Class LayoutStyle


public abstract class LayoutStyle extends Object
LayoutStyle provides information about how to position components. This class is primarily useful for visual tools and layout managers. Most developers will not need to use this class.

You typically don't set or create a LayoutStyle. Instead use the static method getInstance to obtain the current instance.

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • LayoutStyle Link icon

      public LayoutStyle()
      Creates a new LayoutStyle. You generally don't create a LayoutStyle. Instead use the method getInstance to obtain the current LayoutStyle.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • setInstance Link icon

      public static void setInstance(LayoutStyle style)
      Sets the shared instance of LayoutStyle. Specifying null results in using the LayoutStyle from the current LookAndFeel.
      style - the LayoutStyle, or null
      See Also:
    • getInstance Link icon

      public static LayoutStyle getInstance()
      Returns the shared instance of LayoutStyle. If an instance has not been specified in setInstance, this will return the LayoutStyle from the current LookAndFeel.
      the shared instance of LayoutStyle
      See Also:
    • getPreferredGap Link icon

      public abstract int getPreferredGap(JComponent component1, JComponent component2, LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement type, int position, Container parent)
      Returns the amount of space to use between two components. The return value indicates the distance to place component2 relative to component1. For example, the following returns the amount of space to place between component2 and component1 when component2 is placed vertically above component1:
         int gap = getPreferredGap(component1, component2,
                                   SwingConstants.NORTH, parent);
      The type parameter indicates the relation between the two components. If the two components will be contained in the same parent and are showing similar logically related items, use RELATED. If the two components will be contained in the same parent but show logically unrelated items use UNRELATED. Some look and feels may not distinguish between the RELATED and UNRELATED types.

      The return value is not intended to take into account the current size and position of component2 or component1. The return value may take into consideration various properties of the components. For example, the space may vary based on font size, or the preferred size of the component.

      component1 - the JComponent component2 is being placed relative to
      component2 - the JComponent being placed
      type - how the two components are being placed
      position - the position component2 is being placed relative to component1; one of SwingConstants.NORTH, SwingConstants.SOUTH, SwingConstants.EAST or SwingConstants.WEST
      parent - the parent of component2; this may differ from the actual parent and it may be null
      the amount of space to place between the two components
      NullPointerException - if component1, component2 or type is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if position is not one of SwingConstants.NORTH, SwingConstants.SOUTH, SwingConstants.EAST or SwingConstants.WEST
      See Also:
    • getContainerGap Link icon

      public abstract int getContainerGap(JComponent component, int position, Container parent)
      Returns the amount of space to place between the component and specified edge of its parent.
      component - the JComponent being positioned
      position - the position component is being placed relative to its parent; one of SwingConstants.NORTH, SwingConstants.SOUTH, SwingConstants.EAST or SwingConstants.WEST
      parent - the parent of component; this may differ from the actual parent and may be null
      the amount of space to place between the component and specified edge
      IllegalArgumentException - if position is not one of SwingConstants.NORTH, SwingConstants.SOUTH, SwingConstants.EAST or SwingConstants.WEST