Class CheckBoxTreeItem.TreeModificationEvent<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the value contained within the value property.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static class CheckBoxTreeItem.TreeModificationEvent<T> extends Event
A TreeModificationEvent class that works in a similar vein to the TreeItem.TreeModificationEvent class, in that this event will bubble up the CheckBoxTreeItem hierarchy, until the parent node is null.
JavaFX 2.2
See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • ANY Link icon

      public static final EventType<Event> ANY
      Common supertype for all tree modification event types.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • TreeModificationEvent Link icon

      public TreeModificationEvent(EventType<? extends Event> eventType, CheckBoxTreeItem<T> treeItem, boolean selectionChanged)
      Creates a default TreeModificationEvent instance to represent the change in selection/indeterminate states for the given CheckBoxTreeItem instance.
      eventType - the eventType
      treeItem - the treeItem
      selectionChanged - represents whether the selection has changed
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getTreeItem Link icon

      public CheckBoxTreeItem<T> getTreeItem()
      Returns the CheckBoxTreeItem that this event occurred upon.
      The CheckBoxTreeItem that this event occurred upon.
    • wasSelectionChanged Link icon

      public boolean wasSelectionChanged()
      Indicates the reason for this event is that the selection on the CheckBoxTreeItem changed (as opposed to it becoming indeterminate).
      has the CheckBoxTreeItem's selection changed
    • wasIndeterminateChanged Link icon

      public boolean wasIndeterminateChanged()
      Indicates the reason for this event is that the indeterminate state on the CheckBoxTreeItem changed (as opposed to it becoming selected or unselected).
      has the CheckBoxTreeItem's indeterminate changed