Class FocusModel<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the focused item
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class FocusModel<T> extends Object
The abstract base class for FocusModel implementations.
JavaFX 2.0
  • Property Details

    • focusedIndex

      public final ReadOnlyIntegerProperty focusedIndexProperty
      The index of the current item in the FocusModel which has the focus. It is possible that this will be -1, but only if the control is empty. If the control is not itself focused, this property will still reference the row index that would receive the keyboard focus if the control itself were focused.
      See Also:
    • focusedItem

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<T> focusedItemProperty
      The current item in the FocusModel which has the focus. It is possible that this will be null, but only if the control is empty. If the control is not itself focused, this property will still reference the item that would receive the keyboard focus if the control itself were focused.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FocusModel

      public FocusModel()
      Creates a default FocusModel instance.
  • Method Details

    • focusedIndexProperty

      public final ReadOnlyIntegerProperty focusedIndexProperty()
      The index of the current item in the FocusModel which has the focus. It is possible that this will be -1, but only if the control is empty. If the control is not itself focused, this property will still reference the row index that would receive the keyboard focus if the control itself were focused.
      the focusedIndex property
      See Also:
    • getFocusedIndex

      public final int getFocusedIndex()
      Gets the value of the focusedIndex property.
      Property description:
      The index of the current item in the FocusModel which has the focus. It is possible that this will be -1, but only if the control is empty. If the control is not itself focused, this property will still reference the row index that would receive the keyboard focus if the control itself were focused.
      the value of the focusedIndex property
      See Also:
    • focusedItemProperty

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<T> focusedItemProperty()
      The current item in the FocusModel which has the focus. It is possible that this will be null, but only if the control is empty. If the control is not itself focused, this property will still reference the item that would receive the keyboard focus if the control itself were focused.
      the focusedItem property
      See Also:
    • getFocusedItem

      public final T getFocusedItem()
      Gets the value of the focusedItem property.
      Property description:
      The current item in the FocusModel which has the focus. It is possible that this will be null, but only if the control is empty. If the control is not itself focused, this property will still reference the item that would receive the keyboard focus if the control itself were focused.
      the value of the focusedItem property
      See Also:
    • getItemCount

      protected abstract int getItemCount()
      Returns the number of items in the data model that underpins the control. An example would be that a ListView focus model would likely return listView.getItems().size(). The valid range of focusable indices is between 0 and whatever is returned by this method.
      the number of items in the data model that underpins the control
    • getModelItem

      protected abstract T getModelItem(int index)
      Returns the item at the given index. An example using ListView would be listView.getItems().get(index).
      index - The index of the item that is requested from the underlying data model.
      Returns null if the index is out of bounds, or an element of type T that is related to the given index.
    • isFocused

      public boolean isFocused(int index)

      Convenience method to inform if the given index is currently focused in this SelectionModel. Is functionally equivalent to calling

      getFocusedIndex() == index
      index - The index to check as to whether it is currently focused or not.
      True if the given index is focused, false otherwise.
    • focus

      public void focus(int index)
      Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus. This does not cause the current selection to change. Updates the focusedItem and focusedIndex properties such that focusedIndex = -1 unless 0 <= index < model size.
      index - The index of the item to get focus.
    • focusPrevious

      public void focusPrevious()
      Attempts to give focus to the row previous to the currently focused row. If the current focus owner is the first row, or is -1 (representing that there is no current focus owner), calling this method will have no result.
    • focusNext

      public void focusNext()
      Attempts to give focus to the row after to the currently focused row. If the current focus owner is the last row, calling this method will have no result.