OpenJDK 24 Early Access Build Test Results

Every week the latest OpenJDK 24 Early Access Build will be tested on Oracle Linux 7.1. The results of running the open regression tests on that build, and the previous build, will be posted on this page.

Please note:

Test results for the latest build will be posted, usually within two to three days, after the EA build has become available.


Please use email if you have suggestions or encounter issues with viewing the test results. If you find bugs in a release, please submit them using the usual Java SE bug reporting channels.


How to run the tests?


Build 4 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8779 6 0 1 8786 8
hotspot 6444 33 0 0 6477 36
langtools 4066 0 0 0 4066 8
Build 3 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8775 6 0 1 8782 4
hotspot 6441 34 0 1 6476 33
langtools 4058 0 0 0 4058 5


1) * Known Issues
2) ** Results do not include test results for awt, swing and 2d.
    Recommendations for executing awt, swing and 2d tests can be seen in Known Issues
3) Results Archive

Created on: Fri Jun 28 18:08:48 GMT 2024