Class TextFormatter<V>

Type Parameters:
V - The type of the value

public class TextFormatter<V> extends Object
A Formatter describes a format of a TextInputControl text by using two distinct mechanisms:
  • A filter (getFilter()) that can intercept and modify user input. This helps to keep the text in the desired format. A default text supplier can be used to provide the initial text.
  • A value converter (getValueConverter()) and value (valueProperty()) can be used to provide special format that represents a value of type V. If the control is editable and the text is changed by the user, the value is then updated to correspond to the text.

It's possible to have a formatter with just a filter or a value converter. If a value converter is not provided, setting a value will result in an IllegalStateException and the value is always null.

Since Formatter contains a value that represents the state of the TextInputControl to which it is currently assigned, a single Formatter instance can be used only in one TextInputControl at a time.

JavaFX 8u40
  • Property Details Link icon

    • value Link icon

      public final ObjectProperty<V> valueProperty
      The current value for this formatter. When the formatter is set on a TextInputControl and has a valueConverter, the value is set by the control, when the text is commited.
      See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon


      public static final StringConverter<String> IDENTITY_STRING_CONVERTER
      This string converter converts the text to the same String value. This might be useful for cases where you want to manipulate with the text through the value or you need to provide a default text value.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • TextFormatter Link icon

      public TextFormatter(UnaryOperator<TextFormatter.Change> filter)
      Creates a new Formatter with the provided filter.
      filter - The filter to use in this formatter or null
    • TextFormatter Link icon

      public TextFormatter(StringConverter<V> valueConverter, V defaultValue, UnaryOperator<TextFormatter.Change> filter)
      Creates a new Formatter with the provided filter, value converter and default value.
      valueConverter - The value converter to use in this formatter or null.
      defaultValue - the default value.
      filter - The filter to use in this formatter or null
    • TextFormatter Link icon

      public TextFormatter(StringConverter<V> valueConverter, V defaultValue)
      Creates a new Formatter with the provided value converter and default value.
      valueConverter - The value converter to use in this formatter. This must not be null.
      defaultValue - the default value
    • TextFormatter Link icon

      public TextFormatter(StringConverter<V> valueConverter)
      Creates a new Formatter with the provided value converter. The default value will be null.
      valueConverter - The value converter to use in this formatter. This must not be null.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getValueConverter Link icon

      public final StringConverter<V> getValueConverter()
      The converter between the values and text. It maintains a "binding" between the TextInputControl.textProperty() } and valueProperty() }. The value is updated when the control loses it's focus or it is commited (TextField only). Setting the value will update the text of the control, usin the provided converter. If it's impossible to convert text to value, an exception should be thrown.
      StringConverter for values or null if none provided
      See Also:
    • getFilter Link icon

      public final UnaryOperator<TextFormatter.Change> getFilter()
      Filter allows user to intercept and modify any change done to the text content.

      The filter itself is an UnaryOperator that accepts TextFormatter.Change object. It should return a TextFormatter.Change object that contains the actual (filtered) change. Returning null rejects the change.

      the filter for this formatter or null if there is none
    • valueProperty Link icon

      public final ObjectProperty<V> valueProperty()
      The current value for this formatter. When the formatter is set on a TextInputControl and has a valueConverter, the value is set by the control, when the text is commited.
      the value property
      See Also:
    • setValue Link icon

      public final void setValue(V value)
      Sets the value of the value property.
      Property description:
      The current value for this formatter. When the formatter is set on a TextInputControl and has a valueConverter, the value is set by the control, when the text is commited.
      value - the value for the value property
      See Also:
    • getValue Link icon

      public final V getValue()
      Gets the value of the value property.
      Property description:
      The current value for this formatter. When the formatter is set on a TextInputControl and has a valueConverter, the value is set by the control, when the text is commited.
      the value of the value property
      See Also: