Class DropTargetContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DropTargetContext extends Object implements Serializable
A DropTargetContext is created whenever the logical cursor associated with a Drag and Drop operation coincides with the visible geometry of a Component associated with a DropTarget. The DropTargetContext provides the mechanism for a potential receiver of a drop operation to both provide the end user with the appropriate drag under feedback, but also to effect the subsequent data transfer if appropriate.
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    protected class 
    TransferableProxy is a helper inner class that implements Transferable interface and serves as a proxy for another Transferable object which represents data transfer for a particular drag-n-drop operation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    acceptDrag(int dragOperation)
    accept the Drag.
    protected void
    acceptDrop(int dropOperation)
    called to signal that the drop is acceptable using the specified operation.
    protected Transferable
    Creates a TransferableProxy to proxy for the specified Transferable.
    dropComplete(boolean success)
    This method signals that the drop is completed and if it was successful or not.
    This method returns the Component associated with this DropTargetContext.
    protected DataFlavor[]
    get the available DataFlavors of the Transferable operand of this operation.
    protected List<DataFlavor>
    This method returns the currently available DataFlavors of the Transferable operand as a java.util.List.
    This method returns the DropTarget associated with this DropTargetContext.
    protected int
    This method returns an int representing the current actions this DropTarget will accept.
    protected Transferable
    get the Transferable (proxy) operand of this operation
    protected boolean
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the given DataFlavor is supported by this DropTargetContext.
    protected void
    reject the Drag.
    protected void
    called to signal that the drop is unacceptable.
    protected void
    setTargetActions(int actions)
    This method sets the current actions acceptable to this DropTarget.
  • Method Details

    • getDropTarget

      public DropTarget getDropTarget()
      This method returns the DropTarget associated with this DropTargetContext.
      the DropTarget associated with this DropTargetContext
    • getComponent

      public Component getComponent()
      This method returns the Component associated with this DropTargetContext.
      the Component associated with this Context
    • setTargetActions

      protected void setTargetActions(int actions)
      This method sets the current actions acceptable to this DropTarget.
      actions - an int representing the supported action(s)
    • getTargetActions

      protected int getTargetActions()
      This method returns an int representing the current actions this DropTarget will accept.
      the current actions acceptable to this DropTarget
    • dropComplete

      public void dropComplete(boolean success) throws InvalidDnDOperationException
      This method signals that the drop is completed and if it was successful or not.
      success - true for success, false if not
      InvalidDnDOperationException - if a drop is not outstanding/extant
    • acceptDrag

      protected void acceptDrag(int dragOperation)
      accept the Drag.
      dragOperation - the supported action(s)
    • rejectDrag

      protected void rejectDrag()
      reject the Drag.
    • acceptDrop

      protected void acceptDrop(int dropOperation)
      called to signal that the drop is acceptable using the specified operation. must be called during DropTargetListener.drop method invocation.
      dropOperation - the supported action(s)
    • rejectDrop

      protected void rejectDrop()
      called to signal that the drop is unacceptable. must be called during DropTargetListener.drop method invocation.
    • getCurrentDataFlavors

      protected DataFlavor[] getCurrentDataFlavors()
      get the available DataFlavors of the Transferable operand of this operation.
      a DataFlavor[] containing the supported DataFlavors of the Transferable operand.
    • getCurrentDataFlavorsAsList

      protected List<DataFlavor> getCurrentDataFlavorsAsList()
      This method returns the currently available DataFlavors of the Transferable operand as a java.util.List.
      the currently available DataFlavors as a java.util.List
    • isDataFlavorSupported

      protected boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor df)
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the given DataFlavor is supported by this DropTargetContext.
      df - the DataFlavor to test
      true if the DataFlavor specified is supported, otherwise false
    • getTransferable

      protected Transferable getTransferable() throws InvalidDnDOperationException
      get the Transferable (proxy) operand of this operation
      the Transferable
      InvalidDnDOperationException - if a drag is not outstanding/extant
    • createTransferableProxy

      protected Transferable createTransferableProxy(Transferable t, boolean local)
      Creates a TransferableProxy to proxy for the specified Transferable.
      t - the Transferable to be proxied
      local - true if t represents the result of a local drag-n-drop operation.
      the new TransferableProxy instance.