Interface TableColumnModel

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TableColumnModel
Defines the requirements for a table column model object suitable for use with JTable.
See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • addColumn Link icon

      void addColumn(TableColumn aColumn)
      Appends aColumn to the end of the tableColumns array. This method posts a columnAdded event to its listeners.
      aColumn - the TableColumn to be added
      See Also:
    • removeColumn Link icon

      void removeColumn(TableColumn column)
      Deletes the TableColumn column from the tableColumns array. This method will do nothing if column is not in the table's column list. This method posts a columnRemoved event to its listeners.
      column - the TableColumn to be removed
      See Also:
    • moveColumn Link icon

      void moveColumn(int columnIndex, int newIndex)
      Moves the column and its header at columnIndex to newIndex. The old column at columnIndex will now be found at newIndex. The column that used to be at newIndex is shifted left or right to make room. This will not move any columns if columnIndex equals newIndex. This method posts a columnMoved event to its listeners.
      columnIndex - the index of column to be moved
      newIndex - index of the column's new location
      IllegalArgumentException - if columnIndex or newIndex are not in the valid range
    • setColumnMargin Link icon

      void setColumnMargin(int newMargin)
      Sets the TableColumn's column margin to newMargin. This method posts a columnMarginChanged event to its listeners.
      newMargin - the width, in pixels, of the new column margins
      See Also:
    • getColumnCount Link icon

      int getColumnCount()
      Returns the number of columns in the model.
      the number of columns in the model
    • getColumns Link icon

      Enumeration<TableColumn> getColumns()
      Returns an Enumeration of all the columns in the model.
      an Enumeration of all the columns in the model
    • getColumnIndex Link icon

      int getColumnIndex(Object columnIdentifier)
      Returns the index of the first column in the table whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals.
      columnIdentifier - the identifier object
      the index of the first table column whose identifier is equal to identifier
      IllegalArgumentException - if identifier is null, or no TableColumn has this identifier
      See Also:
    • getColumn Link icon

      TableColumn getColumn(int columnIndex)
      Returns the TableColumn object for the column at columnIndex.
      columnIndex - the index of the desired column
      the TableColumn object for the column at columnIndex
    • getColumnMargin Link icon

      int getColumnMargin()
      Returns the width between the cells in each column.
      the margin, in pixels, between the cells
    • getColumnIndexAtX Link icon

      int getColumnIndexAtX(int xPosition)
      Returns the index of the column that lies on the horizontal point, xPosition; or -1 if it lies outside the any of the column's bounds. In keeping with Swing's separable model architecture, a TableColumnModel does not know how the table columns actually appear on screen. The visual presentation of the columns is the responsibility of the view/controller object using this model (typically JTable). The view/controller need not display the columns sequentially from left to right. For example, columns could be displayed from right to left to accommodate a locale preference or some columns might be hidden at the request of the user. Because the model does not know how the columns are laid out on screen, the given xPosition should not be considered to be a coordinate in 2D graphics space. Instead, it should be considered to be a width from the start of the first column in the model. If the column index for a given X coordinate in 2D space is required, JTable.columnAtPoint can be used instead.
      xPosition - width from the start of the first column in the model.
      the index of the column; or -1 if no column is found
      See Also:
    • getTotalColumnWidth Link icon

      int getTotalColumnWidth()
      Returns the total width of all the columns.
      the total computed width of all columns
    • setColumnSelectionAllowed Link icon

      void setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean flag)
      Sets whether the columns in this model may be selected.
      flag - true if columns may be selected; otherwise false
      See Also:
    • getColumnSelectionAllowed Link icon

      boolean getColumnSelectionAllowed()
      Returns true if columns may be selected.
      true if columns may be selected
      See Also:
    • getSelectedColumns Link icon

      int[] getSelectedColumns()
      Returns an array of indices of all selected columns.
      an array of integers containing the indices of all selected columns; or an empty array if nothing is selected
    • getSelectedColumnCount Link icon

      int getSelectedColumnCount()
      Returns the number of selected columns.
      the number of selected columns; or 0 if no columns are selected
    • setSelectionModel Link icon

      void setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel newModel)
      Sets the selection model.
      newModel - a ListSelectionModel object
      See Also:
    • getSelectionModel Link icon

      ListSelectionModel getSelectionModel()
      Returns the current selection model.
      a ListSelectionModel object
      See Also:
    • addColumnModelListener Link icon

      void addColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener x)
      Adds a listener for table column model events.
      x - a TableColumnModelListener object
    • removeColumnModelListener Link icon

      void removeColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener x)
      Removes a listener for table column model events.
      x - a TableColumnModelListener object