Class LinkException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LinkLoopException, MalformedLinkException

public class LinkException extends NamingException
This exception is used to describe problems encountered while resolving links. Additional information is added to the base NamingException for pinpointing the problem with the link.

Analogously to how NamingException captures name resolution information, LinkException captures "link"-name resolution information pinpointing the problem encountered while resolving a link. All these fields may be null.

  • Link Resolved Name. Portion of link name that has been resolved.
  • Link Resolved Object. Object to which resolution of link name proceeded.
  • Link Remaining Name. Portion of link name that has not been resolved.
  • Link Explanation. Detail explaining why link resolution failed.

A LinkException instance is not synchronized against concurrent multithreaded access. Multiple threads trying to access and modify a single LinkException instance should lock the object.

See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • linkResolvedName Link icon

      protected Name linkResolvedName
      Contains the part of the link that has been successfully resolved. It is a composite name and can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
      See Also:
    • linkResolvedObj Link icon

      protected Object linkResolvedObj
      Contains the object to which resolution of the part of the link was successful. Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
      See Also:
    • linkRemainingName Link icon

      protected Name linkRemainingName
      Contains the remaining link name that has not been resolved yet. It is a composite name and can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
      See Also:
    • linkExplanation Link icon

      protected String linkExplanation
      Contains the exception of why resolution of the link failed. Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • LinkException Link icon

      public LinkException(String explanation)
      Constructs a new instance of LinkException with an explanation. All the other fields are initialized to null.
      explanation - A possibly null string containing additional detail about this exception.
      See Also:
    • LinkException Link icon

      public LinkException()
      Constructs a new instance of LinkException. All the non-link-related and link-related fields are initialized to null.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getLinkResolvedName Link icon

      public Name getLinkResolvedName()
      Retrieves the leading portion of the link name that was resolved successfully.
      The part of the link name that was resolved successfully. It is a composite name. It can be null, which means the link resolved name field has not been set.
      See Also:
    • getLinkRemainingName Link icon

      public Name getLinkRemainingName()
      Retrieves the remaining unresolved portion of the link name.
      The part of the link name that has not been resolved. It is a composite name. It can be null, which means the link remaining name field has not been set.
      See Also:
    • getLinkResolvedObj Link icon

      public Object getLinkResolvedObj()
      Retrieves the object to which resolution was successful. This is the object to which the resolved link name is bound.
      The possibly null object that was resolved so far. If null, it means the link resolved object field has not been set.
      See Also:
    • getLinkExplanation Link icon

      public String getLinkExplanation()
      Retrieves the explanation associated with the problem encountered when resolving a link.
      The possibly null detail string explaining more about the problem with resolving a link. If null, it means there is no link detail message for this exception.
      See Also:
    • setLinkExplanation Link icon

      public void setLinkExplanation(String msg)
      Sets the explanation associated with the problem encountered when resolving a link.
      msg - The possibly null detail string explaining more about the problem with resolving a link. If null, it means no detail will be recorded.
      See Also:
    • setLinkResolvedName Link icon

      public void setLinkResolvedName(Name name)
      Sets the resolved link name field of this exception.

      name is a composite name. If the intent is to set this field using a compound name or string, you must "stringify" the compound name, and create a composite name with a single component using the string. You can then invoke this method using the resulting composite name.

      A copy of name is made and stored. Subsequent changes to name do not affect the copy in this NamingException and vice versa.

      name - The name to set resolved link name to. This can be null. If null, it sets the link resolved name field to null.
      See Also:
    • setLinkRemainingName Link icon

      public void setLinkRemainingName(Name name)
      Sets the remaining link name field of this exception.

      name is a composite name. If the intent is to set this field using a compound name or string, you must "stringify" the compound name, and create a composite name with a single component using the string. You can then invoke this method using the resulting composite name.

      A copy of name is made and stored. Subsequent changes to name do not affect the copy in this NamingException and vice versa.

      name - The name to set remaining link name to. This can be null. If null, it sets the remaining name field to null.
      See Also:
    • setLinkResolvedObj Link icon

      public void setLinkResolvedObj(Object obj)
      Sets the link resolved object field of this exception. This indicates the last successfully resolved object of link name.
      obj - The object to set link resolved object to. This can be null. If null, the link resolved object field is set to null.
      See Also:
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      Generates the string representation of this exception. This string consists of the NamingException information plus the link's remaining name. This string is used for debugging and not meant to be interpreted programmatically.
      toString in class NamingException
      The non-null string representation of this link exception.
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString(boolean detail)
      Generates the string representation of this exception. This string consists of the NamingException information plus the additional information of resolving the link. If 'detail' is true, the string also contains information on the link resolved object. If false, this method is the same as the form of toString() that accepts no parameters. This string is used for debugging and not meant to be interpreted programmatically.
      toString in class NamingException
      detail - If true, add information about the link resolved object.
      The non-null string representation of this link exception.