Class Animation

Direct Known Subclasses:
Timeline, Transition

public abstract class Animation extends Object
The class Animation provides the core functionality of all animations used in the JavaFX runtime.

An animation can run in a loop by setting cycleCount. To make an animation run back and forth while looping, set the autoReverse -flag.

Call play() or playFromStart() to play an Animation . The Animation progresses in the direction and speed specified by rate, and stops when its duration is elapsed. An Animation with indefinite duration (a cycleCount of INDEFINITE) runs repeatedly until the stop() method is explicitly called, which will stop the running Animation and reset its play head to the initial position.

An Animation can be paused by calling pause(), and the next play() call will resume the Animation from where it was paused.

An Animation's play head can be randomly positioned, whether it is running or not. If the Animation is running, the play head jumps to the specified position immediately and continues playing from new position. If the Animation is not running, the next play() will start the Animation from the specified position.

Inverting the value of rate toggles the play direction.

The animation runs on the JavaFX Application Thread.

JavaFX 2.0
See Also: