Class CardPermission

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Guard

public class CardPermission extends Permission
A permission for Smart Card operations. A CardPermission consists of the name of the card terminal the permission applies to and a set of actions that are valid for that terminal.

A CardPermission with a name of * applies to all card terminals. The actions string is a comma separated list of the actions listed below, or * to signify "all actions."

Individual actions are:

connect to a card using CardTerminal.connect()
reset the card using Card.disconnect(true)
establish exclusive access to a card using Card.beginExclusive() and endExclusive()
transmit a control command using Card.transmitControlCommand()
obtain the basic logical channel using Card.getBasicChannel()
open a new logical channel using Card.openLogicalChannel()
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • CardPermission Link icon

      public CardPermission(String terminalName, String actions)
      Constructs a new CardPermission with the specified actions. terminalName is the name of a CardTerminal or * if this permission applies to all terminals. actions contains a comma-separated list of the individual actions or * to signify all actions. For more information, see the documentation at the top of this class.
      terminalName - the name of the card terminal, or *
      actions - the action string (or null if the set of permitted actions is empty)
      NullPointerException - if terminalName is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if actions is an invalid actions specification
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getActions Link icon

      public String getActions()
      Returns the canonical string representation of the actions. It is * to signify all actions defined by this class or the string concatenation of the comma-separated, lexicographically sorted list of individual actions.
      Specified by:
      getActions in class Permission
      the canonical string representation of the actions.
    • implies Link icon

      public boolean implies(Permission permission)
      Checks if this CardPermission object implies the specified permission. That is the case, if and only if
      • permission is an instance of CardPermission,

      • permission's actions are a proper subset of this object's actions, and

      • this object's getName() method is either * or equal to permission's name.

      Specified by:
      implies in class Permission
      permission - the permission to check against
      true if and only if this CardPermission object implies the specified permission.
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Compares the specified object with this CardPermission for equality. This CardPermission is equal to another Object object, if and only if
      • object is an instance of CardPermission,

      • this.getName() is equal to ((CardPermission)object).getName(), and

      • this.getActions() is equal to ((CardPermission)object).getActions().

      Specified by:
      equals in class Permission
      obj - the object to be compared for equality with this CardPermission
      true if and only if the specified object is equal to this CardPermission
      See Also:
    • hashCode Link icon

      public int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code value for this CardPermission object.
      Specified by:
      hashCode in class Permission
      the hash code value for this CardPermission object.
      See Also: