Class RealmChoiceCallback

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Callback

public class RealmChoiceCallback extends ChoiceCallback
This callback is used by SaslClient and SaslServer to obtain a realm given a list of realm choices.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • RealmChoiceCallback Link icon

      public RealmChoiceCallback(String prompt, String[] choices, int defaultChoice, boolean multiple)
      Constructs a RealmChoiceCallback with a prompt, a list of choices and a default choice.
      prompt - the non-null prompt to use to request the realm.
      choices - the non-null list of realms to choose from.
      defaultChoice - the choice to be used as the default choice when the list of choices is displayed. It is an index into the choices array.
      multiple - true if multiple choices allowed; false otherwise
      IllegalArgumentException - If prompt is null or the empty string, if choices has a length of 0, if any element from choices is null or empty, or if defaultChoice does not fall within the array boundary of choices