Class PrinterMakeAndModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Attribute, PrintServiceAttribute

public final class PrinterMakeAndModel extends TextSyntax implements PrintServiceAttribute
Class PrinterMakeAndModel is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that the make and model of the printer.

IPP Compatibility: The string value gives the IPP name value. The locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by getName() gives the IPP attribute name.

See Also:
  • Constructor Summary Link icon

    PrinterMakeAndModel(String makeAndModel, Locale locale)
    Constructs a new printer make and model attribute with the given make and model string and locale.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    equals(Object object)
    Returns whether this printer make and model attribute is equivalent to the passed in object.
    final Class<? extends Attribute>
    Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category" for this printing attribute value.
    final String
    Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an instance.

    Methods declared in class javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax Link icon

    getLocale, getValue, hashCode, toString

    Methods declared in class java.lang.Object Link icon

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • PrinterMakeAndModel Link icon

      public PrinterMakeAndModel(String makeAndModel, Locale locale)
      Constructs a new printer make and model attribute with the given make and model string and locale.
      makeAndModel - printer make and model string
      locale - natural language of the text string. null is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by Locale.getDefault()
      NullPointerException - if makeAndModel is null
  • Method Details Link icon

    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Returns whether this printer make and model attribute is equivalent to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
      1. object is not null.
      2. object is an instance of class PrinterMakeAndModel.
      3. This printer make and model attribute's underlying string and object's underlying string are equal.
      4. This printer make and model attribute's locale and object's locale are equal.
      equals in class TextSyntax
      object - Object to compare to
      true if object is equivalent to this printer make and model attribute, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • getCategory Link icon

      public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory()
      Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category" for this printing attribute value.

      For class PrinterMakeAndModel, the category is class PrinterMakeAndModel itself.

      Specified by:
      getCategory in interface Attribute
      printing attribute class (category), an instance of class java.lang.Class
    • getName Link icon

      public final String getName()
      Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an instance.

      For class PrinterMakeAndModel, the category name is "printer-make-and-model".

      Specified by:
      getName in interface Attribute
      attribute category name