
be done.
The lookup operation returns the best matching language tags. It is defined in RFC 4647 as follows: "By contrast with filtering, each language range represents the most specific tag that is an acceptable match. The first matching tag found, according to the user's priority, is considered the closest match and is the item returned."
For example, if a Language Priority List consists of two language ranges,
and "en-US"
, in prioritized order, lookup
method progressively searches the language tags below in order to find the
best matching language tag.
If there is a language tag which matches completely to a language range above, the language tag is returned.1. zh-Hant-TW 2. zh-Hant 3. zh 4. en-US 5. en
is the special language range, and it is ignored in lookup.
If multiple language tags match as a result of the subtag '*'
included in a language range, the first matching language tag returned by
an Iterator
over a Collection
of language tags is treated as
the best matching one.
During serialization, writeObject writes all fields to the output stream, including extensions.
During deserialization, readResolve adds extensions as described in Special Cases, only for the two cases th_TH_TH and ja_JP_JP.
- Implementation Note:
The following commentary is provided for apps that want to ensure interoperability with older releases of
provided by the reference implementation.Locale Behavior
In order to maintain compatibility, Locale's (deprecated) constructors,of(String, String, String)
, and its overloads retain their behavior prior to the Java Runtime Environment version 1.7. That is, a length constraint is not imposed on any of the input parameters. Similarly, the same preservation of past behavior is largely true for thetoString()
method. Apps that previously parsed the output oftoString()
into language, country, and variant fields can continue to do so (although this is strongly discouraged). A caveat is that the variant field will have additional information in it if script or extensions are present.In addition, BCP 47 imposes syntax restrictions that are not imposed by Locale's constructors. This means that conversions between some Locales and BCP 47 language tags cannot be made without losing information. Thus
cannot represent the state of locales whose language, country, or variant do not conform to BCP 47.Because of these issues, it is recommended that apps migrate away from constructing non-conforming locales and use the
APIs instead. Apps desiring a string representation of the complete locale can then always rely ontoLanguageTag()
for this purpose.Special cases
For compatibility reasons, two non-conforming locales are treated as special cases. These are
. These are ill-formed in BCP 47 since the variants are too short. To ease migration to BCP 47, these are treated specially during construction. These two cases (and only these) cause a constructor to generate an extension, all other values behave exactly as they did prior to Java 7.Java has used
to represent Japanese as used in Japan together with the Japanese Imperial calendar. This is now representable using a Unicode locale extension, by specifying the Unicode locale keyca
(for "calendar") and typejapanese
. When the Locale constructor is called with the arguments "ja", "JP", "JP", the extension "u-ca-japanese" is automatically added.Java has used
to represent Thai as used in Thailand together with Thai digits. This is also now representable using a Unicode locale extension, by specifying the Unicode locale keynu
(for "number") and valuethai
. When the Locale constructor is called with the arguments "th", "TH", "TH", the extension "u-nu-thai" is automatically added.Legacy language codes
Locale's constructors have always converted three language codes to their earlier, obsoleted forms:
maps toiw
maps toji
, andid
maps toin
. Since Java SE 17, this is no longer the case. Each language maps to its new form;iw
maps tohe
maps toyi
, andin
maps toid
.For backwards compatible behavior, the system property
reverts the behavior back to that of before Java SE 17. If the system property is set totrue
, those three current language codes are mapped to their backward compatible forms. The property is only read at Java runtime startup and subsequent calls toSystem.setProperty()
will have no effect.The APIs added in 1.7 map between the old and new language codes, maintaining the mapped codes internal to Locale (so that
reflect the mapped code, which depends on thejava.locale.useOldISOCodes
system property), but using the new codes in the BCP 47 language tag APIs (so thattoLanguageTag
reflects the new one). This preserves the equivalence between Locales no matter which code or API is used to construct them. Java's default resource bundle lookup mechanism also implements this mapping, so that resources can be named using either convention, seeResourceBundle.Control
.- Since:
- 1.1
- External Specifications
- See Also:
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic final class
is used to build instances ofLocale
from values configured by the setters.static enum
Enum for locale categories.static enum
This enum provides constants to select a filtering mode for locale matching.static enum
Enum for specifying the type defined in ISO 3166.static final class
This class expresses a Language Range defined in RFC 4647 Matching of Language Tags. -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final char
The key for the private use extension ('x').static final Locale
Useful constant for the root locale.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final Locale
Useful constant for language.static final Locale
Useful constant for country.static final char
The key for Unicode locale extension ('u').static final Locale
Useful constant for country. -
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionDeprecated.Locale constructors have been deprecated.Deprecated.Locale constructors have been deprecated.Deprecated.Locale constructors have been deprecated. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns a stream of available locales.static String
(String languageTag) Returns a case folded IETF BCP 47 language tag.clone()
Overrides Cloneable.boolean
Returns true if this Locale is equal to another object.filter
(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<Locale> locales) Returns a list of matchingLocale
instances using the filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647.filter
(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<Locale> locales, Locale.FilteringMode mode) Returns a list of matchingLocale
instances using the filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647.filterTags
(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<String> tags) Returns a list of matching languages tags using the basic filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647.filterTags
(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<String> tags, Locale.FilteringMode mode) Returns a list of matching languages tags using the basic filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647.static Locale
(String languageTag) Returns a locale for the specified IETF BCP 47 language tag string.static Locale[]
Returns an array of available locales.Returns the country/region code for this locale, which should either be the empty string, an uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code, or a UN M.49 3-digit code.static Locale
Gets the current value of thedefault locale
for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.static Locale
(Locale.Category category) Gets the current value of thedefault locale
for the specified Category for this instance of the Java Virtual String
Returns a name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the user.getDisplayCountry
(Locale inLocale) Returns a name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the String
Returns a name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the user.getDisplayLanguage
(Locale inLocale) Returns a name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the String
Returns a name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user.getDisplayName
(Locale inLocale) Returns a name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user.Returns a name for the locale's script that is appropriate for display to the user.getDisplayScript
(Locale inLocale) Returns a name for the locale's script that is appropriate for display to the String
Returns a name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user.getDisplayVariant
(Locale inLocale) Returns a name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user.getExtension
(char key) Returns the extension (or private use) value associated with the specified key, or null if there is no extension associated with the key.Returns the set of extension keys associated with this locale, or the empty set if it has no extensions.Returns a three-letter abbreviation of this locale's country.Returns a three-letter abbreviation of this locale's language.static String[]
Returns a list of all 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166.Returns aSet
of ISO3166 country codes for the specified type.static String[]
Returns a list of all 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639.Returns the language code of this Locale.Returns the script for this locale, which should either be the empty string or an ISO 15924 4-letter script code.Returns the set of unicode locale attributes associated with this locale, or the empty set if it has no attributes.Returns the set of Unicode locale keys defined by this locale, or the empty set if this locale has none.Returns the Unicode locale type associated with the specified Unicode locale key for this locale.Returns the variant code for this locale.boolean
Override hashCode.static Locale
(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<Locale> locales) Returns aLocale
instance for the best-matching language tag using the lookup mechanism defined in RFC 4647.static String
(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<String> tags) Returns the best-matching language tag using the lookup mechanism defined in RFC 4647.static Locale
Obtains a locale from a language code.static Locale
Obtains a locale from language and country.static Locale
Obtains a locale from language, country and variant.static void
(Locale newLocale) Sets thedefault locale
for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.static void
(Locale.Category category, Locale newLocale) Sets thedefault locale
for the specified Category for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.Returns a copy of thisLocale
with no extensions.Returns a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag representing this String
Returns a string representation of thisLocale
object, consisting of language, country, variant, script, and extensions as below: language + "_" + country + "_" + (variant + "_#" | "#") + script + "_" + extensions Language is always lower case, country is always upper case, script is always title case, and extensions are always lower case.
Field Details
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for language. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for the root locale. The root locale is the locale whose language, country, and variant are empty ("") strings. This is regarded as the base locale of all locales, and is used as the language/country neutral locale for the locale sensitive operations.- Since:
- 1.6
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
Useful constant for country. -
public static final char PRIVATE_USE_EXTENSIONThe key for the private use extension ('x').- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
public static final char UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSIONThe key for Unicode locale extension ('u').- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
Constructor Details
Deprecated.Locale constructors have been deprecated. See Obtaining a Locale for other options.Construct a locale from language, country and variant. This constructor normalizes the language value to lowercase and the country value to uppercase.- Implementation Note:
- Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to their current forms. See Legacy language codes for more information.
- For backward compatibility reasons, this constructor does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
- The two cases ("ja", "JP", "JP") and ("th", "TH", "TH") are handled specially, see Special Cases for more information.
- Parameters:
- An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag up to 8 characters in length. See theLocale
class description about valid language
- An ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code or a UN M.49 numeric-3 area code. See theLocale
class description about valid country values.variant
- Any arbitrary value used to indicate a variation of aLocale
. See theLocale
class description for the details.- Throws:
- thrown if any argument is null.
Deprecated.Locale constructors have been deprecated. See Obtaining a Locale for other options.Construct a locale from language and country. This constructor normalizes the language value to lowercase and the country value to uppercase.- Implementation Note:
- Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to their current forms. See Legacy language codes for more information.
- For backward compatibility reasons, this constructor does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
- Parameters:
- An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag up to 8 characters in length. See theLocale
class description about valid language
- An ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code or a UN M.49 numeric-3 area code. See theLocale
class description about valid country values.- Throws:
- thrown if either argument is null.
Deprecated.Locale constructors have been deprecated. See Obtaining a Locale for other options.Construct a locale from a language code. This constructor normalizes the language value to lowercase.- Implementation Note:
- Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to their current forms. See Legacy language codes for more information.
- For backward compatibility reasons, this constructor does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
- Parameters:
- An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag up to 8 characters in length. See theLocale
class description about valid language values.- Throws:
- thrown if argument is null.- Since:
- 1.4
Method Details
Obtains a locale from language, country and variant. This method normalizes the language value to lowercase and the country value to uppercase.- Implementation Note:
- This method does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
for full syntactic checks with BCP47. - The two cases ("ja", "JP", "JP") and ("th", "TH", "TH") are handled specially, see Special Cases for more information.
- Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to their current forms. See Legacy language codes for more information.
- This method does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
- Parameters:
- A language code. See theLocale
class description of language
- A country code. See theLocale
class description of country values.variant
- Any arbitrary value used to indicate a variation of aLocale
. See theLocale
class description of variant values.- Returns:
- A
object - Throws:
- thrown if any argument is null.- Since:
- 19
Obtains a locale from language and country. This method normalizes the language value to lowercase and the country value to uppercase.- Implementation Note:
- This method does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
for full syntactic checks with BCP47. - Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to their current forms. See Legacy language codes for more information.
- This method does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
- Parameters:
- A language code. See theLocale
class description of language
- A country code. See theLocale
class description of country values.- Returns:
- A
object - Throws:
- thrown if either argument is null.- Since:
- 19
Obtains a locale from a language code. This method normalizes the language value to lowercase.- Implementation Note:
- This method does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
for full syntactic checks with BCP47. - Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to their current forms. See Legacy language codes for more information.
- This method does not make any syntactic checks on the input.
- Parameters:
- A language code. See theLocale
class description of language values.- Returns:
- A
object - Throws:
- thrown if argument is null.- Since:
- 19
Gets the current value of thedefault locale
for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.The Java Virtual Machine sets the default locale during startup based on the host environment. It is used by many locale-sensitive methods if no locale is explicitly specified. It can be changed using the
method.- Returns:
- the default locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine
Gets the current value of thedefault locale
for the specified Category for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.The Java Virtual Machine sets the default locale during startup based on the host environment. It is used by many locale-sensitive methods if no locale is explicitly specified. It can be changed using the
setDefault(Locale.Category, Locale)
method.- Parameters:
- the specified category to get the default locale- Returns:
- the default locale for the specified Category for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine
- Throws:
- if category is null- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
Sets thedefault locale
for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine. This does not affect the host locale.The Java Virtual Machine sets the default locale during startup based on the host environment. It is used by many locale-sensitive methods if no locale is explicitly specified.
Since changing the default locale may affect many different areas of functionality, this method should only be used if the caller is prepared to reinitialize locale-sensitive code running within the same Java Virtual Machine.
By setting the default locale with this method, all of the default locales for each Category are also set to the specified default locale.
- Parameters:
- the new default locale- Throws:
- ifnewLocale
is null
Sets thedefault locale
for the specified Category for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine. This does not affect the host locale.The Java Virtual Machine sets the default locale during startup based on the host environment. It is used by many locale-sensitive methods if no locale is explicitly specified.
Since changing the default locale may affect many different areas of functionality, this method should only be used if the caller is prepared to reinitialize locale-sensitive code running within the same Java Virtual Machine.
