Class Background


public final class Background extends Object
The Background of a Region. A Background is an immutable object which encapsulates the entire set of data required to render the background of a Region. Because this class is immutable, you can freely reuse the same Background on many different Regions. Please refer to JavaFX CSS Reference Guide for a complete description of the CSS rules for styling the background of a Region.

Every Background is comprised of fills and / or images. Neither list will ever be null, but either or both may be empty. Each defined BackgroundFill is rendered in order, followed by each defined BackgroundImage.

The Background's outsets define any extension of the drawing area of a Region which is necessary to account for all background drawing. These outsets are strictly defined by the BackgroundFills that are specified on this Background, if any, because all BackgroundImages are clipped to the drawing area, and do not define it. The outsets values are strictly non-negative.

JavaFX 8.0