Module javafx.base

Class ReadOnlyMapWrapper<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - the map key type
V - the map value type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Map<K,V>, Observable, Property<ObservableMap<K,V>>, ReadOnlyProperty<ObservableMap<K,V>>, ObservableMapValue<K,V>, ObservableObjectValue<ObservableMap<K,V>>, ObservableValue<ObservableMap<K,V>>, WritableMapValue<K,V>, WritableObjectValue<ObservableMap<K,V>>, WritableValue<ObservableMap<K,V>>, ObservableMap<K,V>

public class ReadOnlyMapWrapper<K,V> extends SimpleMapProperty<K,V>
This class provides a convenient class to define read-only properties. It creates two properties that are synchronized. One property is read-only and can be passed to external users. The other property is read- and writable and should be used internally only.
JavaFX 2.1
  • Constructor Details

    • ReadOnlyMapWrapper

      public ReadOnlyMapWrapper()
      The constructor of ReadOnlyMapWrapper
    • ReadOnlyMapWrapper

      public ReadOnlyMapWrapper(ObservableMap<K,V> initialValue)
      The constructor of ReadOnlyMapWrapper
      initialValue - the initial value of the wrapped value
    • ReadOnlyMapWrapper

      public ReadOnlyMapWrapper(Object bean, String name)
      The constructor of ReadOnlyMapWrapper
      bean - the bean of this ReadOnlyMapWrapper
      name - the name of this ReadOnlyMapWrapper
    • ReadOnlyMapWrapper

      public ReadOnlyMapWrapper(Object bean, String name, ObservableMap<K,V> initialValue)
      The constructor of ReadOnlyMapWrapper
      bean - the bean of this ReadOnlyMapWrapper
      name - the name of this ReadOnlyMapWrapper
      initialValue - the initial value of the wrapped value
  • Method Details

    • getReadOnlyProperty

      public ReadOnlyMapProperty<K,V> getReadOnlyProperty()
      Returns the readonly property, that is synchronized with this ReadOnlyMapWrapper.
      the readonly property