Interface InvokeInstruction

All Superinterfaces:
ClassFileElement, CodeElement, Instruction

public sealed interface InvokeInstruction extends Instruction
Models a method invocation instruction in the code array of a Code attribute, other than invokedynamic. Corresponding opcodes have a kind of Opcode.Kind.INVOKE. Delivered as a CodeElement when traversing the elements of a CodeModel.

A method invocation instruction is composite:

    Opcode opcode,
    MethodRefEntry | InterfaceMethodRefEntry method)
where method must be an InterfaceMethodRefEntry for invokeinterface opcode, and must be a MethodRefEntry for invokevirtual opcode. invokestatic and invokespecial can have either type of entry for method.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • method

      MemberRefEntry method()
      Returns the MethodRefEntry or InterfaceMethodRefEntry constant described by this instruction.
      the MethodRefEntry or InterfaceMethodRefEntry constant described by this instruction
    • isInterface

      boolean isInterface()
      Returns whether the class or interface holding the method is an interface.
      whether the class or interface holding the method is an interface
    • count

      int count()
      Returns the count value of an invokeinterface instruction, or 0 for other instructions.

      For an invokeinterface instruction, this value must be equivalent to the sum of slot sizes of all arguments plus one, which is equal to the number of operand stack depth consumed by this interface method invocation instruction.

      the count value of an invokeinterface instruction, or 0 for other instructions
      See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
      6.5.invokeinterface invokeinterface
    • owner

      default ClassEntry owner()
      Returns the class or interface holding the method.
      the class or interface holding the method
    • name

      default Utf8Entry name()
      Returns the name of the method.
      the name of the method
    • type

      default Utf8Entry type()
      Returns the method descriptor string of the method.
      API Note:
      A symbolic descriptor for the type of the method is available through typeSymbol().
      the method descriptor string of the method
    • typeSymbol

      default MethodTypeDesc typeSymbol()
      Returns a symbolic descriptor for the method type.
      a symbolic descriptor for the method type
    • of

      static InvokeInstruction of(Opcode op, MemberRefEntry method)
      Returns an invocation instruction.
      op - the opcode for the specific type of invocation instruction, which must be of kind Opcode.Kind.INVOKE
      method - a constant pool entry describing the method
      an invocation instruction
      IllegalArgumentException - if the opcode kind is not Opcode.Kind.INVOKE
    • of

      static InvokeInstruction of(Opcode op, ClassEntry owner, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry type, boolean isInterface)
      Returns an invocation instruction.
      op - the opcode for the specific type of invocation instruction, which must be of kind Opcode.Kind.INVOKE
      owner - the class holding the method
      name - the name of the method
      type - the method descriptor
      isInterface - whether the class holding the method is an interface
      an invocation instruction
      IllegalArgumentException - if the opcode kind is not Opcode.Kind.INVOKE
    • of

      static InvokeInstruction of(Opcode op, ClassEntry owner, NameAndTypeEntry nameAndType, boolean isInterface)
      Returns an invocation instruction.
      op - the opcode for the specific type of invocation instruction, which must be of kind Opcode.Kind.INVOKE
      owner - the class holding the method
      nameAndType - the name and type of the method
      isInterface - whether the class holding the method is an interface
      an invocation instruction
      IllegalArgumentException - if the opcode kind is not Opcode.Kind.INVOKE