Module Import Declarations (Second Preview)

Changes to the Java® Virtual Machine Specification • Version 25-ea+5-LTS-420

This document describes changes to the Java Virtual Machine Specification to support Module Import Declarations, which is a preview feature of Java SE 24. See JEP 494 for an overview of the feature.

A companion document describes the changes needed to the Java Language Specification to support Module Import Declarations.

Changes are described with respect to existing sections of the JVMS. New text is indicated like this and deleted text is indicated like this. Explanation and discussion, as needed, is set aside in grey boxes.


2024-10: First draft.

Chapter 4: The class File Format

4.7 Attributes

4.7.25 The Module Attribute

The Module attribute is a variable-length attribute in the attributes table of a ClassFile structure (4.1). The Module attribute indicates the modules required by a module; the packages exported and opened by a module; and the services used and provided by a module.

There may be at most one Module attribute in the attributes table of a ClassFile structure.

The Module attribute has the following format:

Module_attribute {
    u2 attribute_name_index;
    u4 attribute_length;

    u2 module_name_index;
    u2 module_flags;
    u2 module_version_index;

    u2 requires_count;
    {   u2 requires_index;
        u2 requires_flags;
        u2 requires_version_index;
    } requires[requires_count];

    u2 exports_count;
    {   u2 exports_index;
        u2 exports_flags;
        u2 exports_to_count;
        u2 exports_to_index[exports_to_count];
    } exports[exports_count];

    u2 opens_count;
    {   u2 opens_index;
        u2 opens_flags;
        u2 opens_to_count;
        u2 opens_to_index[opens_to_count];
    } opens[opens_count];

    u2 uses_count;
    u2 uses_index[uses_count];

    u2 provides_count;
    {   u2 provides_index;
        u2 provides_with_count;
        u2 provides_with_index[provides_with_count];
    } provides[provides_count];

The items of the Module_attribute structure are as follows:


The value of the attribute_name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure (4.4.7) representing the string "Module".


The value of the attribute_length item indicates the length of the attribute, excluding the initial six bytes.


The value of the module_name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Module_info structure (4.4.11) denoting the current module.


The value of the module_flags item is as follows:

0x0020 (ACC_OPEN)

Indicates that this module is open.


Indicates that this module was not explicitly or implicitly declared.


Indicates that this module was implicitly declared.


The value of the module_version_index item must be either zero or a valid index into the constant_pool table. If the value of the item is zero, then no version information about the current module is present. If the value of the item is nonzero, then the constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure representing the version of the current module.


The value of the requires_count item indicates the number of entries in the requires table.

If the current module is java.base, then requires_count must be zero.

If the current module is not java.base, then requires_count must be at least one.


Each entry in the requires table specifies a dependence of the current module. The items in each entry are as follows:


The value of the requires_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Module_info structure denoting a module on which the current module depends.

At most one entry in the requires table may specify a module of a given name with its requires_index item.


The value of the requires_flags item is as follows:


Indicates that any module which depends on the current module, implicitly declares a dependence on the module indicated by this entry.


Indicates that this dependence is mandatory in the static phase, i.e., at compile time, but is optional in the dynamic phase, i.e., at run time.


Indicates that this dependence was not explicitly or implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.


Indicates that this dependence was implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.


The value of the requires_version_index item must be either zero or a valid index into the constant_pool table. If the value of the item is zero, then no version information about the dependence is present. If the value of the item is nonzero, then the constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure representing the version of the module specified by requires_index.

Unless the current module is java.base, exactly one entry in the requires table must have all of the following:

  • A requires_index item that indicates java.base.

  • A requires_flags item that has the ACC_SYNTHETIC flag not set. (The ACC_MANDATED flag and ACC_TRANSITIVE flags may be set.)

  • If the class file version number is 54.0 or above, a requires_flags item that has both the ACC_TRANSITIVE and ACC_STATIC_PHASE flags flag not set.


The value of the exports_count item indicates the number of entries in the exports table.


Each entry in the exports table specifies a package exported by the current module, such that public and protected types in the package, and their public and protected members, may be accessed from outside the current module, possibly from a limited set of "friend" modules.

The items in each entry are as follows:


The value of the exports_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Package_info structure (4.4.12) representing a package exported by the current module.

At most one entry in the exports table may specify a package of a given name with its exports_index item.


The value of the exports_flags item is as follows:


Indicates that this export was not explicitly or implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.


Indicates that this export was implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.


The value of the exports_to_count indicates the number of entries in the exports_to_index table.

If exports_to_count is zero, then this package is exported by the current module in an unqualified fashion; code in any other module may access the types and members in the package.

If exports_to_count is nonzero, then this package is exported by the current module in a qualified fashion; only code in the modules listed in the exports_to_index table may access the types and members in the package.


The value of each entry in the exports_to_index table must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Module_info structure denoting a module whose code can access the types and members in this exported package.

For each entry in the exports table, at most one entry in its exports_to_index table may specify a module of a given name.


The value of the opens_count item indicates the number of entries in the opens table.

opens_count must be zero if the current module is open.


Each entry in the opens table specifies a package opened by the current module, such that all types in the package, and all their members, may be accessed from outside the current module via the reflection libraries of the Java SE Platform, possibly from a limited set of "friend" modules.

The items in each entry are as follows:


The value of the opens_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Package_info structure representing a package opened by the current module.

At most one entry in the opens table may specify a package of a given name with its opens_index item.


The value of the opens_flags item is as follows:


Indicates that this opening was not explicitly or implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.


Indicates that this opening was implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.


The value of the opens_to_count indicates the number of entries in the opens_to_index table.

If opens_to_count is zero, then this package is opened by the current module in an unqualified fashion; code in any other module may reflectively access the types and members in the package.

If opens_to_count is nonzero, then this package is opened by the current module in a qualified fashion; only code in the modules listed in the opens_to_index table may reflectively access the types and members in the package.


The value of each entry in the opens_to_index table must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Module_info structure denoting a module whose code can access the types and members in this opened package.

For each entry in the opens table, at most one entry in its opens_to_index table may specify a module of a given name.


The value of the uses_count item indicates the number of entries in the uses_index table.


The value of each entry in the uses_index table must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Class_info structure (4.4.1) representing a service interface which the current module may discover via java.util.ServiceLoader.

At most one entry in the uses_index table may specify a service interface of a given name.


The value of the provides_count item indicates the number of entries in the provides table.


Each entry in the provides table represents a service implementation for a given service interface.

The items in each entry are as follows:


The value of the provides_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Class_info structure representing a service interface for which the current module provides a service implementation.

At most one entry in the provides table may specify a service interface of a given name with its provides_index item.


The value of the provides_with_count indicates the number of entries in the provides_with_index table.

provides_with_count must be nonzero.


The value of each entry in the provides_with_index table must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Class_info structure representing a service implementation for the service interface specified by provides_index.

For each entry in the provides table, at most one entry in its provides_with_index table may specify a service implementation of a given name.