- Parameters:
- the specified category to set the default localenewLocale
- the new default locale- Throws:
- if category and/or newLocale is null- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
Returns an array of available locales. The returned array represents the union of locales supported by the Java runtime environment and by deployedLocaleServiceProvider
implementations. At a minimum, the returned array must contain aLocale
instance equal toLocale.ROOT
and aLocale
instance equal toLocale.US
.- Returns:
- an array of available locales
Returns a stream of available locales. The returned stream represents the union of locales supported by the Java runtime environment and by deployedLocaleServiceProvider
implementations. At a minimum, the returned stream must contain aLocale
instance equal toLocale.ROOT
and aLocale
instance equal toLocale.US
.- Implementation Note:
- Unlike
, this method does not create a defensive copy of the Locale array. - Returns:
- a stream of available locales
- Since:
- 21
Returns a list of all 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166. Can be used to obtain Locales. This method is equivalent togetISOCountries(Locale.IsoCountryCode type)
.Note: The
class also supports other codes for country (region), such as 3-letter numeric UN M.49 area codes. Therefore, the list returned by this method does not contain ALL valid codes that can be used to obtain Locales.Note that this method does not return obsolete 2-letter country codes. ISO3166-3 codes which designate country codes for those obsolete codes, can be retrieved from
getISOCountries(Locale.IsoCountryCode type)
.- Returns:
- An array of ISO 3166 two-letter country codes.
Returns aSet
of ISO3166 country codes for the specified type.- Parameters:
specified ISO code type.- Returns:
- a
of ISO3166 country codes for the specified type - Throws:
- if type is null- Since:
- 9
- See Also:
Returns a list of all 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639. Can be used to obtain Locales.Note:
- ISO 639 is not a stable standard— some languages' codes have changed. The list this function returns includes both the new and the old codes for the languages whose codes have changed.
- The
class also supports language codes up to 8 characters in length. Therefore, the list returned by this method does not contain ALL valid codes that can be used to obtain Locales.
- Returns:
- An array of ISO 639 two-letter language codes.
Returns the language code of this Locale.- Implementation Note:
- This method returns the new forms for the obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in"). See Legacy language codes for more information.
- Returns:
- The language code, or the empty string if none is defined.
- See Also:
Returns the script for this locale, which should either be the empty string or an ISO 15924 4-letter script code. The first letter is uppercase and the rest are lowercase, for example, 'Latn', 'Cyrl'.- Returns:
- The script code, or the empty string if none is defined.
- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
Returns the country/region code for this locale, which should either be the empty string, an uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code, or a UN M.49 3-digit code.- Returns:
- The country/region code, or the empty string if none is defined.
- See Also:
Returns the variant code for this locale.- Returns:
- The variant code, or the empty string if none is defined.
- See Also:
public boolean hasExtensions()- Returns:
if thisLocale
has any extensions- Since:
- 1.8
Returns a copy of thisLocale
with no extensions. If thisLocale
has no extensions, thisLocale
is returned.- Returns:
- a copy of this
with no extensions, orthis
has no extensions - Since:
- 1.8
Returns the extension (or private use) value associated with the specified key, or null if there is no extension associated with the key. To be well-formed, the key must be one of[0-9A-Za-z]
. Keys are case-insensitive, so for example 'z' and 'Z' represent the same extension.- Parameters:
- the extension key- Returns:
- The extension, or null if this locale defines no extension for the specified key.
- Throws:
- if key is not well-formed- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
Returns the set of extension keys associated with this locale, or the empty set if it has no extensions. The returned set is unmodifiable. The keys will all be lower-case.- Returns:
- The set of extension keys, or the empty set if this locale has no extensions.
- Since:
- 1.7
Returns the Unicode locale type associated with the specified Unicode locale key for this locale. Returns the empty string for keys that are defined with no type. Returns null if the key is not defined. Keys are case-insensitive. The key must be two alphanumeric characters ([0-9a-zA-Z]), or an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.- Parameters:
- the Unicode locale key- Returns:
- The Unicode locale type associated with the key, or null if the locale does not define the key.
- Throws:
- if the key is not well-formedNullPointerException
- ifkey
is null- Since:
- 1.7
Returns the set of Unicode locale keys defined by this locale, or the empty set if this locale has none. The returned set is immutable. Keys are all lower case.- Returns:
- The set of Unicode locale keys, or the empty set if this locale has no Unicode locale keywords.
