Class BasicGraphicsUtils


public class BasicGraphicsUtils extends Object
Convenient util class.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • BasicGraphicsUtils Link icon

      public BasicGraphicsUtils()
      Constructs a BasicGraphicsUtils.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • drawEtchedRect Link icon

      public static void drawEtchedRect(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color shadow, Color darkShadow, Color highlight, Color lightHighlight)
      Draws an etched rectangle.
      g - an instance of Graphics
      x - an X coordinate
      y - an Y coordinate
      w - a width
      h - a height
      shadow - a color of shadow
      darkShadow - a color of dark shadow
      highlight - a color highlighting
      lightHighlight - a color of light highlighting
    • getEtchedInsets Link icon

      public static Insets getEtchedInsets()
      Returns the amount of space taken up by a border drawn by drawEtchedRect()
      the inset of an etched rect
    • drawGroove Link icon

      public static void drawGroove(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color shadow, Color highlight)
      Draws a groove.
      g - an instance of Graphics
      x - an X coordinate
      y - an Y coordinate
      w - a width
      h - a height
      shadow - a color of shadow
      highlight - a color highlighting
    • getGrooveInsets Link icon

      public static Insets getGrooveInsets()
      Returns the amount of space taken up by a border drawn by drawGroove()
      the inset of a groove border
    • drawBezel Link icon

      public static void drawBezel(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean isPressed, boolean isDefault, Color shadow, Color darkShadow, Color highlight, Color lightHighlight)
      Draws a bezel.
      g - an instance of Graphics
      x - an X coordinate
      y - an Y coordinate
      w - a width
      h - a height
      isPressed - is component pressed
      isDefault - is default drawing
      shadow - a color of shadow
      darkShadow - a color of dark shadow
      highlight - a color highlighting
      lightHighlight - a color of light highlighting
    • drawLoweredBezel Link icon

      public static void drawLoweredBezel(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color shadow, Color darkShadow, Color highlight, Color lightHighlight)
      Draws a lowered bezel.
      g - an instance of Graphics
      x - an X coordinate
      y - an Y coordinate
      w - a width
      h - a height
      shadow - a color of shadow
      darkShadow - a color of dark shadow
      highlight - a color highlighting
      lightHighlight - a color of light highlighting
    • drawString Link icon

      public static void drawString(Graphics g, String text, int underlinedChar, int x, int y)
      Draw a string with the graphics g at location (x,y) just like g.drawString would. The first occurrence of underlineChar in text will be underlined. The matching algorithm is not case sensitive.
      g - an instance of Graphics
      text - a text
      underlinedChar - an underlined char
      x - an X coordinate
      y - an Y coordinate
    • drawStringUnderlineCharAt Link icon

      public static void drawStringUnderlineCharAt(Graphics g, String text, int underlinedIndex, int x, int y)
      Draw a string with the graphics g at location (x, y) just like g.drawString would. The character at index underlinedIndex in text will be underlined. If index is beyond the bounds of text (including < 0), nothing will be underlined.
      g - Graphics to draw with
      text - String to draw
      underlinedIndex - Index of character in text to underline
      x - x coordinate to draw at
      y - y coordinate to draw at
    • drawDashedRect Link icon

      public static void drawDashedRect(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
      Draws dashed rectangle.
      g - an instance of Graphics
      x - an X coordinate
      y - an Y coordinate
      width - a width of rectangle
      height - a height of rectangle
    • getPreferredButtonSize Link icon

      public static Dimension getPreferredButtonSize(AbstractButton b, int textIconGap)
      Returns the preferred size of the button.
      b - an instance of AbstractButton
      textIconGap - a gap between text and icon
      the preferred size of the button
    • drawString Link icon

      public static void drawString(JComponent c, Graphics2D g, String string, float x, float y)
      Draws the given string at the specified location using text properties and anti-aliasing hints from the provided component. Nothing is drawn for the null string.
      c - the component that will display the string, may be null
      g - the graphics context, must not be null
      string - the string to display, may be null
      x - the x coordinate to draw the text at
      y - the y coordinate to draw the text at
      NullPointerException - if the specified g is null
    • drawStringUnderlineCharAt Link icon

      public static void drawStringUnderlineCharAt(JComponent c, Graphics2D g, String string, int underlinedIndex, float x, float y)
      Draws the given string at the specified location underlining the specified character. The provided component is used to query text properties and anti-aliasing hints.

      The underlinedIndex parameter points to a char value (Unicode code unit) in the given string. If the char value specified at the underlined index is in the high-surrogate range and the char value at the following index is in the low-surrogate range then the supplementary character corresponding to this surrogate pair is underlined.

      No character is underlined if the index is negative or greater than the string length (index < 0 || index >= string.length()) or if the char value specified at the given index is in the low-surrogate range.

      c - the component that will display the string, may be null
      g - the graphics context, must not be null
      string - the string to display, may be null
      underlinedIndex - index of a char value (Unicode code unit) in the string to underline
      x - the x coordinate to draw the text at
      y - the y coordinate to draw the text at
      NullPointerException - if the specified g is null
      See Also:
    • getClippedString Link icon

      public static String getClippedString(JComponent c, FontMetrics fm, String string, int availTextWidth)
      Clips the passed in string to the space provided. The provided component is used to query text properties and anti-aliasing hints. The unchanged string is returned if the space provided is greater than the string width.
      c - the component, may be null
      fm - the FontMetrics used to measure the string width, must be obtained from the correct font and graphics. Must not be null.
      string - the string to clip, may be null
      availTextWidth - the amount of space that the string can be drawn in
      the clipped string that fits in the provided space, an empty string if the given string argument is null or empty
      NullPointerException - if the specified fm is null
      See Also:
    • getStringWidth Link icon

      public static float getStringWidth(JComponent c, FontMetrics fm, String string)
      Returns the width of the passed in string using text properties and anti-aliasing hints from the provided component. If the passed string is null, returns zero.
      c - the component, may be null
      fm - the FontMetrics used to measure the advance string width, must be obtained from the correct font and graphics. Must not be null.
      string - the string to get the advance width of, may be null
      the advance width of the specified string, zero is returned for null string
      NullPointerException - if the specified fm is null