Class UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue extends Object implements UIDefaults.LazyValue
This class provides an implementation of LazyValue which can be used to delay loading of the Class for the instance to be created. It also avoids creation of an anonymous inner class for the LazyValue subclass. Both of these improve performance at the time that a a Look and Feel is loaded, at the cost of a slight performance reduction the first time createValue is called (since Reflection APIs are used).
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ProxyLazyValue Link icon

      public ProxyLazyValue(String c)
      Creates a LazyValue which will construct an instance when asked.
      c - a String specifying the classname of the instance to be created on demand
    • ProxyLazyValue Link icon

      public ProxyLazyValue(String c, String m)
      Creates a LazyValue which will construct an instance when asked.
      c - a String specifying the classname of the class containing a static method to be called for instance creation
      m - a String specifying the static method to be called on class c
    • ProxyLazyValue Link icon

      public ProxyLazyValue(String c, Object[] o)
      Creates a LazyValue which will construct an instance when asked.
      c - a String specifying the classname of the instance to be created on demand
      o - an array of Objects to be passed as parameters to the constructor in class c
    • ProxyLazyValue Link icon

      public ProxyLazyValue(String c, String m, Object[] o)
      Creates a LazyValue which will construct an instance when asked.
      c - a String specifying the classname of the class containing a static method to be called for instance creation.
      m - a String specifying the static method to be called on class c
      o - an array of Objects to be passed as parameters to the static method in class c
  • Method Details Link icon

    • createValue Link icon

      public Object createValue(UIDefaults table)
      Creates the value retrieved from the UIDefaults table. The object is created each time it is accessed.
      Specified by:
      createValue in interface UIDefaults.LazyValue
      table - a UIDefaults table
      the created Object