Package javafx.scene

Enum Class AccessibleAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<AccessibleAction>, Constable

public enum AccessibleAction extends Enum<AccessibleAction>
This enum describes the actions that an assistive technology such as a screen reader can request from the scene graph. The AccessibleRole dictates the set of actions that the screen reader will request for a particular control. For example, a push button normally fires an event to indicate that it was pressed in response to the FIRE action.

An action may have any number of parameters, depending on the particular action.

JavaFX 8u40
See Also:
  • Enum Constant Details Link icon

    • BLOCK_DECREMENT Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction BLOCK_DECREMENT
      Request that the node be decremented by a large value. A smaller decrement is requested using DECREMENT.

      Used by Slider, ScrollBar, and others

    • BLOCK_INCREMENT Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction BLOCK_INCREMENT
      Request that the node be incremented by a large value. A smaller increment is requested using INCREMENT.

      Used by Slider, ScrollBar, and others

    • COLLAPSE Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction COLLAPSE
      Request that the node should become collapsed.

      Used by TreeItem, TitledPane, and others

    • DECREMENT Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction DECREMENT
      Request that the node be decremented by a small value. A larger decrement is requested using BLOCK_DECREMENT.

      Used by Slider, ScrollBar, and others

    • EXPAND Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction EXPAND
      Request that the node should become expanded.

      Used by TreeItem, TitledPane, and others

    • FIRE Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction FIRE
      Fires the primary action for the node. For example, a push button will normally send an action event to notify listeners that is has been activated.

      Used by Button, Hyperlink, and others

    • INCREMENT Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction INCREMENT
      Request that the node be incremented by a small value. A larger increment is requested using BLOCK_INCREMENT.

      Used by Slider, ScrollBar, and others

    • REQUEST_FOCUS Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction REQUEST_FOCUS
      Request that the node take focus. By default, a node will request focus using Node.requestFocus(). Both JavaFX and the assisteve technology have the concept of a focus node and most of the time, they are the same. In some cases, a control might want the JavaFX focus to remain on the parent, while the assistive technology focus is on the child. For example, a table may respond to this request by setting focus to a cell inside the table before allowing the default to run.

      Used by Node, TabItem, TableCell and others

    • SHOW_ITEM Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction SHOW_ITEM
      Request the node to show an item, scrolling if required.

      Used by ListView, TreeView, and others

      • Node the item to show
    • SHOW_TEXT_RANGE Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction SHOW_TEXT_RANGE
      Request the node to show a text range, scrolling if required.

      Used by TextField and TextArea.

    • SET_SELECTED_ITEMS Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction SET_SELECTED_ITEMS
      Request the node to set the selection to a list of items.

      Used by ListView, TreeView, and others

    • SET_TEXT_SELECTION Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction SET_TEXT_SELECTION
      Request the node to set the selection to range of text.

      Used by TextField and TextArea.

    • SET_TEXT Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction SET_TEXT
      Request the node to set the current text.

      Used by TextField and TextArea.

    • SET_VALUE Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction SET_VALUE
      Request the node to set the current value.

      Used by Slider, Scrollbars, and others

    • SHOW_MENU Link icon

      public static final AccessibleAction SHOW_MENU
      Request the node to show a menu. If the node is a control, then the context menu for the control is shown. If the node is a menu, then the submenu for the menu is shown.

      Used by Node, Menu

  • Method Details Link icon

    • values Link icon

      public static AccessibleAction[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf Link icon

      public static AccessibleAction valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null