Forks all tasks in the specified collection, returning when
isDone holds for each task or an (unchecked) exception
is encountered, in which case the exception is rethrown.
Returns a new ForkJoinTask that performs the call
method of the given Callable as its action, and returns
its result upon join(), translating any checked exceptions
encountered into RuntimeException.
Returns a new ForkJoinTask that performs the
run method of the given Runnable as its action, and
returns null upon join(), translating any checked
exceptions encountered into RuntimeException.
Returns a new ForkJoinTask that performs the run
method of the given Runnable as its action, and returns
the given result upon join(), translating any checked exceptions
encountered into RuntimeException.
Returns a new ForkJoinTask that performs the call
method of the given Callable as its action, and returns
its result upon join(), translating any checked exceptions
encountered into RuntimeException.
Arranges to asynchronously execute this task in the pool the
current task is running in, if applicable, or using the ForkJoinPool.commonPool() if not inForkJoinPool().
Unschedules and returns, without executing, the next task
queued by the current thread but not yet executed, if the
current thread is operating in a ForkJoinPool.
If the current thread is operating in a ForkJoinPool,
unschedules and returns, without executing, a task externally
submitted to the pool, if one is available.
If the current thread is operating in a ForkJoinPool,
unschedules and returns, without executing, the next task
queued by the current thread but not yet executed, if one is
available, or if not available, a task that was forked by some
other thread, if available.
Removes all available unexecuted submitted and forked tasks
from scheduling queues and adds them to the given collection,
without altering their execution status.