Class RuntimeMBeanException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RuntimeMBeanException extends JMRuntimeException
Represents runtime exceptions thrown by MBean methods in the agent. It "wraps" the actual java.lang.RuntimeException exception thrown. This exception will be built by the MBeanServer when a call to an MBean method throws a runtime exception.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • RuntimeMBeanException Link icon

      public RuntimeMBeanException(RuntimeException e)
      Creates a RuntimeMBeanException that wraps the actual java.lang.RuntimeException.
      e - the wrapped exception.
    • RuntimeMBeanException Link icon

      public RuntimeMBeanException(RuntimeException e, String message)
      Creates a RuntimeMBeanException that wraps the actual java.lang.RuntimeException with a detailed message.
      e - the wrapped exception.
      message - the detail message.
  • Method Details Link icon