Class DialogEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class DialogEvent extends Event
Event related to dialog showing/hiding actions. In particular, this event is used exclusively by the following methods:
JavaFX 8u40
See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • ANY Link icon

      public static final EventType<DialogEvent> ANY
      Common supertype for all dialog event types.
    • DIALOG_SHOWING Link icon

      public static final EventType<DialogEvent> DIALOG_SHOWING
      This event occurs on dialog just before it is shown.
    • DIALOG_SHOWN Link icon

      public static final EventType<DialogEvent> DIALOG_SHOWN
      This event occurs on dialog just after it is shown.
    • DIALOG_HIDING Link icon

      public static final EventType<DialogEvent> DIALOG_HIDING
      This event occurs on dialog just before it is hidden.
    • DIALOG_HIDDEN Link icon

      public static final EventType<DialogEvent> DIALOG_HIDDEN
      This event occurs on dialog just after it is hidden.

      public static final EventType<DialogEvent> DIALOG_CLOSE_REQUEST
      This event is delivered to a dialog when there is an external request to close that dialog. If the event is not consumed by any installed dialog event handler, the default handler for this event closes the corresponding dialog.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • DialogEvent Link icon

      public DialogEvent(Dialog<?> source, EventType<? extends Event> eventType)
      Construct a new Event with the specified event source, target and type. If the source or target is set to null, it is replaced by the NULL_SOURCE_TARGET value.
      source - the event source which sent the event
      eventType - the event type
  • Method Details Link icon

    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this DialogEvent object.
      toString in class EventObject
      a string representation of this DialogEvent object.
    • copyFor Link icon

      public DialogEvent copyFor(Object newSource, EventTarget newTarget)
      Description copied from class: Event
      Creates and returns a copy of this event with the specified event source and target. If the source or target is set to null, it is replaced by the NULL_SOURCE_TARGET value.
      copyFor in class Event
      newSource - the new source of the copied event
      newTarget - the new target of the copied event
      the event copy with the new source and target
    • copyFor Link icon

      public DialogEvent copyFor(Object newSource, EventTarget newTarget, EventType<DialogEvent> type)
      Creates a copy of the given event with the given fields substituted.
      newSource - the new source of the copied event
      newTarget - the new target of the copied event
      type - the new eventType
      the event copy with the fields substituted
    • getEventType Link icon

      public EventType<DialogEvent> getEventType()
      Description copied from class: Event
      Gets the event type of this event. Objects of the same Event class can have different event types. These event types further specify what kind of event occurred.
      getEventType in class Event
      the event type