Class SynthScrollBarUI

All Implemented Interfaces:
LayoutManager, PropertyChangeListener, EventListener, SynthConstants, SynthUI, SwingConstants

public class SynthScrollBarUI extends BasicScrollBarUI implements PropertyChangeListener, SynthUI
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for JScrollBar.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • SynthScrollBarUI Link icon

      public SynthScrollBarUI()
      Constructs a SynthScrollBarUI.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • createUI Link icon

      public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
      Returns a UI.
      c - a component
      a UI
    • getContext Link icon

      public SynthContext getContext(JComponent c)
      Returns the Context for the specified component.
      Specified by:
      getContext in interface SynthUI
      c - Component requesting SynthContext.
      SynthContext describing component.
    • update Link icon

      public void update(Graphics g, JComponent c)
      Notifies this UI delegate to repaint the specified component. This method paints the component background, then calls the paint(SynthContext,Graphics) method.

      In general, this method does not need to be overridden by subclasses. All Look and Feel rendering code should reside in the paint method.

      update in class ComponentUI
      g - the Graphics object used for painting
      c - the component being painted
      See Also:
    • paint Link icon

      public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c)
      Paints the specified component according to the Look and Feel.

      This method is not used by Synth Look and Feel. Painting is handled by the paint(SynthContext,Graphics) method.

      paint in class ComponentUI
      g - the Graphics object used for painting
      c - the component being painted
      See Also:
    • paint Link icon

      protected void paint(SynthContext context, Graphics g)
      Paints the specified component.
      context - context for the component being painted
      g - the Graphics object used for painting
      See Also:
    • paintBorder Link icon

      public void paintBorder(SynthContext context, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h)
      Paints the border.
      Specified by:
      paintBorder in interface SynthUI
      context - a component context
      g - Graphics to paint on
      x - the X coordinate
      y - the Y coordinate
      w - width of the border
      h - height of the border
    • paintTrack Link icon

      protected void paintTrack(SynthContext context, Graphics g, Rectangle trackBounds)
      Paints the scrollbar track.
      context - context for the component being painted
      g - Graphics object used for painting
      trackBounds - bounding box for the track
    • paintThumb Link icon

      protected void paintThumb(SynthContext context, Graphics g, Rectangle thumbBounds)
      Paints the scrollbar thumb.
      context - context for the component being painted
      g - Graphics object used for painting
      thumbBounds - bounding box for the thumb
    • getPreferredSize Link icon

      public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c)
      A vertical scrollbar's preferred width is the maximum of preferred widths of the (non null) increment/decrement buttons, and the minimum width of the thumb. The preferred height is the sum of the preferred heights of the same parts. The basis for the preferred size of a horizontal scrollbar is similar.

      The preferredSize is only computed once, subsequent calls to this method just return a cached size.

      getPreferredSize in class BasicScrollBarUI
      c - the JScrollBar that's delegating this method to us
      the preferred size of a Basic JScrollBar
      See Also:
    • propertyChange Link icon

      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
      Description copied from interface: PropertyChangeListener
      This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
      Specified by:
      propertyChange in interface PropertyChangeListener
      e - A PropertyChangeEvent object describing the event source and the property that has changed.