Class JSpinner.NumberEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, LayoutManager, MenuContainer, PropertyChangeListener, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, ChangeListener
Enclosing class:

public static class JSpinner.NumberEditor extends JSpinner.DefaultEditor
An editor for a JSpinner whose model is a SpinnerNumberModel. The value of the editor is displayed with a JFormattedTextField whose format is defined by a NumberFormatter instance whose minimum and maximum properties are mapped to the SpinnerNumberModel.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • NumberEditor Link icon

      public NumberEditor(JSpinner spinner)
      Construct a JSpinner editor that supports displaying and editing the value of a SpinnerNumberModel with a JFormattedTextField. This NumberEditor becomes both a ChangeListener on the spinner and a PropertyChangeListener on the new JFormattedTextField.
      spinner - the spinner whose model this editor will monitor
      IllegalArgumentException - if the spinners model is not an instance of SpinnerNumberModel
      See Also:
    • NumberEditor Link icon

      public NumberEditor(JSpinner spinner, String decimalFormatPattern)
      Construct a JSpinner editor that supports displaying and editing the value of a SpinnerNumberModel with a JFormattedTextField. This NumberEditor becomes both a ChangeListener on the spinner and a PropertyChangeListener on the new JFormattedTextField.
      spinner - the spinner whose model this editor will monitor
      decimalFormatPattern - the initial pattern for the DecimalFormat object that's used to display and parse the value of the text field.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the spinners model is not an instance of SpinnerNumberModel or if decimalFormatPattern is not a legal argument to DecimalFormat
      See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon