Class BorderImage


public class BorderImage extends Object
Defines properties describing how to render an image as the border of some Region. A BorderImage must have an Image specified (it cannot be null). The repeatX and repeatY properties define how the image is to be repeated in each direction. The slices property defines how to slice up the image such that it can be stretched across the Region, while the widths defines the area on the Region to fill with the border image. Finally, the outsets define the distance outward from the edge of the border over which the border extends. The outsets of the BorderImage contribute to the outsets of the Border, which in turn contribute to the bounds of the Region.

Because the BorderImage is immutable, it can safely be used in any cache, and can safely be reused among multiple Regions.

When applied to a Region with a defined shape, a BorderImage is ignored.

JavaFX 8.0