Class ChoiceDialog<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the items to show to the user, and the type that is returned via Dialog.getResult() when the dialog is dismissed.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ChoiceDialog<T> extends Dialog<T>
A dialog that shows a list of choices to the user, from which they can pick one item at most.


 List<String> colors = List.of("Red", "Yellow", "Green");
 ChoiceDialog choiceDialog = new ChoiceDialog<>("Yellow", colors);
Image of the ChoiceDialog control
JavaFX 8u40
See Also:
  • Property Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ChoiceDialog Link icon

      public ChoiceDialog()
      Creates a default, empty instance of ChoiceDialog with no set items and a null default choice. Users of this constructor will subsequently need to call getItems() to specify which items to show to the user.
    • ChoiceDialog Link icon

      public ChoiceDialog(T defaultChoice, T... choices)
      Creates a new ChoiceDialog instance with the first argument specifying the default choice that should be shown to the user, and all following arguments considered a varargs array of all available choices for the user. It is expected that the defaultChoice be one of the elements in the choices varargs array. If this is not true, then defaultChoice will be set to null and the dialog will show with the initial choice set to the first item in the list of choices.
      defaultChoice - The item to display as the pre-selected choice in the dialog. This item must be contained within the choices varargs array.
      choices - All possible choices to present to the user.
    • ChoiceDialog Link icon

      public ChoiceDialog(T defaultChoice, Collection<T> choices)
      Creates a new ChoiceDialog instance with the first argument specifying the default choice that should be shown to the user, and the second argument specifying a collection of all available choices for the user. It is expected that the defaultChoice be one of the elements in the choices collection. If this is not true, then defaultChoice will be set to null and the dialog will show with the initial choice set to the first item in the list of choices.
      defaultChoice - The item to display as the pre-selected choice in the dialog. This item must be contained within the choices varargs array.
      choices - All possible choices to present to the user.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getSelectedItem Link icon

      public final T getSelectedItem()
      Returns the currently selected item in the dialog.
      the currently selected item
    • selectedItemProperty Link icon

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<T> selectedItemProperty()
      Returns the property representing the currently selected item in the dialog.
      the currently selected item property
      See Also:
    • setSelectedItem Link icon

      public final void setSelectedItem(T item)
      Sets the currently selected item in the dialog.
      item - The item to select in the dialog.
    • getItems Link icon

      public final ObservableList<T> getItems()
      Returns the list of all items that will be displayed to users. This list can be modified by the developer to add, remove, or reorder the items to present to the user.
      the list of all items that will be displayed to users
    • getDefaultChoice Link icon

      public final T getDefaultChoice()
      Returns the default choice that was specified in the constructor.
      the default choice