Colors Used in Nimbus Look and Feel 
Primary Colors 
Primary colors used in Nimbus Look And Feel
Key |
Value |
Preview |
control |
#d6d9df (214,217,223) |
info |
#f2f2bd (242,242,189) |
nimbusAlertYellow |
#ffdc23 (255,220,35) |
nimbusBase |
#33628c (51,98,140) |
nimbusDisabledText |
#8e8f91 (142,143,145) |
nimbusFocus |
#73a4d1 (115,164,209) |
nimbusGreen |
#b0b332 (176,179,50) |
nimbusInfoBlue |
#2f5cb4 (47,92,180) |
nimbusLightBackground |
#ffffff (255,255,255) |
nimbusOrange |
#bf6204 (191,98,4) |
nimbusRed |
#a92e22 (169,46,34) |
nimbusSelectedText |
#ffffff (255,255,255) |
nimbusSelectionBackground |
#39698a (57,105,138) |
text |
#000000 (0,0,0) |
Secondary Colors 
Secondary colors used in Nimbus Look And Feel
Key |
Value |
Preview |
activeCaption |
#babec6 (186,190,198) |
background |
#d6d9df (214,217,223) |
controlDkShadow |
#a4abb8 (164,171,184) |
controlHighlight |
#e9ecf2 (233,236,242) |
controlLHighlight |
#f7f8fa (247,248,250) |
controlShadow |
#ccd3e0 (204,211,224) |
controlText |
#000000 (0,0,0) |
desktop |
#3d6079 (61,96,121) |
inactiveCaption |
#bdc1c8 (189,193,200) |
infoText |
#000000 (0,0,0) |
menu |
#edeff2 (237,239,242) |
menuText |
#000000 (0,0,0) |
nimbusBlueGrey |
#a9b0be (169,176,190) |
nimbusBorder |
#9297a1 (146,151,161) |
nimbusSelection |
#39698a (57,105,138) |
scrollbar |
#cdd0d5 (205,208,213) |
textBackground |
#39698a (57,105,138) |
textForeground |
#000000 (0,0,0) |
textHighlight |
#39698a (57,105,138) |
textHighlightText |
#ffffff (255,255,255) |
textInactiveText |
#8e8f91 (142,143,145) |