Class MenuSelectionManager


public class MenuSelectionManager extends Object
A MenuSelectionManager owns the selection in menu hierarchy.
  • Field Details

    • changeEvent

      protected transient ChangeEvent changeEvent
      Only one ChangeEvent is needed per button model instance since the event's only state is the source property. The source of events generated is always "this".
    • listenerList

      protected EventListenerList listenerList
      The collection of registered listeners
  • Constructor Details

    • MenuSelectionManager

      public MenuSelectionManager()
      Constructs a MenuSelectionManager.
  • Method Details

    • defaultManager

      public static MenuSelectionManager defaultManager()
      Returns the default menu selection manager.
      a MenuSelectionManager object
    • setSelectedPath

      public void setSelectedPath(MenuElement[] path)
      Changes the selection in the menu hierarchy. The elements in the array are sorted in order from the root menu element to the currently selected menu element.

      Note that this method is public but is used by the look and feel engine and should not be called by client applications.

      path - an array of MenuElement objects specifying the selected path
    • getSelectedPath

      public MenuElement[] getSelectedPath()
      Returns the path to the currently selected menu item
      an array of MenuElement objects representing the selected path
    • clearSelectedPath

      public void clearSelectedPath()
      Tell the menu selection to close and unselect all the menu components. Call this method when a choice has been made
    • addChangeListener

      public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
      Adds a ChangeListener to the button.
      l - the listener to add
    • removeChangeListener

      public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
      Removes a ChangeListener from the button.
      l - the listener to remove
    • getChangeListeners

      public ChangeListener[] getChangeListeners()
      Returns an array of all the ChangeListeners added to this MenuSelectionManager with addChangeListener().
      all of the ChangeListeners added or an empty array if no listeners have been added
    • fireStateChanged

      protected void fireStateChanged()
      Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. The event instance is created lazily.
      See Also:
    • processMouseEvent

      public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent event)
      When a MenuElement receives an event from a MouseListener, it should never process the event directly. Instead all MenuElements should call this method with the event.
      event - a MouseEvent object
    • componentForPoint

      public Component componentForPoint(Component source, Point sourcePoint)
      Returns the component in the currently selected path which contains sourcePoint.
      source - The component in whose coordinate space sourcePoint is given
      sourcePoint - The point which is being tested
      The component in the currently selected path which contains sourcePoint (relative to the source component's coordinate space. If sourcePoint is not inside a component on the currently selected path, null is returned.
    • processKeyEvent

      public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)
      When a MenuElement receives an event from a KeyListener, it should never process the event directly. Instead all MenuElements should call this method with the event.
      e - a KeyEvent object
    • isComponentPartOfCurrentMenu

      public boolean isComponentPartOfCurrentMenu(Component c)
      Return true if c is part of the currently used menu
      c - a Component
      true if c is part of the currently used menu, false otherwise