Package javafx.css

Class StyleConverter<F,T>

Type Parameters:
F - the type of the parsed value
T - the converted type of the ParsedValueImpl
Direct Known Subclasses:
BooleanConverter, ColorConverter, CursorConverter, DeriveColorConverter, DeriveSizeConverter, DurationConverter, DurationConverter.SequenceConverter, EffectConverter, EnumConverter, FontConverter, FontConverter.FontSizeConverter, FontConverter.FontStyleConverter, FontConverter.FontWeightConverter, InsetsConverter, InsetsConverter.SequenceConverter, LadderConverter, PaintConverter, PaintConverter.ImagePatternConverter, PaintConverter.LinearGradientConverter, PaintConverter.RadialGradientConverter, PaintConverter.RepeatingImagePatternConverter, PaintConverter.SequenceConverter, ShapeConverter, SizeConverter, SizeConverter.SequenceConverter, StopConverter, StringConverter, StringConverter.SequenceConverter, URLConverter, URLConverter.SequenceConverter

public class StyleConverter<F,T> extends Object
StyleConverter converts ParsedValue<F,T> from type F to type T. The CssMetaData API requires a StyleConverter which is used when computing a value for the StyleableProperty. There are a number of predefined converters which are accessible by the static methods of this class. F is the type of the parsed value and T is the converted type of the ParsedValueImpl. For example, a converter from String to Color would be declared

     public Color convert(ParsedValueImpl<String,Color> value, Font font)

JavaFX 8.0
See Also: