Module javafx.base
Package javafx.event

Class Event

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionEvent, CheckBoxTreeItem.TreeModificationEvent, DialogEvent, InputEvent, ListView.EditEvent, MediaErrorEvent, ScrollToEvent, SortEvent, TableColumn.CellEditEvent, TransformChangedEvent, TransitionEvent, TreeItem.TreeModificationEvent, TreeTableColumn.CellEditEvent, TreeTableView.EditEvent, TreeView.EditEvent, WebErrorEvent, WebEvent, WindowEvent, WorkerStateEvent

public class Event extends EventObject implements Cloneable
Base class for FX events. Each FX event has associated an event source, event target and an event type. The event source specifies for an event handler the object on which that handler has been registered and which sent the event to it. The event target defines the path through which the event will travel when posted. The event type provides additional classification to events of the same Event class.
JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final EventTarget NULL_SOURCE_TARGET
      The constant which represents an unknown event source / target.
    • ANY

      public static final EventType<Event> ANY
      Common supertype for all event types.
    • eventType

      protected EventType<? extends Event> eventType
      Type of the event.
    • target

      protected transient EventTarget target
      Event target that defines the path through which the event will travel when posted.
    • consumed

      protected boolean consumed
      Whether this event has been consumed by any filter or handler.
  • Constructor Details

    • Event

      public Event(EventType<? extends Event> eventType)
      Construct a new Event with the specified event type. The source and target of the event is set to NULL_SOURCE_TARGET.
      eventType - the event type
    • Event

      public Event(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<? extends Event> eventType)
      Construct a new Event with the specified event source, target and type. If the source or target is set to null, it is replaced by the NULL_SOURCE_TARGET value.
      source - the event source which sent the event
      target - the event target to associate with the event
      eventType - the event type
  • Method Details

    • getTarget

      public EventTarget getTarget()
      Returns the event target of this event. The event target specifies the path through which the event will travel when posted.
      the event target
    • getEventType

      public EventType<? extends Event> getEventType()
      Gets the event type of this event. Objects of the same Event class can have different event types. These event types further specify what kind of event occurred.
      the event type
    • copyFor

      public Event copyFor(Object newSource, EventTarget newTarget)
      Creates and returns a copy of this event with the specified event source and target. If the source or target is set to null, it is replaced by the NULL_SOURCE_TARGET value.
      newSource - the new source of the copied event
      newTarget - the new target of the copied event
      the event copy with the new source and target
    • isConsumed

      public boolean isConsumed()
      Indicates whether this Event has been consumed by any filter or handler.
      true if this Event has been consumed, false otherwise
    • consume

      public void consume()
      Marks this Event as consumed. This stops its further propagation.
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Creates and returns a copy of this Event.
      clone in class Object
      a new instance of Event with all values copied from this Event.
    • fireEvent

      public static void fireEvent(EventTarget eventTarget, Event event)
      Fires the specified event. The given event target specifies the path through which the event will travel.
      eventTarget - the target for the event
      event - the event to fire
      NullPointerException - if eventTarget or event is null