Class NumberExpressionBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
NumberExpression, Observable, ObservableNumberValue, ObservableValue<Number>
Direct Known Subclasses:
DoubleExpression, FloatExpression, IntegerExpression, LongExpression

public abstract class NumberExpressionBase extends Object implements NumberExpression
NumberExpressionBase contains convenience methods to generate bindings in a fluent style, that are common to all NumberExpression subclasses.

NumberExpressionBase serves as a place for common code of specific NumberExpression subclasses for the specific number type.

JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • NumberExpressionBase Link icon

      public NumberExpressionBase()
      Creates a default NumberExpressionBase.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • numberExpression Link icon

      public static <S extends Number> NumberExpressionBase numberExpression(ObservableNumberValue value)
      Returns an NumberExpressionBase that wraps a ObservableNumberValue. If the ObservableNumberValue is already an instance of NumberExpressionBase, it will be returned. Otherwise a new NumberBinding is created that is bound to the ObservableNumberValue.
      Type Parameters:
      S - The type of Number to be wrapped
      value - The source ObservableNumberValue
      An NumberExpressionBase that wraps the ObservableNumberValue if necessary
      NullPointerException - if value is null
    • add Link icon

      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new NumberBinding that calculates the sum of this NumberExpression and another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      add in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new NumberBinding
    • subtract Link icon

      public NumberBinding subtract(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new NumberBinding that calculates the difference of this NumberExpression and another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      subtract in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new NumberBinding
    • multiply Link icon

      public NumberBinding multiply(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new NumberBinding that calculates the product of this NumberExpression and another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      multiply in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new NumberBinding
    • divide Link icon

      public NumberBinding divide(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new NumberBinding that calculates the division of this NumberExpression and another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      divide in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new NumberBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this and another ObservableNumberValue are equal.

      When comparing floating-point numbers it is recommended to use the isEqualTo() method that allows a small tolerance.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(ObservableNumberValue other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this and another ObservableNumberValue are equal (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered equal if Math.abs(a-b) <= epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers because of rounding-errors.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      epsilon - the tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(double other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered equal if Math.abs(a-b) <= epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers because of rounding-errors.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(float other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered equal if Math.abs(a-b) <= epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers because of rounding-errors.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(long other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is equal to a constant value.

      When comparing floating-point numbers it is recommended to use the isEqualTo() method that allows a small tolerance.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(long other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered equal if Math.abs(a-b) <= epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers because of rounding-errors.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(int other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is equal to a constant value.

      When comparing floating-point numbers it is recommended to use the isEqualTo() method that allows a small tolerance.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isEqualTo(int other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered equal if Math.abs(a-b) <= epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers.

      Specified by:
      isEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this and another ObservableNumberValue are not equal.

      When comparing floating-point numbers it is recommended to use the isNotEqualTo() method that allows a small tolerance.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(ObservableNumberValue other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this and another ObservableNumberValue are not equal (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered not equal if Math.abs(a-b) > epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers because of rounding-errors.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(double other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is not equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered not equal if Math.abs(a-b) > epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(float other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is not equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered not equal if Math.abs(a-b) > epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(long other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is not equal to a constant value.

      When comparing floating-point numbers it is recommended to use the isNotEqualTo() method that allows a small tolerance.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(long other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is not equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered not equal if Math.abs(a-b) > epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(int other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is not equal to a constant value.

      When comparing floating-point numbers it is recommended to use the isNotEqualTo() method that allows a small tolerance.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • isNotEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding isNotEqualTo(int other, double epsilon)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is not equal to a constant value (with a tolerance).

      Two operands a and b are considered not equal if Math.abs(a-b) > epsilon.

      Allowing a small tolerance is recommended when comparing floating-point numbers.

      Specified by:
      isNotEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      epsilon - the permitted tolerance
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThan(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      greaterThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThan(double other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThan(float other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThan(long other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThan(int other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThan(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is lesser than another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      lessThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThan(double other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is lesser than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThan(float other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is lesser than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThan(long other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is lesser than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThan Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThan(int other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is lesser than a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThan in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThanOrEqualTo(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than or equal to another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      greaterThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThanOrEqualTo(double other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThanOrEqualTo(float other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThanOrEqualTo(long other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding greaterThanOrEqualTo(int other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is greater than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      greaterThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThanOrEqualTo(ObservableNumberValue other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is less than or equal to another ObservableNumberValue.
      Specified by:
      lessThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the second ObservableNumberValue
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThanOrEqualTo(double other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is less than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThanOrEqualTo(float other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is less than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThanOrEqualTo(long other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is less than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • lessThanOrEqualTo Link icon

      public BooleanBinding lessThanOrEqualTo(int other)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if this NumberExpression is less than or equal to a constant value.
      Specified by:
      lessThanOrEqualTo in interface NumberExpression
      other - the constant value
      the new BooleanBinding
    • asString Link icon

      public StringBinding asString()
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a StringBinding that holds the value of the NumberExpression turned into a String. If the value of this NumberExpression changes, the value of the StringBinding will be updated automatically.

      The conversion is done without any formatting applied.

      Specified by:
      asString in interface NumberExpression
      the new StringBinding
    • asString Link icon

      public StringBinding asString(String format)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a StringBinding that holds the value of the NumberExpression turned into a String. If the value of this NumberExpression changes, the value of the StringBinding will be updated automatically.

      The result is formatted according to the formatting String. See java.util.Formatter for formatting rules.

      Specified by:
      asString in interface NumberExpression
      format - the formatting String
      the new StringBinding
    • asString Link icon

      public StringBinding asString(Locale locale, String format)
      Description copied from interface: NumberExpression
      Creates a StringBinding that holds the value of the NumberExpression turned into a String. If the value of this NumberExpression changes, the value of the StringBinding will be updated automatically.

      The result is formatted according to the formatting String and the passed in Locale. See java.util.Formatter for formatting rules. See java.util.Locale for details on Locale.

      Specified by:
      asString in interface NumberExpression
      locale - the Locale to be used
      format - the formatting String
      the new StringBinding