Module javafx.base

Interface Binding<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the wrapped value
All Superinterfaces:
Observable, ObservableValue<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanBinding, DoubleBinding, FloatBinding, IntegerBinding, ListBinding, LongBinding, MapBinding, ObjectBinding, SetBinding, StringBinding

public interface Binding<T> extends ObservableValue<T>
A Binding calculates a value that depends on one or more sources. The sources are usually called the dependency of a binding. A binding observes its dependencies for changes and updates its value automatically.

While a dependency of a binding can be anything, it is almost always an implementation of ObservableValue. Binding implements ObservableValue allowing to use it in another binding. With that one can assemble very complex bindings from simple bindings.

All bindings in the JavaFX runtime are calculated lazily. That means, if a dependency changes, the result of a binding is not immediately recalculated, but it is marked as invalid. Next time the value of an invalid binding is requested, it is recalculated.

It is recommended to use one of the base classes defined in this package (e.g. DoubleBinding) to define a custom binding, because these classes already provide most of the needed functionality. See DoubleBinding for an example.

JavaFX 2.0
See Also: