Interface ModuleElement.DirectiveVisitor<R,P>

Type Parameters:
R - the return type of this visitor's methods. Use Void for visitors that do not need to return results.
P - the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods. Use Void for visitors that do not need an additional parameter.
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ModuleElement.DirectiveVisitor<R,P>
A visitor of module directives, in the style of the visitor design pattern. Classes implementing this interface are used to operate on a directive when the kind of directive is unknown at compile time. When a visitor is passed to a directive's accept method, the visitXyz method applicable to that directive is invoked.

Classes implementing this interface may or may not throw a NullPointerException if the additional parameter p is null; see documentation of the implementing class for details.

WARNING: It is possible that methods will be added to this interface to accommodate new, currently unknown, language structures added to future versions of the Java programming language. Methods to accommodate new language constructs will be added in a source compatible way using default methods.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • visit Link icon

      default R visit(ModuleElement.Directive d)
      Visits any directive as if by passing itself to that directive's accept method and passing null for the additional parameter.
      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation is d.accept(v, null).
      d - the directive to visit
      a visitor-specified result
    • visit Link icon

      default R visit(ModuleElement.Directive d, P p)
      Visits any directive as if by passing itself to that directive's accept method.
      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation is d.accept(v, p).
      d - the directive to visit
      p - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
    • visitRequires Link icon

      R visitRequires(ModuleElement.RequiresDirective d, P p)
      Visits a requires directive.
      d - the directive to visit
      p - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
    • visitExports Link icon

      R visitExports(ModuleElement.ExportsDirective d, P p)
      Visits an exports directive.
      d - the directive to visit
      p - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
    • visitOpens Link icon

      R visitOpens(ModuleElement.OpensDirective d, P p)
      Visits an opens directive.
      d - the directive to visit
      p - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
    • visitUses Link icon

      R visitUses(ModuleElement.UsesDirective d, P p)
      Visits a uses directive.
      d - the directive to visit
      p - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
    • visitProvides Link icon

      R visitProvides(ModuleElement.ProvidesDirective d, P p)
      Visits a provides directive.
      d - the directive to visit
      p - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
    • visitUnknown Link icon

      default R visitUnknown(ModuleElement.Directive d, P p)
      Visits an unknown directive. This can occur if the language evolves and new kinds of directive are added.
      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation throws new UnknownDirectiveException(d, p).
      d - the directive to visit
      p - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
      UnknownDirectiveException - a visitor implementation may optionally throw this exception