Package javafx.print

Enum Class PrinterJob.JobStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<PrinterJob.JobStatus>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum PrinterJob.JobStatus extends Enum<PrinterJob.JobStatus>
An enum class used in reporting status of a print job. Applications can listen to the job status via the jobStatus property, or may query it directly using getJobStatus().

The typical life cycle of a job is as follows :

  • job will be created with status NOT_STARTED and will stay there during configuration via dialogs etc.
  • job will enter state PRINTING when the first page is printed.
  • job will enter state DONE once the job is successfully completed without being cancelled or encountering an error. The job is now completed.
  • A job that encounters an ERROR or is CANCELED is also considered completed.

A job may not revert to an earlier status in its life cycle and the current job state affects operations that may be performed. For example a job may not begin printing again if it has previously passed that state and entered any of the termination states.

JavaFX 8.0