Interface RMIServer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
RMIJRMPServerImpl, RMIServerImpl, RMIServerImpl_Stub

public interface RMIServer extends Remote

RMI object used to establish connections to an RMI connector. There is one Remote object implementing this interface for each RMI connector.

User code does not usually refer to this interface. It is specified as part of the public API so that different implementations of that API will interoperate.

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    The version of the RMI Connector Protocol understood by this connector server.
    newClient(Object credentials)
    Makes a new connection through this RMI connector.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getVersion Link icon

      String getVersion() throws RemoteException

      The version of the RMI Connector Protocol understood by this connector server. This is a string with the following format:

       protocol-version implementation-name

      The protocol-version is a series of two or more non-negative integers separated by periods (.). An implementation of the version described by this documentation must use the string 1.0 here.

      After the protocol version there must be a space, followed by the implementation name. The format of the implementation name is unspecified. It is recommended that it include an implementation version number. An implementation can use an empty string as its implementation name, for example for security reasons.

      a string with the format described here.
      RemoteException - if there is a communication exception during the remote method call.
    • newClient Link icon

      RMIConnection newClient(Object credentials) throws IOException

      Makes a new connection through this RMI connector. Each remote client calls this method to obtain a new RMI object representing its connection.

      credentials - this object specifies the user-defined credentials to be passed in to the server in order to authenticate the user before creating the RMIConnection. Can be null.
      the newly-created connection object.
      IOException - if the new client object cannot be created or exported, or if there is a communication exception during the remote method call.
      SecurityException - if the given credentials do not allow the server to authenticate the caller successfully.