Uses of Class

Packages that use Sequence
Provides interfaces and classes for I/O, sequencing, and synthesis of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data.
Supplies interfaces for service providers to implement when offering new MIDI devices, MIDI file readers and writers, or sound bank readers.
  • Uses of Sequence in javax.sound.midi Link icon

    Methods in javax.sound.midi that return Sequence
    Modifier and Type
    static Sequence
    MidiSystem.getSequence(File file)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified File.
    static Sequence
    MidiSystem.getSequence(InputStream stream)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified input stream.
    static Sequence
    MidiSystem.getSequence(URL url)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified URL.
    Obtains the sequence on which the Sequencer is currently operating.
    Methods in javax.sound.midi with parameters of type Sequence
    Modifier and Type
    static int[]
    MidiSystem.getMidiFileTypes(Sequence sequence)
    Obtains the set of MIDI file types that the system can write from the sequence specified.
    static boolean
    MidiSystem.isFileTypeSupported(int fileType, Sequence sequence)
    Indicates whether a MIDI file of the file type specified can be written from the sequence indicated.
    Sequencer.setSequence(Sequence sequence)
    Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates.
    static int
    MidiSystem.write(Sequence in, int type, File out)
    Writes a stream of bytes representing a file of the MIDI file type indicated to the external file provided.
    static int
    MidiSystem.write(Sequence in, int fileType, OutputStream out)
    Writes a stream of bytes representing a file of the MIDI file type indicated to the output stream provided.
  • Uses of Sequence in javax.sound.midi.spi Link icon

    Methods in javax.sound.midi.spi that return Sequence
    Modifier and Type
    abstract Sequence
    MidiFileReader.getSequence(File file)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the File provided.
    abstract Sequence
    MidiFileReader.getSequence(InputStream stream)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the input stream provided.
    abstract Sequence
    MidiFileReader.getSequence(URL url)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the URL provided.
    Methods in javax.sound.midi.spi with parameters of type Sequence
    Modifier and Type
    abstract int[]
    MidiFileWriter.getMidiFileTypes(Sequence sequence)
    Obtains the file types that this file writer can write from the sequence specified.
    MidiFileWriter.isFileTypeSupported(int fileType, Sequence sequence)
    Indicates whether a MIDI file of the file type specified can be written from the sequence indicated.
    abstract int
    MidiFileWriter.write(Sequence in, int fileType, File out)
    Writes a stream of bytes representing a MIDI file of the file type indicated to the external file provided.
    abstract int
    MidiFileWriter.write(Sequence in, int fileType, OutputStream out)
    Writes a stream of bytes representing a MIDI file of the file type indicated to the output stream provided.