- Since:
- 1.7
Returns a string representation of thisLocale
object, consisting of language, country, variant, script, and extensions as below:language + "_" + country + "_" + (variant + "_#" | "#") + script + "_" + extensions
Language is always lower case, country is always upper case, script is always title case, and extensions are always lower case. Extensions and private use subtags will be in canonical order as explained intoLanguageTag()
.When the locale has neither script nor extensions, the result is the same as in Java 6 and prior.
If both the language and country fields are missing, this function will return the empty string, even if the variant, script, or extensions field is present (a locale with just a variant is not allowed, the variant must accompany a well-formed language or country code).
If script or extensions are present and variant is missing, no underscore is added before the "#".
This behavior is designed to support debugging and to be compatible with previous uses of
that expected language, country, and variant fields only. To represent a Locale as a String for interchange purposes, usetoLanguageTag()
Returns a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag representing this locale.If this
has a language, country, or variant that does not satisfy the IETF BCP 47 language tag syntax requirements, this method handles these fields as described below:Language: If language is empty, or not well-formed (for example "a" or "e2"), it will be emitted as "und" (Undetermined).
Country: If country is not well-formed (for example "12" or "USA"), it will be omitted.
Variant: If variant is well-formed, each sub-segment (delimited by '-' or '_') is emitted as a subtag. Otherwise:
- if all sub-segments match
(for example "WIN" or "Oracle_JDK_Standard_Edition"), the first ill-formed sub-segment and all following will be appended to the private use subtag. The first appended subtag will be "lvariant", followed by the sub-segments in order, separated by hyphen. For example, "x-lvariant-WIN", "Oracle-x-lvariant-JDK-Standard-Edition". - if any sub-segment does not match
, the variant will be truncated and the problematic sub-segment and all following sub-segments will be omitted. If the remainder is non-empty, it will be emitted as a private use subtag as above (even if the remainder turns out to be well-formed). For example, "Solaris_isjustthecoolestthing" is emitted as "x-lvariant-Solaris", not as "solaris".
Special Conversions: Java supports some old locale representations, including deprecated ISO language codes, for compatibility. This method performs the following conversions:
- Deprecated ISO language codes "iw", "ji", and "in" are converted to "he", "yi", and "id", respectively.
- A locale with language "no", country "NO", and variant "NY", representing Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway), is converted to a language tag "nn-NO".
Note: Although the language tag obtained by this method is well-formed (satisfies the syntax requirements defined by the IETF BCP 47 specification), it is not necessarily a valid BCP 47 language tag. For example,
- Returns:
- a BCP47 language tag representing the locale
- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
- if all sub-segments match
Returns a case folded IETF BCP 47 language tag.This method formats a language tag into one with case convention that adheres to section 2.1.1. Formatting of Language Tags of RFC5646. This format is defined as: All subtags, including extension and private use subtags, use lowercase letters with two exceptions: two-letter and four-letter subtags that neither appear at the start of the tag nor occur after singletons. Such two-letter subtags are all uppercase (as in the tags "en-CA-x-ca" or "sgn-BE-FR") and four- letter subtags are titlecase (as in the tag "az-Latn-x-latn"). As legacy tags, (defined as "grandfathered" in RFC5646) are not always well-formed, this method will simply case fold a legacy tag to match the exact case convention for the particular tag specified in the respective
Legacy tags
table.Special Exceptions
To maintain consistency with
which is case-sensitive, this method will neither case fold variant subtags nor case fold private use subtags prefixed bylvariant
.For example,
String tag = "ja-kana-jp-x-lvariant-Oracle-JDK-Standard-Edition"; Locale.caseFoldLanguageTag(tag); // returns "ja-Kana-JP-x-lvariant-Oracle-JDK-Standard-Edition" String tag2 = "ja-kana-jp-x-Oracle-JDK-Standard-Edition"; Locale.caseFoldLanguageTag(tag2); // returns "ja-Kana-JP-x-oracle-jdk-standard-edition"
Excluding case folding, this method makes no modifications to the tag itself. Case convention of language tags does not carry meaning, and is simply recommended as it corresponds with various ISO standards, including: ISO639-1, ISO15924, and ISO3166-1.
As the formatting of the case convention is dependent on the positioning of certain subtags, callers of this method should ensure that the language tag is well-formed, (conforming to section 2.1. Syntax of RFC5646).
- Parameters:
- the IETF BCP 47 language tag.- Returns:
- a case folded IETF BCP 47 language tag
- Throws:
- iflanguageTag
is not well-formedNullPointerException
- iflanguageTag
- Since:
- 21
- External Specifications
Returns a locale for the specified IETF BCP 47 language tag string.If the specified language tag contains any ill-formed subtags, the first such subtag and all following subtags are ignored. Compare to
which throws an exception in this case.The following conversions are performed:
- The language code "und" is mapped to language "".
- The language codes "iw", "ji", and "in" are mapped to "he", "yi", and "id" respectively. (This is the same canonicalization that's done in Locale's constructors.) See Legacy language codes for more information.
- The portion of a private use subtag prefixed by "lvariant",
if any, is removed and appended to the variant field in the
result locale (without case normalization). If it is then
empty, the private use subtag is discarded:
Locale loc; loc = Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US-x-lvariant-POSIX"); loc.getVariant(); // returns "POSIX" loc.getExtension('x'); // returns null loc = Locale.forLanguageTag("de-POSIX-x-URP-lvariant-Abc-Def"); loc.getVariant(); // returns "POSIX_Abc_Def" loc.getExtension('x'); // returns "urp"
- When the languageTag argument contains an extlang subtag,
the first such subtag is used as the language, and the primary
language subtag and other extlang subtags are ignored:
Locale.forLanguageTag("ar-aao").getLanguage(); // returns "aao" Locale.forLanguageTag("en-abc-def-us").toString(); // returns "abc_US"
- Case is normalized except for variant tags, which are left unchanged. Language is normalized to lower case, script to title case, country to upper case, and extensions to lower case.
- If, after processing, the locale would exactly match either
ja_JP_JP or th_TH_TH with no extensions, the appropriate
extensions are added as though the constructor had been called:
Locale.forLanguageTag("ja-JP-x-lvariant-JP").toLanguageTag(); // returns "ja-JP-u-ca-japanese-x-lvariant-JP" Locale.forLanguageTag("th-TH-x-lvariant-TH").toLanguageTag(); // returns "th-TH-u-nu-thai-x-lvariant-TH"
Legacy tags with canonical replacements are as follows:
legacy tag modern replacement art-lojban jbo i-ami ami i-bnn bnn i-hak hak i-klingon tlh i-lux lb i-navajo nv i-pwn pwn i-tao tao i-tay tay i-tsu tsu no-bok nb no-nyn nn sgn-BE-FR sfb sgn-BE-NL vgt sgn-CH-DE sgg zh-guoyu cmn zh-hakka hak zh-min-nan nan zh-xiang hsn Legacy tags with no modern replacement will be converted as follows:
legacy tag converts to cel-gaulish xtg-x-cel-gaulish en-GB-oed en-GB-x-oed i-default en-x-i-default i-enochian und-x-i-enochian i-mingo see-x-i-mingo zh-min nan-x-zh-min For a list of all legacy tags, see the IANA Language Subtag Registry (search for "Type: grandfathered").
Note: there is no guarantee that
will round-trip.- Parameters:
- the language tag- Returns:
- The locale that best represents the language tag.
- Throws:
- iflanguageTag
- Since:
- 1.7
- See Also:
Returns a three-letter abbreviation of this locale's language. If the language matches an ISO 639-1 two-letter code, the corresponding ISO 639-2/T three-letter lowercase code is returned. The ISO 639-2 language codes can be found on-line, see "Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages Part 2: Alpha-3 Code". If the locale specifies a three-letter language, the language is returned as is. If the locale does not specify a language the empty string is returned.- Returns:
- a three-letter abbreviation of this locale's language
- Throws:
- Throws MissingResourceException if three-letter language abbreviation is not available for this locale.
Returns a three-letter abbreviation of this locale's country. If the country matches an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 uppercase code is returned. If the locale doesn't specify a country, this will be the empty string.The ISO 3166-1 codes can be found on-line.
- Returns:
- a three-letter abbreviation of this locale's country
- Throws:
- Throws MissingResourceException if the three-letter country abbreviation is not available for this locale.
