Class MBeanConstructorInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, DescriptorRead
Direct Known Subclasses:
ModelMBeanConstructorInfo, OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport

public class MBeanConstructorInfo extends MBeanFeatureInfo implements Cloneable
Describes a constructor exposed by an MBean. Instances of this class are immutable. Subclasses may be mutable but this is not recommended.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • MBeanConstructorInfo Link icon

      public MBeanConstructorInfo(String description, Constructor<?> constructor)
      Constructs an MBeanConstructorInfo object. The Descriptor of the constructed object will include fields contributed by any annotations on the Constructor object that contain the DescriptorKey meta-annotation.
      description - A human readable description of the operation.
      constructor - The java.lang.reflect.Constructor object describing the MBean constructor.
    • MBeanConstructorInfo Link icon

      public MBeanConstructorInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature)
      Constructs an MBeanConstructorInfo object.
      name - The name of the constructor.
      description - A human readable description of the constructor.
      signature - MBeanParameterInfo objects describing the parameters(arguments) of the constructor. This may be null with the same effect as a zero-length array.
    • MBeanConstructorInfo Link icon

      public MBeanConstructorInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature, Descriptor descriptor)
      Constructs an MBeanConstructorInfo object.
      name - The name of the constructor.
      description - A human readable description of the constructor.
      signature - MBeanParameterInfo objects describing the parameters(arguments) of the constructor. This may be null with the same effect as a zero-length array.
      descriptor - The descriptor for the constructor. This may be null which is equivalent to an empty descriptor.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • clone Link icon

      public Object clone()

      Returns a shallow clone of this instance. The clone is obtained by simply calling super.clone(), thus calling the default native shallow cloning mechanism implemented by Object.clone(). No deeper cloning of any internal field is made.

      Since this class is immutable, cloning is chiefly of interest to subclasses.

      clone in class Object
      a clone of this instance.
      See Also:
    • getSignature Link icon

      public MBeanParameterInfo[] getSignature()

      Returns the list of parameters for this constructor. Each parameter is described by an MBeanParameterInfo object.

      The returned array is a shallow copy of the internal array, which means that it is a copy of the internal array of references to the MBeanParameterInfo objects but that each referenced MBeanParameterInfo object is not copied.

      An array of MBeanParameterInfo objects.
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Compare this MBeanConstructorInfo to another.
      equals in class MBeanFeatureInfo
      o - the object to compare to.
      true if and only if o is an MBeanConstructorInfo such that its MBeanFeatureInfo.getName(), MBeanFeatureInfo.getDescription(), getSignature(), and MBeanFeatureInfo.getDescriptor() values are equal (not necessarily identical) to those of this MBeanConstructorInfo. Two signature arrays are equal if their elements are pairwise equal.
      See Also: