Module javafx.base

Class ReadOnlySetWrapper<E>

Type Parameters:
E - the set element type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, Set<E>, Observable, Property<ObservableSet<E>>, ReadOnlyProperty<ObservableSet<E>>, ObservableObjectValue<ObservableSet<E>>, ObservableSetValue<E>, ObservableValue<ObservableSet<E>>, WritableObjectValue<ObservableSet<E>>, WritableSetValue<E>, WritableValue<ObservableSet<E>>, ObservableSet<E>

public class ReadOnlySetWrapper<E> extends SimpleSetProperty<E>
This class provides a convenient class to define read-only properties. It creates two properties that are synchronized. One property is read-only and can be passed to external users. The other property is read- and writable and should be used internally only.
JavaFX 2.1