Class BackgroundPosition


public class BackgroundPosition extends Object
Represents the position of a BackgroundImage within the Region's drawing area.

The BackgroundImage can be positioned either from the left or right side along the horizontal axis, and from either the top or bottom side along the vertical axis. The horizontalSide and verticalSide properties define to which side the remaining properties pertain. The horizontalPosition specifies the distance of the BackgroundImage from the corresponding side of the Region, and horizontalAsPercentage indicates whether this is as a literal value or a percentage. Similar properties exist for specifying the size relative to the vertical axis.

For example, suppose I had a BackgroundPosition with a horizontalSide of Side.RIGHT, a horizontalPosition of .05, and a horizontalAsPercentage of true. In this case, the right side of the BackgroundImage will be 5% of the width of the Region from the Region's right edge.

JavaFX 8.0
  • Field Details Link icon

    • DEFAULT Link icon

      public static final BackgroundPosition DEFAULT
      The default BackgroundPosition for any BackgroundImage. The default is to have no insets and to be defined as 0% and 0%. That is, the position is in the top-left corner.
    • CENTER Link icon

      public static final BackgroundPosition CENTER
      A BackgroundPosition which will center a BackgroundImage.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • BackgroundPosition Link icon

      public BackgroundPosition(Side horizontalSide, double horizontalPosition, boolean horizontalAsPercentage, Side verticalSide, double verticalPosition, boolean verticalAsPercentage)
      Creates a new BackgroundPosition.
      horizontalSide - The horizontal side, must be either null, LEFT, or RIGHT. If null, LEFT will be used. If TOP or BOTTOM is specified, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
      horizontalPosition - The horizontal position value.
      horizontalAsPercentage - Whether to interpret the horizontal position as a decimal or percentage
      verticalSide - The vertical side, must be either null, TOP, or BOTTOM. If null, TOP will be used. If LEFT or RIGHT is specified, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
      verticalPosition - The vertical position value.
      verticalAsPercentage - Whether to interpret the vertical position as a decimal or percentage
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getHorizontalSide Link icon

      public final Side getHorizontalSide()
      The side along the horizontal axis to which the BackgroundImage is anchored. This will only be LEFT or RIGHT and never null.
      the Side along the horizontal axis to which the BackgroundImage is anchored
    • getVerticalSide Link icon

      public final Side getVerticalSide()
      The side along the vertical axis to which the BackgroundImage is anchored. This will only be TOP or BOTTOM and never null.
      the Side along the vertical axis to which the BackgroundImage is anchored
    • getHorizontalPosition Link icon

      public final double getHorizontalPosition()
      The value indicating the position of the BackgroundImage relative to the Region along the side indicated by the horizontalSide property. This value is either a literal or a percentage, depending on the horizontalAsPercentage property. Negative values are acceptable.
      the horizontal position of the BackgroundImage
    • getVerticalPosition Link icon

      public final double getVerticalPosition()
      The value indicating the position of the BackgroundImage relative to the Region along the side indicated by the verticalSide property. This value is either a literal or a percentage, depending on the verticalAsPercentage property. Negative values are acceptable.
      the vertical position of the BackgroundImage
    • isHorizontalAsPercentage Link icon

      public final boolean isHorizontalAsPercentage()
      Specifies whether the horizontalPosition should be interpreted as a literal number or as a percentage.
      true if horizontalPosition should be interpreted as a percentage
    • isVerticalAsPercentage Link icon

      public final boolean isVerticalAsPercentage()
      Specifies whether the verticalPosition should be interpreted as a literal number or as a percentage.
      true if verticalPosition should be interpreted as a percentage