Returns a name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name returned will be localized for the defaultDISPLAY
locale. For example, if the locale is fr_FR and the defaultDISPLAY
locale is en_US, getDisplayLanguage() will return "French"; if the locale is en_US and the defaultDISPLAY
locale is fr_FR, getDisplayLanguage() will return "anglais". If the name returned cannot be localized for the defaultDISPLAY
locale, this function falls back on the English name, and uses the ISO code as a last-resort value. If the locale doesn't specify a language, this function returns the empty string.- Returns:
- The name of the display language.
Returns a name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name returned will be localized according to inLocale. For example, if the locale is fr_FR and inLocale is en_US, getDisplayLanguage() will return "French"; if the locale is en_US and inLocale is fr_FR, getDisplayLanguage() will return "anglais". If the name returned cannot be localized according to inLocale, this function falls back on the English name, and finally on the ISO code as a last-resort value. If the locale doesn't specify a language, this function returns the empty string.- Parameters:
- The locale for which to retrieve the display language.- Returns:
- The name of the display language appropriate to the given locale.
- Throws:
- ifinLocale
Returns a name for the locale's script that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name will be localized for the defaultDISPLAY
locale. Returns the empty string if this locale doesn't specify a script code.- Returns:
- the display name of the script code for the current default
locale - Since:
- 1.7
Returns a name for the locale's script that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name will be localized for the given locale. Returns the empty string if this locale doesn't specify a script code.- Parameters:
- The locale for which to retrieve the display script.- Returns:
- the display name of the script code for the current default
locale - Throws:
- ifinLocale
- Since:
- 1.7
Returns a name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name returned will be localized for the defaultDISPLAY
locale. For example, if the locale is fr_FR and the defaultDISPLAY
locale is en_US, getDisplayCountry() will return "France"; if the locale is en_US and the defaultDISPLAY
locale is fr_FR, getDisplayCountry() will return "Etats-Unis". If the name returned cannot be localized for the defaultDISPLAY
locale, this function falls back on the English name, and uses the ISO code as a last-resort value. If the locale doesn't specify a country, this function returns the empty string.- Returns:
- The name of the country appropriate to the locale.
Returns a name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name returned will be localized according to inLocale. For example, if the locale is fr_FR and inLocale is en_US, getDisplayCountry() will return "France"; if the locale is en_US and inLocale is fr_FR, getDisplayCountry() will return "Etats-Unis". If the name returned cannot be localized according to inLocale, this function falls back on the English name, and finally on the ISO code as a last-resort value. If the locale doesn't specify a country, this function returns the empty string.- Parameters:
- The locale for which to retrieve the display country.- Returns:
- The name of the country appropriate to the given locale.
- Throws:
- ifinLocale
Returns a name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name will be localized for the defaultDISPLAY
locale. If the locale doesn't specify a variant code, this function returns the empty string.- Returns:
- The name of the display variant code appropriate to the locale.
Returns a name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user. If possible, the name will be localized for inLocale. If the locale doesn't specify a variant code, this function returns the empty string.- Parameters:
- The locale for which to retrieve the display variant code.- Returns:
- The name of the display variant code appropriate to the given locale.
- Throws:
- ifinLocale
Returns a name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user. This will be the values returned by getDisplayLanguage(), getDisplayScript(), getDisplayCountry(), getDisplayVariant() and optional Unicode extensions assembled into a single string. The non-empty values are used in order, with the second and subsequent names in parentheses. For example:language (script, country, variant(, extension)*)
depending on which fields are specified in the locale. The field separator in the above parentheses, denoted as a comma character, may be localized depending on the locale. If the language, script, country, and variant fields are all empty, this function returns the empty string.
language (country(, extension)*)
language (variant(, extension)*)
script (country(, extension)*)
country (extension)*
- Returns:
- The name of the locale appropriate to display.
Returns a name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user. This will be the values returned by getDisplayLanguage(), getDisplayScript(), getDisplayCountry(), getDisplayVariant(), and optional Unicode extensions assembled into a single string. The non-empty values are used in order, with the second and subsequent names in parentheses. For example:language (script, country, variant(, extension)*)
depending on which fields are specified in the locale. The field separator in the above parentheses, denoted as a comma character, may be localized depending on the locale. If the language, script, country, and variant fields are all empty, this function returns the empty string.
language (country(, extension)*)
language (variant(, extension)*)
script (country(, extension)*)
country (extension)*
- Parameters:
- The locale for which to retrieve the display name.- Returns:
- The name of the locale appropriate to display.
- Throws:
- ifinLocale
Returns true if this Locale is equal to another object. A Locale is deemed equal to another Locale with identical language, script, country, variant and extensions, and unequal to all other objects. -
public static List<Locale> filter(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<Locale> locales, Locale.FilteringMode mode) Returns a list of matchingLocale
instances using the filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647. This filter operation on the givenlocales
ensures that only unique matching locale(s) are returned.- Parameters:
- user's Language Priority List in which each language tag is sorted in descending order based on priority or weightlocales
instances used for matchingmode
- filtering mode- Returns:
- a list of
instances for matching language tags sorted in descending order based on priority or weight, or an empty list if nothing matches. The list is modifiable. - Throws:
- ifpriorityList
- if one or more extended language ranges are included in the given list whenLocale.FilteringMode.REJECT_EXTENDED_RANGES
is specified- Since:
- 1.8
public static List<Locale> filter(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<Locale> locales) Returns a list of matchingLocale
instances using the filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647. This is equivalent tofilter(List, Collection, FilteringMode)
. This filter operation on the givenlocales
ensures that only unique matching locale(s) are returned.- Parameters:
- user's Language Priority List in which each language tag is sorted in descending order based on priority or weightlocales
instances used for matching- Returns:
- a list of
instances for matching language tags sorted in descending order based on priority or weight, or an empty list if nothing matches. The list is modifiable. - Throws:
- ifpriorityList
- Since:
- 1.8
public static List<String> filterTags(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<String> tags, Locale.FilteringMode mode) Returns a list of matching languages tags using the basic filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647. This filter operation on the giventags
ensures that only unique matching tag(s) are returned with preserved case. In case of duplicate matching tags with the case difference, the first matching tag with preserved case is returned. For example, "de-ch" is returned out of the duplicate matching tags "de-ch" and "de-CH", if "de-ch" is checked first for matching in the giventags
. Note that if the giventags
is an unorderedCollection
, the returned matching tag out of duplicate tags is subject to change, depending on the implementation of theCollection
.- Parameters:
- user's Language Priority List in which each language tag is sorted in descending order based on priority or weighttags
- language tagsmode
- filtering mode- Returns:
- a list of matching language tags sorted in descending order based on priority or weight, or an empty list if nothing matches. The list is modifiable.
- Throws:
- ifpriorityList
- if one or more extended language ranges are included in the given list whenLocale.FilteringMode.REJECT_EXTENDED_RANGES
is specified- Since:
- 1.8
public static List<String> filterTags(List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList, Collection<String> tags) Returns a list of matching languages tags using the basic filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647. This is equivalent tofilterTags(List, Collection, FilteringMode)
. This filter operation on the giventags
ensures that only unique matching tag(s) are returned with preserved case. In case of duplicate matching tags with the case difference, the first matching tag with preserved case is returned. For example, "de-ch" is returned out of the duplicate matching tags "de-ch" and "de-CH", if "de-ch" is checked first for matching in the giventags
. Note that if the giventags
is an unorderedCollection
, the returned matching tag out of duplicate tags is subject to change, depending on the implementation of theCollection
.- Parameters:
- user's Language Priority List in which each language tag is sorted in descending order based on priority or weighttags
- language tags- Returns:
- a list of matching language tags sorted in descending order based on priority or weight, or an empty list if nothing matches. The list is modifiable.
- Throws:
- ifpriorityList
- Since:
- 1.8
Returns aLocale
instance for the best-matching language tag using the lookup mechanism defined in RFC 4647.- Parameters:
- user's Language Priority List in which each language tag is sorted in descending order based on priority or weightlocales
instances used for matching- Returns:
- the best matching
instance chosen based on priority or weight, ornull
if nothing matches. - Throws:
- ifpriorityList
- Since:
- 1.8
Returns the best-matching language tag using the lookup mechanism defined in RFC 4647. This lookup operation on the giventags
ensures that the first matching tag with preserved case is returned.- Parameters:
- user's Language Priority List in which each language tag is sorted in descending order based on priority or weighttags
- language tags used for matching- Returns:
- the best matching language tag chosen based on priority or
weight, or
if nothing matches. - Throws:
- ifpriorityList
- Since:
- 1.8