Uses of Class

Packages that use ScriptException
The scripting API consists of interfaces and classes that define Java Scripting Engines and provides a framework for their use in Java applications.
  • Uses of ScriptException in javax.script Link icon

    Methods in javax.script that throw ScriptException
    Modifier and Type
    Compilable.compile(Reader script)
    Compiles the script (source read from Reader) for later execution.
    Compilable.compile(String script)
    Compiles the script (source represented as a String) for later execution.
    AbstractScriptEngine.eval(Reader reader)
    eval(Reader) calls the abstract eval(Reader, ScriptContext) passing the value of the context field.
    AbstractScriptEngine.eval(Reader reader, Bindings bindings)
    eval(Reader, Bindings) calls the abstract eval(Reader, ScriptContext) method, passing it a ScriptContext whose Reader, Writers and Bindings for scopes other that ENGINE_SCOPE are identical to those members of the protected context field.
    AbstractScriptEngine.eval(String script)
    Same as eval(Reader) except that the abstract eval(String, ScriptContext) is used.
    AbstractScriptEngine.eval(String script, Bindings bindings)
    Same as eval(Reader, Bindings) except that the abstract eval(String, ScriptContext) is used.
    Executes the program stored in the CompiledScript object.
    CompiledScript.eval(Bindings bindings)
    Executes the program stored in the CompiledScript object using the supplied Bindings of attributes as the ENGINE_SCOPE of the associated ScriptEngine during script execution.
    abstract Object
    CompiledScript.eval(ScriptContext context)
    Executes the program stored in this CompiledScript object.
    ScriptEngine.eval(Reader reader)
    Same as eval(String) except that the source of the script is provided as a Reader
    ScriptEngine.eval(Reader reader, Bindings n)
    Same as eval(String, Bindings) except that the source of the script is provided as a Reader.
    ScriptEngine.eval(Reader reader, ScriptContext context)
    Same as eval(String, ScriptContext) where the source of the script is read from a Reader.
    ScriptEngine.eval(String script)
    Executes the specified script.
    ScriptEngine.eval(String script, Bindings n)
    Executes the script using the Bindings argument as the ENGINE_SCOPE Bindings of the ScriptEngine during the script execution.
    ScriptEngine.eval(String script, ScriptContext context)
    Causes the immediate execution of the script whose source is the String passed as the first argument.
    Invocable.invokeFunction(String name, Object... args)
    Used to call top-level procedures and functions defined in scripts.
    Invocable.invokeMethod(Object thiz, String name, Object... args)
    Calls a method on a script object compiled during a previous script execution, which is retained in the state of the ScriptEngine.